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[FM23][SKIN] Mustermann 23 v3.03 - Updated 10/06/23 - NEW SKIN ADDED!!


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v2.03 released!  This will be the last release (barring any game-breaking issues) for this calendar year.  Have a fabulous Christmas y'all!

  • Fixed issue with some logos extending out of frame
  • Tutorials now brought in line with colour theme
  • Fixed issue with some text unreadable in profile footers
  • "Shortlist" button in Scouting Centre no longer white text
  • Unknown attributes now show as a different colour to poor attributes
  • White text and icons removed from backroom advice summary
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14 minutes ago, GIMN said:

v2.03 released!  This will be the last release (barring any game-breaking issues) for this calendar year.  Have a fabulous Christmas y'all!

  • Fixed issue with some logos extending out of frame
  • Tutorials now brought in line with colour theme
  • Fixed issue with some text unreadable in profile footers
  • "Shortlist" button in Scouting Centre no longer white text
  • Unknown attributes now show as a different colour to poor attributes
  • White text and icons removed from backroom advice summary

Thanks for the work you've put into this skin, it's at least made my experience with the game better this year. Hopefully you get a chance to play the game over the holidays! And a happy Christmas to you as well.

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14 minutes ago, Trainspotting90 said:

No polygons?

No polygons.

If you want to reinstate them you could add the following code:

<container class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel" file="player/mustermann/performance/player performance attributes polygons" id="mmap" >
  <translation id="title" type="use" translation_id="535502" value="Polygons" />
  <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>

This would probably best fit in panels/player overview panel.xml as part of the tabbed container that has been annotated as <!--PERFORMANCE HI RES--> (1600x900 and above) or <!--PERFORMANCE LOW RES--> (below 1600x900)

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1 hour ago, GianniM said:

Thanks for the update again.

Is it correct that these are colour settings are now not affecting the player profile colours? In previous versions I changed them up to make it more distinguishable. 



That appears to be an unintended consequence of "Unknown attributes now show as a different colour to poor attributes". I'll review if this needs to be reverted back.

For now, at least, there are a couple of options:

- Use Notepad+ (or another tool that allows you to change multiple files in a folder) and change use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" to use_attribute_colour_as_bg="false" using the Find in Files function (select the whole skin folder, and replace all)
- Define the colours you want directly in settings/Mustermann Graphical settings.xml.  The required lines to edit are 664-672 from: "low attribute" to "excellent attribute background" 

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10 hours ago, GIMN said:

- Define the colours you want directly in settings/Mustermann Graphical settings.xml.  The required lines to edit are 664-672 from: "low attribute" to "excellent attribute background" 

Took me a while to get it right but I managed, somehow. :)

I couldn't find out how to change the attribute lines correctly but I was able to change the settings of the standard colours at the beginning of the file. 

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2 minutes ago, GianniM said:

Took me a while to get it right but I managed, somehow. :)

I couldn't find out how to change the attribute lines correctly but I was able to change the settings of the standard colours at the beginning of the file. 

In hindsight I should've probably suggested the changing colours in the settings file first.  It's definitely the easier approach, especially if you're not familiar with Notepad+ (or similar).  I think if you were to edit it manually there's something like 270 different lines to change!

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23 minutes ago, Gegenklaus said:

Oh my god, sorry. I am blind. Thanks for the response.

No apology necessary. If you're not used to seeing it there, it's completely understandable that you might miss it.

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13 minutes ago, GianniM said:

I don't think this is correct, right? I guess that text is the same colour as background?


No, I've just been an idiot, and must have missed it when I checked 1920x1080.  There's not enough space, so it just hid the information.  Put the attached file in panels/non_player

non player profile.xml

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2 hours ago, Jellico73 said:

Would it be possible to get the coaching attributed displayed when clicking on the coach instead of getting their employment history?




I'll look at it in the New Year, but in the short term deleting non_player/non player profile popup panel will restore to the default.

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On 22/12/2022 at 17:36, GIMN said:

Thank you, @vonTrips

This is known, and an absolute mystery.  It seems to be controlled by player/player scouting card actions.xml.  Changing parameters in this file changes this bar when it appears on the Overview page as well as the Scouting Centre.  Both the text and the checkbox itself have had it's colour defined, and it works on the Overview page but for the Scouting Centre it only changes the checkbox.  It's driven me crazy!  Thinking about it, there might be an option to redefine the font using a hack that's been elsewhere.  I'll see how that does.

Agreed.  I'll see if I can tweak things for the next update.  It is primarily an issue with the Orange variant (and pretty much exclusively the reason there isn't a Yellow variant), but I've got a workaround in mind.

