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Major Changes for FM22 Touch and Beyond Blog

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35 minutes ago, Samelders said:

Agreed.. I can't spend 25 hours to complete one season, I have a life to manage too ;)

In FMT it cost me like 5-10  hours depending on how many managers I had or use simulate match a lot..


It might be that the average FM player is like 15-20 years old and the FMT player is 30+ and has jobs, wifes and kids

You could be right about the ages. I follow the FM sub on Reddit, and the amount of nonsense posted on there, would suggest that players are younger 

Just seems weird that SI would cut so many of their customers off, with such short notice 

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4 hours ago, Samelders said:

I agree with you! It's a shame they removed some features in the 2021 FMT version.. But I rather choose an imperfect game with no updated data than having to play the fullgame FM 2022 (too slow and too much repetitive actions) or FMT XBox (with only 10 leagues and 30 year of career span)

I even tried the FM 2021 Fullgame demo, but it's just too boring and sooo much stupid interviews and interactions.. 

Gosh, I just found out the transfermarket is still bugged iin FMT 2021 in the Dutch league (where i play).. Can't believe they didn't even fix that, it has been reported in April. Such terrible support from SI again.. 

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On 10/10/2021 at 19:19, freakydancin said:

I'd quite happily pay the same price as the full game for Touch. I'm not convinced this has been looked into properly. As with tens of thousands of other people, the only way I play is on tablet. The data collated by SI is from Steam only. My gut feeling is that Microsoft and Nintendo have asked for exclusivity in their contracts. 

SI will have data on the number of sales, amount of play time, etc, on Android and Apple tablets. It's just not data that's made as public as the number of people playing a game on Steam, which is the only info we have, and SI haven't publicly provided all the figures on sales on all stores, number of players, etc, and if they're like the vast majority of other developers, that information won't be made public.

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But in the end of the day I can't imagine SI dropping FMT for tablets if the game was lucrative. 

Só despite the sales numbers, in the end of the year they were probably loosing money or not gaining what they expected. 

I do agree that FMT is, probably, played by older players with less time to play but the numbers they showed are overwhelming and there's a huge difference, to my surprise, between the playing hours of FM and FMT. 

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2 hours ago, JordanMillward_1 said:

SI will have data on the number of sales, amount of play time, etc, on Android and Apple tablets. It's just not data that's made as public as the number of people playing a game on Steam, which is the only info we have, and SI haven't publicly provided all the figures on sales on all stores, number of players, etc, and if they're like the vast majority of other developers, that information won't be made public.

The number of sales yes, playtime probably not. I mean, how could they know that? Its an offline game on tablets. I sound tetchy but I'm genuinely heartbroken. This was my last chance of keeping my CM/FM relationship alive. There is no way Touch made a loss financially.

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I just hope that there is a big step up in FMM, this year. You'd think there would need to be one or two major announcements, to hook those who were planning on buying Touch 

It's just a big disappointment, that they waited until October to say that the game wasn't coming back, except on switch 

People had been asking about FMT on twitter and were being told that :exciting news 'was coming soon. I'm not sure that' exciting 'is the word I'd have used... 

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Always bought the full fat game and just played the PC Touch version.


Thread feels like FMLive dying all over again

Been gifted FM22 for my birthday this year, but I’ve played the Classic/Touch version since inception. I don’t know how I’ll cope with the changes as bar the two week Beta fiasco where Touch was not released last season I’ve not touched that version of the game 


Understand business decisions, but wonder what pot of money my historical purchases sat in!!


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4 horas atrás, SaintPaul disse:

Só espero que haja um grande avanço no FMM, este ano. Você pensaria que seria necessário um ou dois anúncios importantes, para prender aqueles que planejavam comprar Touch 

É só uma grande decepção, que eles esperaram até outubro para dizer que o jogo não voltaria, exceto no switch 

As pessoas estavam perguntando sobre o FMT no Twitter e ouvindo que: notícias empolgantes 'viriam em breve. Não tenho certeza se 'emocionante' é a palavra que eu teria usado ... 

They could have warned much earlier. Not just on Twitter but on all social networks. These questions were asked and the answer was this, exciting news. Who was it exciting? The chip hasn't gone down yet, all the news about FM 22 and it hurts even more.

Edited by bluman
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On 06/10/2021 at 17:30, Neil Brock said:

Definitely certain aspects within 'full' FM can be set to be handled by your assistant and staff through staff responsibilities.

Many of us want the game to be as realistic as possible. In lower leagues, setting the assistant to handle training is not realistic and it ruins the feeling of the game.

