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tipp on how to have a fast game with a data base of 100k+ players

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I found out about this very late because the star-speed-rating is misleading.

I used to add far too many leagues and even made them all playable, just to have the players and so that the clubs would produce more regens which of course made the game very slow.

The trick is to only have the leagues you really are interested in and then add the players via adding continents instead of having more leagues. I didn't do that before because why would I, the speed-star rating still indicates your game is getting slow. But this is because it's only basing it on the number of players which is wrong. Of course it does make a small difference because of transfer activities etc. but without the leagues the game doesnt have to process all the fixtures which weighs far more heavily.

And with this method, regens are produced just like with playable leagues.

in case someone reads this, maybe you can fix the star-speed-rating for FM23. There is no way I would have found out about this "trick" the regular way. And even youtubers like Zealand still tell you to add leagues and then make them even playable if you want to have more players and regens.

Unfortunately you cannot add continents to an ongoing save. At least not that I know of.  So you have to start a new game.

Edited by Feron
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Yes, this is a good way to get in a more varied pool of players. I always add "Current international players" and "Players from clubs in continental competitions" for all continents when starting a new save rather than adding too many leagues.


Another positive thing with this is that most national sides will have a full (-ish) squad and that's always nice to see.


The slight drawback is that the marked for players can be a bit over-saturated with players, so there will be fewer cases of a bidding war since the pool of available players are quite high compared to the active leagues, if you select very few at least.

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You are mixing up two different concepts/purposes. To have more players in the DB you can do what you said but the reason of adding more leagues is mainly to have more competition from AI with more teams competing for your players etc and to have a more realistic world around you. If you load too many players and not enought playable competitions, nobody out of your league will compete to sign them and it will be so difficult to sell players as there is more offer than demand.

Read this thread about how to create a balanced game world, that is what most of us aim for (at the cost of speed in some cases).


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15 hours ago, Icy said:

You are mixing up two different concepts/purposes. To have more players in the DB you can do what you said but the reason of adding more leagues is mainly to have more competition from AI ...

But how are we supposed to know that?  That's my point.

The star-speed-rating seems to be solely based on the player count. So since the continents seemingly slowed down the game just as much I added league after league - leagues I would never have wanted like Columbia, Serbia etc. etc.  (great youth production at cheap prices)

Now I am only adding those leagues that make sense playstyle-wise and competition-wise

But you are right - leagues should be added for other reasons than player count

Edited by Feron
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