I'll take a look.  Tutorials are something I glossed over entirely.

Any chance you still have the save with this summary that you'd be able to send over?  I thought I'd managed to catch all the bits (evidently not) and it will be helpful to have an example to play around with when I'm editing.

You can edit these in player/player overview panel.xml - this is part of the overlay information at the bottom and is annotated for your pleasure.  You'd want to adjust the height and width of the widget.  You will also need to adjust the positioning of the surrounding information.  These are largely controlled by lines such as <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="71"/> within the widgets.  That said, if you then want to add in roles, you'll have the problem that the pitch isn't interactive, so you may be better served by using a different pitch.  This could be one example of code to use instead:

<!--PITCH & ROLES-->
  <container width="300" height="500">
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="12"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="155"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />

    <widget class="player_positions_indicator_panel" id="ppi1" file="player/player positions indicator small horizontal" navigation_container="true" default_focus="true" late_loading="true" height="500" width="300">
      <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="0"/>
      <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="0"/>
      <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true" />
      <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>


That could go at the end of the code (before the </panel>) and would give you something like this:


You'll also need to extract player/player positions indicator small horizontal.xml, add it to the folder, and then define the text colour for the roles.  For the other information (fitness, morale, nationality, etc...) it'll be the same as above, you'll need to play around with the insets to position it wherever you like.

I'd love to, but haven't been able to find a way to aggregate player attributes.  That's actually what I wanted to do from the beginning, just have indicators for each of the areas (e.g. "Final Third") rather than having the attributes under the heading.

Hi, I'm really sorry. I wrote my post and gone on holiday with family. Given the update, I assume you don't need the save (which I still have) anymore? I will look at the update as soon as possible, I will report the bugs again. 😉

And thanks for the tip on the player profile panel. I'll try to implement something and then share. But I expect I'll stick with your original version 🤦‍♂️😂😂😂

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14 hours ago, vonTrips said:

Hi, I'm really sorry. I wrote my post and gone on holiday with family. Given the update, I assume you don't need the save (which I still have) anymore? I will look at the update as soon as possible, I will report the bugs again. 😉

And thanks for the tip on the player profile panel. I'll try to implement something and then share. But I expect I'll stick with your original version 🤦‍♂️😂😂😂

No apology necessary.  Hope you had a lovely holiday!

And correct, I don't need the save anymore.

Also completely unrelated, having placed a moratorium on updates over Christmas so I could play the game, I have spectacularly failed...



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Hi all,

*dumb question incoming*

I recently downloaded the skin but haven't figured how to change the background colour of the skin.

From the images above there appears to be a way to use the skin in white & red rather than the default blue and white.

Any help would be greatly appreciated:)

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4 minutes ago, freddiethomas15 said:

Hi all,

*dumb question incoming*

I recently downloaded the skin but haven't figured how to change the background colour of the skin.

From the images above there appears to be a way to use the skin in white & red rather than the default blue and white.

Any help would be greatly appreciated:)

Taken from the opening post:


There are now alternative colour themes available.  You will need to copy the settings file for the colour theme you want from Alternative settings file into [skin name]/settings and rename the file to replace the current one.  For example, if using Mustermann Numerical, you will rename the file Mustermann Numerical settings


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1 hour ago, balldoktor81 said:

will you at some point add the league table to the tablet? 

I'm not, no - but it's something you should be able to add yourself to panels/match/match touchline tablet panel.xml  You'll need to add the following to the tabbed container:

<widget class="match_league_table_panel" id="mltp" priority="5" default_width="-1" dit1="mlsp" dit2="mltp" sid1="slt4" sid2="slt5" sid3="slt6" navigation_container="true">
  <translation id="title" translation_id="248082" type="use" value="League Table" />
  <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />


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12 hours ago, GIMN said:

No apology necessary.  Hope you had a lovely holiday!

And correct, I don't need the save anymore.

Also completely unrelated, having placed a moratorium on updates over Christmas so I could play the game, I have spectacularly failed...



How are you finding the conversion to a dark skin?

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7 minutes ago, _Ben_ said:

How are you finding the conversion to a dark skin?

From a skinning standpoint, it's obviously a bit easier as I'm not having to root out all the instances of white text on a light background and I've been able to just copy stuff across and make minor adjustments.  Perhaps surprisingly, I'm finding it a lot more restrictive when it comes to colour schemes, but that's not the worst thing, as ultimately the base skin is designed for a dark backdrop so the colours for things like form and average rating already work.

I'm still going to be using the light skin, personally though.

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15 hours ago, GIMN said:

No apology necessary.  Hope you had a lovely holiday!

And correct, I don't need the save anymore.