It feels like SI want to break up with me, but I refuse to end this relationship. I'll go where you take me, so 'full fat' here we come. I guess I'll spend a year on one FM-season, but at least FM will be on my mind on a weekly basis.

I'm still sad though, and I'm also extremely disappointed that these changes were not announced much earlier.



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2 hours ago, Burbian De Bay said:

Many of us want the game to be as realistic as possible. In lower leagues, setting the assistant to handle training is not realistic and it ruins the feeling of the game.

It feels like SI want to break up with me, but I refuse to end this relationship. I'll go where you take me, so 'full fat' here we come. I guess I'll spend a year on one FM-season, but at least FM will be on my mind on a weekly basis.

I'm still sad though, and I'm also extremely disappointed that these changes were not announced much earlier.



That's fine, as said you can pick and choose what you want your assistant to do. Want to manage training but not do press conferences? Easy to do.

Want to do press conferences but not team talks? Easy to do. 

Want to handle all player and staff contracts except U18 staff? Easy to do. 

We really do give the player lots of flexibility with staff responsibilities. 

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15 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

That's fine, as said you can pick and choose what you want your assistant to do. Want to manage training but not do press conferences? Easy to do.

Want to do press conferences but not team talks? Easy to do. 

Want to handle all player and staff contracts except U18 staff? Easy to do. 

We really do give the player lots of flexibility with staff responsibilities. 

Just answer about the touch controls.

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1 hour ago, Neil Brock said:

That's fine, as said you can pick and choose what you want your assistant to do. Want to manage training but not do press conferences? Easy to do.

Want to do press conferences but not team talks? Easy to do. 

Want to handle all player and staff contracts except U18 staff? Easy to do. 

We really do give the player lots of flexibility with staff responsibilities. 

And we can't load lots of leagues and breeze through seasons because a season still takes like 20 hours, while in Touch with instant result more like 5 hours. 

You just don't understand it's not the same.. Or you don't want to understand how I play your game.. 

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1 hour ago, Neil Brock said:

That's fine, as said you can pick and choose what you want your assistant to do. Want to manage training but not do press conferences? Easy to do.

Want to do press conferences but not team talks? Easy to do. 

Want to handle all player and staff contracts except U18 staff? Easy to do. 

We really do give the player lots of flexibility with staff responsibilities. 

Thanks for replying. I'll give it a try.

I really hope that everyone else is finding a ideal solution too. As @Samelders says we're playing the game in different ways and I believe FMC was the perfect solution to please everyone.

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Sad sad news. For the first time in forever, I will not be buying FM. The full fat version is just unplayable for me. I find it boring and takes such a long time to finish a season. Unfortunately there is no editor to update the database for Touch either. It will be a sad year without FM but it is what it is. Hopefully a new football management game comes out soon. 

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If you are a PC/laptop based player and do have some reservations about the speed of the main game, I would absolutely recommend trying the demo even if only for FM21 and the responsibilities. It slips under the radar since you don't interact with it often. Improvements on this front probably were one of the bigger things that let me move back across from FMT fully with FM21. Here's a snapshot of mine from my save in FM21:


Most of the media stuff I hand over to my assistant as well, just via the button in game, personally I just like the option to wade in with those from time to time. 

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I plan to buy Xbox Edition for the PC purely to do my bit to demonstrate that Touch is wanted, is worthwhile, and is important to a large number of people. 


It'll be weird not trying out different editor files, but ultimately I don't go far over 100 hours on the bloated FM, and do at least 5 times that on Touch - so it's a no brainer considering the fact I will only buy one. 


All the stuff Miles mentioned yesterday regarding team talks etc ... Zero interest in it. Never have, never will. 


Mobile is too basic, Bloated is, well, bloated, and touch was the sweet spot. 


I'm loathe to encourage SI/contribute to them, but if spending £30 helps them realise that Touch is still wanted, so be it.

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22 minutes ago, santy001 said:

If you are a PC/laptop based player and do have some reservations about the speed of the main game, I would absolutely recommend trying the demo even if only for FM21 and the responsibilities. It slips under the radar since you don't interact with it often. Improvements on this front probably were one of the bigger things that let me move back across from FMT fully with FM21. Here's a snapshot of mine from my save in FM21:


Most of the media stuff I hand over to my assistant as well, just via the button in game, personally I just like the option to wade in with those from time to time. 

