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[FM23 EDITOR][MOD] Customize Editor

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In the 23 editor when you add a competition, it doesn't give you the "Mode" option, where you would set "Flexible Format Rules", etc.


The screenshot shows where it should be. For competitions that were already in by default, it shows. Is there a way to get it to give me that option for competitions I create?

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Also I don't think my editor is loading up the skin. How can I know that it did? Would the background be gray instead of the default purple? And if it's not loading the skin, what would cause that? Is because I use steam? I extracted to the editor/skins folder.

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6 horas atrás, Uncle_Sam disse:

In the 23 editor when you add a competition, it doesn't give you the "Mode" option, where you would set "Flexible Format Rules", etc.


The screenshot shows where it should be. For competitions that were already in by default, it shows. Is there a way to get it to give me that option for competitions I create?

Works fine with my portuguese update.


The screenshot doesn't appear.

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Great work you've done mate, congratulations

I've downloaded the first version and it worked fine, but since the last update, i'm having some small problems, i don't know if is because SI updated the editor since your file was released. Some crashes are ocurring in a file i'm working when i try to load another file and copy stages/comps, when i copy and try to reload the database, it crashes. I don't know if it's a compatibility issue with your file and the current version of the editor, or my computer RAM.

Anyway, i think the file has a small bug on the Awards, when i try to create a new record on the history and change the year, it creates an "-1" record and it changes the next on the list.

I would like to know how to remove completely the custom editor UI to change that, and then use it back when needed. I removed the cache and the "editor" on "Documents\Football Manager 2023\skins" folder but it didn't work

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 try to reload the database, it crashes

I had this happen several times to me when creating my own database from scratch without copying anything and without using the mod. It just seems that the editor this year is quite buggy and there are several ways that can induce crashes somewhat consistently.

Edited by MRC
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Solved the issue with my edits loading up. Instead of putting it in a "skins" folder, I just extracted the folders directly into the "documents/sports interactive/editor 2023" folder.


QUESTION: Is there a way to change the parameters of the verification test? I ask because I'm encountering an issue where during the third season of testing teams are playing more than the max number of games in one of the stages of my competition. It doesn't make sense because everything is fine for the first couple of season. I'd like to have it only verify one season, and then run some tests in game to see if I can see the issue there.

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15 horas atrás, silasfbmb disse:

Great work you've done mate, congratulations

I've downloaded the first version and it worked fine, but since the last update, i'm having some small problems, i don't know if is because SI updated the editor since your file was released. Some crashes are ocurring in a file i'm working when i try to load another file and copy stages/comps, when i copy and try to reload the database, it crashes. I don't know if it's a compatibility issue with your file and the current version of the editor, or my computer RAM.

Anyway, i think the file has a small bug on the Awards, when i try to create a new record on the history and change the year, it creates an "-1" record and it changes the next on the list.

I would like to know how to remove completely the custom editor UI to change that, and then use it back when needed. I removed the cache and the "editor" on "Documents\Football Manager 2023\skins" folder but it didn't work

I have updated the file with the files of the last update.

I only activated some hidden stuff, add a new background image, added the U17 comps (thanks @EnigMattic1) and allow some things like change continent in countries and other.

The bug you see is from the editor, not from the mod.

To remove this mod, you need to, in this order,  remove the "editor" on skins folder and clear the editor cache.

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2 horas atrás, Uncle_Sam disse:

QUESTION: Is there a way to change the parameters of the verification test? I ask because I'm encountering an issue where during the third season of testing teams are playing more than the max number of games in one of the stages of my competition. It doesn't make sense because everything is fine for the first couple of season. I'd like to have it only verify one season, and then run some tests in game to see if I can see the issue there.

Don't know if it is possible.


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2 horas atrás, cleiria disse:

I have updated the file with the files of the last update.

I only activated some hidden stuff, add a new background image, added the U17 comps (thanks @EnigMattic1) and allow some things like change continent in countries and other.

The bug you see is from the editor, not from the mod.

To remove this mod, you need to, in this order,  remove the "editor" on skins folder and clear the editor cache.

I'm using the last version you've posted. Unfortunately these issues and the crashing are really from the editor. I have the feeling the first editor version released by SI was more stable... Anyway thanks for the help, i've removed the files and certified the bugs are from the editor, they keep happening...

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Hi all.  really random question, but would there be a way to activate female only leagues using the debug menu?

On another note, I've downloaded this file for the last couple of FM's, mainly just to activate continents within a country and also to add local regions.  Love the addition of the U17 leagues.  I was wondering if there was a tutorial for this tool so i can get a bit more benefit from this?

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Hi everyone,

Using your file, this fields they are visible in the editor but not active. Inside the editor when clicking to add a line nothing appears to edit but it counts in changes to the database. In this case I tried to activate the nationality preference panel of the regens in each specific club.
Do you know if I have to change any other files inside the Comp editor to be able to add information in these hidden fields?

