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Why is there compensation to the other club for non-contract/expired/month to month players?

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I keep coming across players that I need to pay a fortune in compensation for even though the game says they have an expired contract and are now just on month to month deals.

But I can't understand why.

He's Czech, I am a Czech club, he's not young, his wages are only $675 but the compensation is $75,000, the game suggests he is an expired contract.

I am very frustrated because it is not at all clear for the reason of the compensation.

Bug or this some rule that I just can't seem to find anywhere?




Edited by avernoFM
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Similar Issue here in England. Managing Bolton it is Jan 2022. AT start of season I  loaned a RB as a backup from Coventry (Demeaco Duhaney) but could only secure the loan for 6 months because his contract was expiring at the end of the year. January came and he had performed well enough that I decided to offer him a contract. His contact has expired and is on a month to month contract with Coventry. I approached with a contract offer and everything was progressing well until I saw that Coventry are due $700 000 in compensation. Compensation for what. The player can walk away from Coventry anytime he wants.

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I think that's a Czech rule. I experienced the same, when I played there. I asked, and it seems Czechia doesn't use the Bosman ruling (or has a version of compensation) for whatever reason.

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1 hour ago, XaW said:

I think that's a Czech rule. I experienced the same, when I played there. I asked, and it seems Czechia doesn't use the Bosman ruling (or has a version of compensation) for whatever reason.

I thought the Bosman ruling was meant to be EU wide?

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5 minutes ago, avernoFM said:

I thought the Bosman ruling was meant to be EU wide?

Me too, but I think I asked in the league specific issues thread in FM20 or something and got told the compensation rule was correct.

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I hope we can get some in-game clarity on these sorts of things

Its not good having {EXP} next to their name and your scouts telling you that you can have him for free, only to get to the player discussion for it to finally say there will be massive compensation.

Thanks for the assistance XaW, I guess you must be right.

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