That's fine and I appreciate the information, but many of us want to be responsible for all this ourselves. The good thing about FMC is that you can control all this in an easy way and it still feels realistic. If I should've been responsible for all this in 'full FM' I would simply not have had the time due to all details, and it doesn't feel realistic to let the assistant be responsible when managing in a lower league.

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I can appreciate that @Burbian De Bay but its very much opinion based. The biggest driving force for me switching, and why those press conferences and media interactions are still there - in FMT I never felt I could as a manager, manage the peaks and troughs in player performance. There was a lack of realism for me there because I couldn't use the press interactions and team talks to temper overconfidence or repair damaged morale.

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Money spent last year on video games:

- 45€ FM21 & FMT21 PC

- 22€ FMT21 Tablet Android

- Game pass subscription


Money i will spend this year:

- Game pass Subscription (let me try FM22 and FM XBOX Edition 2022)


VERY sad because of FMT but good news for my wallet.


I want to think that it is an exclusive issue with Nintendo and Microsoft and we will see Touch again in 2 or 3 years...

Maybe the best way out of this problem is, as they have said above, a "Legacy Edition" or something  similar. It would be the smartest thing and a good detail of SIGAMES with all of us. Some of us are consumers since the last century...




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1 hour ago, santy001 said:

I can appreciate that @Burbian De Bay but its very much opinion based. The biggest driving force for me switching, and why those press conferences and media interactions are still there - in FMT I never felt I could as a manager, manage the peaks and troughs in player performance. There was a lack of realism for me there because I couldn't use the press interactions and team talks to temper overconfidence or repair damaged morale.

Thanks. I appreciate your effort. Actually I'm already sold when it comes to 'full FM' and I hope my wife and kids will be too. I know it's not SI's fault that I don't have time for computer games, but I do get upset when 'the first one is free' and then they take it away. After almost 30 years with CM/ FM I've never complained about bugs, glitches, missing features and so on, but I do understand that people are frustrated now. However, I do also understand the aspect of the business and I'll do my best to be positive. When I first have to complain it is better to do it here than to yell at my wife, who probably thinks I'm spending too much time on FM anyways.

And I guess you are right; FMC is more difficult when team talk is 'missing'. The mid-season slump in can be a nightmare if you are not a tactical genius. 

As said above; I'll give it a try and I hope I'll not get dissapointed. Thanks again.

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The main issue I've encountered from others is with regards to being able to play on a tablet (myself included). It's literally pick up and play. Great for those 30 minute windows of peace and quiet, from an otherwise hectic world. It was the perfect fit for me and plenty of others. 

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7 hours ago, santy001 said:

If you are a PC/laptop based player and do have some reservations about the speed of the main game, I would absolutely recommend trying the demo even if only for FM21 and the responsibilities. It slips under the radar since you don't interact with it often. Improvements on this front probably were one of the bigger things that let me move back across from FMT fully with FM21. Here's a snapshot of mine from my save in FM21:


Most of the media stuff I hand over to my assistant as well, just via the button in game, personally I just like the option to wade in with those from time to time. 

The demo only lets you play one league. In FMT I loaded like 20 countries and over 30 leagues.. I don't want a slow game. Or are you saying you are able to complete a full season on FM in less than 15 hours?

Edited by Samelders
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Just now, Samelders said:

The demo only lets you play one league. In FMT I loaded like 20 countries and over 30 leagues.. I don't want a slow game. Or are you saying you are able to complete a full season on FM in less than 15 hours?

How fast the game processes the leagues you've got loaded is more down to detail level and the like. Most of what slows it down, in my experience at least, is the amount of additional tasks you can pick up as a manager in FM vs FMT. 

The reason I recommend trying the demo is because you can interact with the responsibilities, find a sweet spot that you're comfortable with and then see how it feels in terms of playing through the game. The leagues obviously do have an impact, but if you're comfortable with the playing experience of those on FMT then having those same leagues on the main FM game should not in any way be a barrier for you. Just match up your detail levels.

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15 minutes ago, santy001 said:

How fast the game processes the leagues you've got loaded is more down to detail level and the like. Most of what slows it down, in my experience at least, is the amount of additional tasks you can pick up as a manager in FM vs FMT. 

The reason I recommend trying the demo is because you can interact with the responsibilities, find a sweet spot that you're comfortable with and then see how it feels in terms of playing through the game. The leagues obviously do have an impact, but if you're comfortable with the playing experience of those on FMT then having those same leagues on the main FM game should not in any way be a barrier for you. Just match up your detail levels.