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I am trying to see if there are more Transfer Windows options, but I can't seem to find the XML that belongs to this screen in the exported folder. Anyone has a suggestion? I can find the Transfer Rules and the Work Permit Rules one for instance.



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Em 15/01/2023 em 22:10, fmlover076 disse:

Hi everyone,

Using your file, this fields they are visible in the editor but not active. Inside the editor when clicking to add a line nothing appears to edit but it counts in changes to the database. In this case I tried to activate the nationality preference panel of the regens in each specific club.
Do you know if I have to change any other files inside the Comp editor to be able to add information in these hidden fields?


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Em 15/01/2023 em 22:29, Wolf_pd disse:

I am trying to see if there are more Transfer Windows options, but I can't seem to find the XML that belongs to this screen in the exported folder. Anyone has a suggestion? I can find the Transfer Rules and the Work Permit Rules one for instance.



Good question.

...\format\rule group\advanced\nation

start in line 2055.

Edited by cleiria
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Em 17/01/2023 em 06:17, Samuel77 disse:

Is this the rule that prevents Brazilian players under 18 from leaving Brazil?
If so, would replacing Brazil with the name of another country work?
Or would it be possible to apply it to several countries?

Shouldn't work. You cannot buy any player under 18, not only brazilians, except in european union

Edited by TH3 K1LL3R
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 06/12/2022 at 02:12, cleiria said:

OP updated.

Added the ability to create U17 comps—thanks to @EnigMattic1.



Hi ive done step 1 and 4 (i did not have the step 2 so i skipped as u Said) but i can t see anything regarding u17 competitions. I ve looked for the competition type or on a reserve team to see If i could set up u17 but nothing.. Am i doing something wrong? 

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Em 14/02/2023 em 22:49, rmpMarko disse:

Hi ive done step 1 and 4 (i did not have the step 2 so i skipped as u Said) but i can t see anything regarding u17 competitions. I ve looked for the competition type or on a reserve team to see If i could set up u17 but nothing.. Am i doing something wrong? 



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
45 minutos atrás, cleiria disse:

See if this can help you


Thanks for that, but what i'm actually trying to do is to delete some nations rules from the database.

I know this is not the place, but for some reason, when I start a new game, it mix my edit file with the default rules and make everything random.

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Hey, I have another question.


Do you know how to add a filter to sort which clubs have reserve teams? I only found data to add "reserve teams to create" filter, but that doesn'y help.


So, can someone help?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, in the "Comp Editor" folder, there is this line of code that is linked to any 'B', 'C' or 'D' team:

<!-- name -->
                <flags id="field" value="C4nm" />
                <translation id="name" translation_id="229689" type="use" value="Name" />
                <flags id="type" value="string" />
                <boolean id="is_client_field" value="true" />
                <boolean id="is_language_field" value="true" />
        <list id="read_only_dependencies">
          <record field="C4nt" equals="true" />

Is there anything in there that would enable me to edit the name if changed to "false"?

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This part might be

        <list id="read_only_dependencies">
          <record field="C4nt" equals="true" />

Try setting true to false if that works.

My assumption is here that it normally is readonly although I have no idea what C4nt means.

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45 minutes ago, Wolf_pd said:

This part might be

        <list id="read_only_dependencies">
          <record field="C4nt" equals="true" />

Try setting true to false if that works.

My assumption is here that it normally is readonly although I have no idea what C4nt means.

My understanding is that C=Club, 4=reserve team (you can only have 3 and that line of code was from the 3rd option). If I took the code from the file marked "b team", the code would read C2nt.

However, if I change true to false, The rows with the name in become unselectable.


Also, does anyone know if it is possible to be able to create more than 3 reserve teams? The leagues I am creating has a number of teames tied to one senior side and I kinda need more than just 3 for some of them.


Although "Add" is clickable, no team gets added. I seem to remember someone doing something similar on FM22, but I am not entirely sure.

Edited by EnigMattic1
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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all, thank you for all your work on this skin!

Is there any way to add a filter to the "people" database that filters players based on the "player data" "Trained at club" like you can for "Second nations" for example.

Thanks in advance for your help!


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4 horas atrás, THO-BRO2000 disse:

First of all, thank you for all your work on this skin!

Is there any way to add a filter to the "people" database that filters players based on the "player data" "Trained at club" like you can for "Second nations" for example.

Thanks in advance for your help!


I will have a look in it.

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19 hours ago, cleiria said:

I will have a look in it.

That would be great! I already tried replacing the "db_field" with the "Trained at club" value (Phgc) in the "person filter" xml file, but this sadly only resulted in a greyed option as filter. I couldn't get it working..