Ok, thanks for your reply. Maybe I will give FM a try, but first I have to make sure they don't have ruined the Dutch transfermarket again.. Shocking how bad FM2021 was in comparison to FM2020 in that regard, 

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8 hours ago, freakydancin said:

The main issue I've encountered from others is with regards to being able to play on a tablet (myself included). It's literally pick up and play. Great for those 30 minute windows of peace and quiet, from an otherwise hectic world. It was the perfect fit for me and plenty of others. 

If that's the case it explains how versatile FMT is/ has been.

It's a pity that we are not part of the 'wider FM community'. 

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2 hours ago, Burbian De Bay said:

If that's the case it explains how versatile FMT is/ has been.

It's a pity that we are not part of the 'wider FM community'. 

You seem to be taking this very personally, when it appears to have been a matter of "It takes £x to make FM Touch for PC/Andoid/iPad, and we are only getting back £y. We can't afford to continue spending the money/staff/workhours on this, and it'd be better to redirect those resources elsewhere".

You can't expect a developer to continue producing a product if there isn't the consumer base for it. I'm not saying it's good or right, but it's capitalism, and until that changes, SI is gonna have to make decisions that work best for the company. It's exactly the same reason why they ceased compatibility of the main game with Linux - there just weren't the number of people running it on Linux to justify the cost of ensuring compatibility.

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iPad and Android tablet owners have really been screwed over here… I’m not sure many people see a streaming only,  subscription only game pass alternative as a suitable solution


On the brightside maybe I can sell my iPad now cause it really was just an FM Machine

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On 12/10/2021 at 13:02, Samelders said:

And we can't load lots of leagues and breeze through seasons because a season still takes like 20 hours, while in Touch with instant result more like 5 hours. 

Not that it will fix things for you, but there is often created skins for the full fat version that enables the instant result possibility. I think SI have said it's something they don't support officially, and I don't know if it's possible for FM22, but it worked fine in FM21. I used it myself a few times.

I even had a game where I tried to simulate being more of a DoF type to see how it was. Where I controlled the transfers and such, but instant resulted all matches from a basic tactic. Worked fine and it was possible to speed through the season quite quickly. I've not experimented with auto-continues (it's an option, don't know if it was in FMT), but heard it enables even more speedy seasons.

Not saying this to invalidate your view, just trying to offer options that might let you play as you want, or at least try out to see if it can work.

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47 minutes ago, XaW said:

Not that it will fix things for you, but there is often created skins for the full fat version that enables the instant result possibility. I think SI have said it's something they don't support officially, and I don't know if it's possible for FM22, but it worked fine in FM21. I used it myself a few times.

I even had a game where I tried to simulate being more of a DoF type to see how it was. Where I controlled the transfers and such, but instant resulted all matches from a basic tactic. Worked fine and it was possible to speed through the season quite quickly. I've not experimented with auto-continues (it's an option, don't know if it was in FMT), but heard it enables even more speedy seasons.

Not saying this to invalidate your view, just trying to offer options that might let you play as you want, or at least try out to see if it can work.

Thanks for the tips!

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8 hours ago, JordanMillward_1 said:

You seem to be taking this very personally, when it appears to have been a matter of "It takes £x to make FM Touch for PC/Andoid/iPad, and we are only getting back £y. We can't afford to continue spending the money/staff/workhours on this, and it'd be better to redirect those resources elsewhere".

You can't expect a developer to continue producing a product if there isn't the consumer base for it. I'm not saying it's good or right, but it's capitalism, and until that changes, SI is gonna have to make decisions that work best for the company. It's exactly the same reason why they ceased compatibility of the main game with Linux - there just weren't the number of people running it on Linux to justify the cost of ensuring compatibility.

It is personal yes, you're correct on that one thing. That's what FM is about right? Escaping reality on a personal level 

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9 minutes ago, freakydancin said:

It would cost very a little for a database update for the existing game.

While the time of researchers like myself may cost very little for you, it wouldn't be particularly appealing for me to have to provide two broadly similar sets of data in different ways so that one is compatible with a previous version of FMT and that another is compatible with the present version of FM. 

That's before you even have to figure out a way for SI to get around the primary problem, FMT21 has a limited shelf life in which SI can be actively working with it based on licensing agreements. You can't go back and buy FMT20 through Steam. 

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35 minutes ago, santy001 said:

While the time of researchers like myself may cost very little for you, it wouldn't be particularly appealing for me to have to provide two broadly similar sets of data in different ways so that one is compatible with a previous version of FMT and that another is compatible with the present version of FM. 

That's before you even have to figure out a way for SI to get around the primary problem, FMT21 has a limited shelf life in which SI can be actively working with it based on licensing agreements. You can't go back and buy FMT20 through Steam. 

Firstly, I appreciate your efforts and it is something I value dearly, so thank you.

How does this work with the xbox and switch versions then? Can their data transfer easy from the main game? Is this the issue with Touch then, that the game is basically outdated? 

I've moaned a lot here, but it's been a way of life for me for nearly 30 years. Touch is the only way I can continue to play presently. 

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6 minutes ago, freakydancin said:

How does this work with the xbox and switch versions then?

Each annual edition of FM has changes in the way things are done from a research perspective, but for FM22 everything will be the same across the FM22 titles under whatever label they may have (from a research perspective). However by FM23 there will be some more changes. Changes in the way attributes work, changes to contractual clauses not just in how they work but how they're applied. New features bring new attributes. The QA testers come back and point out that a player who was absolutely fine last year is now performing too strongly or too weakly. 

One example is over the last couple of years how we set optional extra years for a player has changed. A few years ago pace and acceleration were rebalanced in the ME and attribute weightings. This meant that CA's changed without changing a single attribute on a player. 

It's very easy to slap a name on a particular portrayal and claim its a player, but if that top player, with a distinct style is behaving nothing like themselves in the ME and wider game world, then its a failing on our part and I'm sure most others like myself aim to avoid that. If we're then looking to do that for multiple editions of the game its going to come crashing down extremely quickly because it would be too much and not doing that would just make it a hollower experience for it. What's the point in providing a data update if its correct in name only?

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If xbox version is the new FMT version for PC, why is the xbox version being provided free with the full fat PC version.. Many prefer FMT but play the full fat for challanges such as Dafuge.

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1 hour ago, santy001 said:

Each annual edition of FM has changes in the way things are done from a research perspective, but for FM22 everything will be the same across the FM22 titles under whatever label they may have (from a research perspective). However by FM23 there will be some more changes. Changes in the way attributes work, changes to contractual clauses not just in how they work but how they're applied. New features bring new attributes. The QA testers come back and point out that a player who was absolutely fine last year is now performing too strongly or too weakly. 

One example is over the last couple of years how we set optional extra years for a player has changed. A few years ago pace and acceleration were rebalanced in the ME and attribute weightings. This meant that CA's changed without changing a single attribute on a player. 

It's very easy to slap a name on a particular portrayal and claim its a player, but if that top player, with a distinct style is behaving nothing like themselves in the ME and wider game world, then its a failing on our part and I'm sure most others like myself aim to avoid that. If we're then looking to do that for multiple editions of the game its going to come crashing down extremely quickly because it would be too much and not doing that would just make it a hollower experience for it. What's the point in providing a data update if its correct in name only?

You've completely answered my question and more so thank you. And I agree with the data update. If it can't be completed properly then it shouldn't be an option. I'm just a grumpy old man. I will continue playing FMT21 and hope for a development in future years. Thanks for the discussion, its been very insightful.

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hace 1 hora, santy001 dijo:

Each annual edition of FM has changes in the way things are done from a research perspective, but for FM22 everything will be the same across the FM22 titles under whatever label they may have (from a research perspective). However by FM23 there will be some more changes. Changes in the way attributes work, changes to contractual clauses not just in how they work but how they're applied. New features bring new attributes. The QA testers come back and point out that a player who was absolutely fine last year is now performing too strongly or too weakly. 

One example is over the last couple of years how we set optional extra years for a player has changed. A few years ago pace and acceleration were rebalanced in the ME and attribute weightings. This meant that CA's changed without changing a single attribute on a player. 

It's very easy to slap a name on a particular portrayal and claim its a player, but if that top player, with a distinct style is behaving nothing like themselves in the ME and wider game world, then its a failing on our part and I'm sure most others like myself aim to avoid that. If we're then looking to do that for multiple editions of the game its going to come crashing down extremely quickly because it would be too much and not doing that would just make it a hollower experience for it. What's the point in providing a data update if its correct in name only?

You don't know how much these messages are appreciated in which the internal functioning of the game is explained. Thanks for that.

The thing is that in a version that doesn't change nothing (FMT 21 Legacy Edition) the atributtes will always work the same way. It would not be easier to do an annual update on the parameters of this invariable edition?? Only change the numbers. Or better... give to us a tool for update this numbers manually.

I think it would be something to think about seriously. 