Thank you for your help! :)



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17 horas atrás, EnigMattic1 disse:

Does anyone know if it is possible to increase the number of reserve teams available? Or at least change the names of reserve teams?

To increase the number of reverse teams, try in the file …format\database\club.xml change the value in the line 1053 <integer id="maximum_items" value="3" />

To change the names, don't know.

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24 minutes ago, cleiria said:

To increase the number of reverse teams, try in the file …format\database\club.xml change the value in the line 1053 <integer id="maximum_items" value="3" />

To change the names, don't know.

That works. Thanks. I will keep trying for the name change thing. There has to be a way as Victoria Highlanders have a 'C' team called Mid Isle Mariners.

Sorted it. You need to go into the individual file (...format/database/club b team.xml) and change lines 50 and 62 from <boolean id="is_client_field" value="true" /> to <boolean id="is_client_field" value="false" />. That allows the name to be changed. This will also need to be done for club c team and club d team.

Edited by EnigMattic1
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19 minutes ago, EnigMattic1 said:

That works. Thanks. I will keep trying for the name change thing. There has to be a way as Victoria Highlanders have a 'C' team called Mid Isle Mariners.

Sorted it. You need to go into the individual file (...format/database/club b team.xml) and change lines 50 and 62 from <boolean id="is_client_field" value="true" /> to <boolean id="is_client_field" value="false" />. That allows the name to be changed. This will also need to be done for club c team and club d team.

Ok, going back to this, I can now edit the names of EXISTING reserve sides, but any I create can't have the name changed.

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23 horas atrás, EnigMattic1 disse:

That works. Thanks. I will keep trying for the name change thing. There has to be a way as Victoria Highlanders have a 'C' team called Mid Isle Mariners.

Sorted it. You need to go into the individual file (...format/database/club b team.xml) and change lines 50 and 62 from <boolean id="is_client_field" value="true" /> to <boolean id="is_client_field" value="false" />. That allows the name to be changed. This will also need to be done for club c team and club d team.

Will incorporate this in the Mod.

23 horas atrás, EnigMattic1 disse:

Ok, going back to this, I can now edit the names of EXISTING reserve sides, but any I create can't have the name changed.


17 horas atrás, Wolf_pd disse:

Hmm, that's a solution but a half one. Still, nice find.

really is a half solution, but it give me a idea, will try it.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Hi there,

First off, I find this pretty useful and it has helped me to amend some things I couldn't do before. I have what I need partially working, but I have an issue:

So I have added an entry to the language family, language group and language subgroup and also corrected a name of a language family to get rid of an underscore.

I deleted the editor skin file before relaunching as instructed but:

The language family name displays
The entry for language group and subgroup display, despite being given a name in the language.xml file in the database folder, appear blank (but it is clickable)
The name change I made correcting Atlantic_congo does not show up

My initial thought is that there is a separate place to add these language names and tell this XML file to draw the data from? Or am I just missing something basic?

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Was nosing around in the XMLs a bit. Seeing some references to person name and newgen. No idea (yet?) how to add the person name item to the editor, but if that would mean influencing newgen names? That would be interesting.

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1 hour ago, Wolf_pd said:

Was nosing around in the XMLs a bit. Seeing some references to person name and newgen. No idea (yet?) how to add the person name item to the editor, but if that would mean influencing newgen names? That would be interesting.

In order to get the names of newgens they'd have to draw from a pooled list of names somewhere to get acceptable parameters. There must be a grouping somewhere that splits these names by culture too so that the new gen names are kept culturally appropriate. If you could find those entries, then it would be logical to assume that it's possible to influence the names

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7 hours ago, xbenjaminx said:

In order to get the names of newgens they'd have to draw from a pooled list of names somewhere to get acceptable parameters. There must be a grouping somewhere that splits these names by culture too so that the new gen names are kept culturally appropriate. If you could find those entries, then it would be logical to assume that it's possible to influence the names

Based on what the person name XML says, the grouping is based on local region.

But first step would be to have that part visible in the editor. I need to check how I did that with ethnicity a while back (got stuck there though).

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On 16/07/2023 at 08:48, Wolf_pd said:

Based on what the person name XML says, the grouping is based on local region.

But first step would be to have that part visible in the editor. I need to check how I did that with ethnicity a while back (got stuck there though).

From what I can figure out with my own messing around with editing, it will be through the comp_editor.fmf file by editing the db records list and the ui file that you need?

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10 hours ago, xbenjaminx said:

From what I can figure out with my own messing around with editing, it will be through the comp_editor.fmf file by editing the db records list and the ui file that you need?

No need to go into the comp editor fmf file. That's where this thread is for, to ensure you can do it without having to extract that file, edit and repackage it.

Also, I am first going to test a few things to see if what is done via the person name part also already works in game if people are created in the editor.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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