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is it possible to buy the PC 'Xbox Edition' - on Mac OS? I'd like to play FM22 in streamlined (Touch / Classic) fashion on the Mac but the only game I saw mentioned in the blog for Mac was the full one? yet later on in the blog post about killing off touch it said that a streamlined version will still be playable on all platforms? so which is the streamlined option for me on Mac?

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Seems a shame that this product is to be discontinued. The older versions will eventually fail with iOS and android updates. Would have thought touch was a road to gaining a new audience for the full fat game too. I just don’t see kids gaming in the same way as us older uns do and did. Also technology is advancing so rapidly I probably assumed full fat would make it to tablet sooner or later. I’d already decided to go full version this year but do like the accessibility of touch for a quick half hour or so. Surely tho 3d match engines and touch will be supported on higher end mobiles and in some cases probably already could. Would that in itself not give a bigger potential audience for touch? Would love to know how the mobile sales and play figures compare because in my honest opinion mobile is far too simplistic for the average fm player. 

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On 14/10/2021 at 10:47, Loren1983 said:

The thing is that in a version that doesn't change nothing (FMT 21 Legacy Edition) the atributtes will always work the same way.

You're right and that's exactly where the issue lies. For FMT21 consistency will always be out of 25 games. If that changes in the future to be out of say 20 games or 30 games - it would require an enormous change looking back at data for a game locked in the past. That's with what is a relatively straight forward/binary attribute. If in the future some of the more subjective attributes get a change with evolution of the ME (or even in the background such as for hidden attributes like professionalism) then it becomes a lot more difficult. 

The biggest issue of course, even beyond this one, is that some time in November SI have to stop selling FMT 21 completely. No one will be able to buy a new copy directly from SI. There will be a finite supply of third party key sellers, but they're never getting replaced either. Releasing updates and supporting the game after this point likely becomes tied up in licensing issues too although I'm far too ignorant of how that all works. 

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This will be my 28th year of CM/FM, starting out with Champ Man 1993 (with 94 season update) as a seven year old. Of course, those first 11 years I had a tremendous amount of free time around school etc, a little less as I entered the working/university years, and then each subsequent year less and less time to play and enjoy the game that has been the defining hobby and interest of my life (no exaggeration). I've spent more time playing CM/FM than engaging with real-life football.

FM Touch was for me the modern equivalent of those simpler times, allowing us to speedily get into and through a season without the level of micro-management that I know some of you love. I know the full game now has a lot of 'hand over responsibility' options (which I do, a lot, when loading a 'full' game) but it's still a higher level of detail and time commitment to get 'right'. It's like choosing to do full lap races on the F1 game or 20% race distance - we can still enjoy the core of the game even when time poor. So this decision, while I understand it, is really disappointing. 

One addition that I would really value making it's way over to the full game - and surely others would, too - is the instant result button. It's handy when you want to race through a few games, plus for those of us not blessed graphically, it allows you to enjoy the core of the game without needing to invest in a new machine. I've used a skin with this on the full game for years, but of course it's third party and technically not supported - and what's to say that'll be available this year and beyond. Do SI have plans to bring this functionality across? 

Will also miss the challenges too, which added some interest outside of the normal way to play; often played a challenge simultaneously via iPad with a 'full' game on either Touch or full FM on Mac/PC.

Sorry - bit of a ramble, but outside of family, you're technically (depressingly?!) the longest relationship I've had; this stuff matters, a lot! :lol:

Edited by aj2kuk
Grammar & added line about challenges
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6 hours ago, aj2kuk said:


One addition that I would really value making it's way over to the full game - and surely others would, too - is the instant result button. It's handy when you want to race through a few games

Brilliant point, I completely agree. I cannot understand at all why it isn't there by default, it's such a massive step backwards to not have it. 

I think adding this feature would appease the disappointed Touch fans more than any other gesture, and it would surely be of benefit to regular players 

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On 15/10/2021 at 17:20, FMisback said:

I just don’t see kids gaming in the same way as us older uns do and did.

This is a really good point tbf. My kids absolutely do not play games the way I did. It's all just about a quick turnaround with them and they have no qualms whatsoever about getting a new game and immediately running it side-by-side with a walkthrough on YouTube :mad:

Ultimately the funnel of consumers needs to be topped up with new FM customers and I don't think Fat Mode is especially accessible, and I do think there is *something* between FM Mobile and Fat Mode. It is and was Touch, so I think we may well see it resurface at some point because there's definitely an emerging change in gaming that isn't catered for with the remaining FM options.

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