Also completely unrelated, having placed a moratorium on updates over Christmas so I could play the game, I have spectacularly failed...



As good as a holiday around Christmas with two small children can be. 😂😂😂 Thank you for asking. What about your Christmas/holidays?

And WOOOW! Dark version? Really? Good job! 👏 Are you considering releasing a dark version?

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24 minutes ago, vonTrips said:

As good as a holiday around Christmas with two small children can be. 😂😂😂 Thank you for asking. What about your Christmas/holidays?

And WOOOW! Dark version? Really? Good job! 👏 Are you considering releasing a dark version?

Hope so . My retinas are burnt out

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9 hours ago, vonTrips said:

As good as a holiday around Christmas with two small children can be. 😂😂😂 Thank you for asking. What about your Christmas/holidays?

And WOOOW! Dark version? Really? Good job! 👏 Are you considering releasing a dark version?

I am fortunate to have no such worries over Christmas - just an opportunity to recuperate (well, I've been working, but that means I get to keep some holiday back for other times in the year).  Certainly looking into whether it would be fit for release - graphical seems ready, but then need to do numerical, and then there's the consideration of maintenance for 4 skins.  Might not be too much of an issue, as long as the next patch doesn't make any significant changes!

9 hours ago, alian62 said:

Hope so . My retinas are burnt out

That said, it's comments like this that don't really encourage me to do so.  I appreciate that light skins aren't for everyone, but they are better for some and it's a massively underserved area within the FM community.  Yet I would never dream of going on a thread for a dark skin and then be rude about their work because their skin is not suitable for my experience.  Wild.

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57 minutes ago, GIMN said:

I am fortunate to have no such worries over Christmas - just an opportunity to recuperate (well, I've been working, but that means I get to keep some holiday back for other times in the year).  Certainly looking into whether it would be fit for release - graphical seems ready, but then need to do numerical, and then there's the consideration of maintenance for 4 skins.  Might not be too much of an issue, as long as the next patch doesn't make any significant changes!

That said, it's comments like this that don't really encourage me to do so.  I appreciate that light skins aren't for everyone, but they are better for some and it's a massively underserved area within the FM community.  Yet I would never dream of going on a thread for a dark skin and then be rude about their work because their skin is not suitable for my experience.  Wild.

Yeah ok .... Calm your farm . A bit of humour thats all :lol: . Geez . I never said your skin was bad !!! But if your that sensative i wont bother about commenting . Happy New Year everyone  :applause:

Edited by alian62
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3 hours ago, GIMN said:

That said, it's comments like this that don't really encourage me to do so.  I appreciate that light skins aren't for everyone, but they are better for some and it's a massively underserved area within the FM community.  Yet I would never dream of going on a thread for a dark skin and then be rude about their work because their skin is not suitable for my experience.  Wild.

Yeah i'm getting fed up of it, couple of people on here making snide comments, I'm just not really round atm as I've got some nasty flu that ive had for like 2 months at this point. 

Gonna get round to it at some point though

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3 minutes ago, bluestillidie00 said:

Yeah i'm getting fed up of it, couple of people on here making snide comments, I'm just not really round atm as I've got some nasty flu that ive had for like 2 months at this point. 

Gonna get round to it at some point though

Just get well m8, i feel your horror... last few month i've myself have been bunny hopping from one thing to the next and just can't get rid of it :(

i hope you'll feel better soon and had a nice christmas, just like i hope everyone else had and a Happy new year to all aswell..

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11 hours ago, GIMN said:

I am fortunate to have no such worries over Christmas - just an opportunity to recuperate (well, I've been working, but that means I get to keep some holiday back for other times in the year).  Certainly looking into whether it would be fit for release - graphical seems ready, but then need to do numerical, and then there's the consideration of maintenance for 4 skins.  Might not be too much of an issue, as long as the next patch doesn't make any significant changes!

That said, it's comments like this that don't really encourage me to do so.  I appreciate that light skins aren't for everyone, but they are better for some and it's a massively underserved area within the FM community.  Yet I would never dream of going on a thread for a dark skin and then be rude about their work because their skin is not suitable for my experience.  Wild.

In my opinion, dark version is good idea, because your skin is really different and make the game better. And I know a few players, which don't like light skins. That's why I think the dark version might attract more players. So if it's not too difficult, releasing a dark version would be great.

But for me the idea and quality of the skin is important, I will use your skin in any version (light or dark). And thank you for your work 😉

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On 31/12/2022 at 00:55, GIMN said:

That said, it's comments like this that don't really encourage me to do so.  I appreciate that light skins aren't for everyone, but they are better for some and it's a massively underserved area within the FM community.  Yet I would never dream of going on a thread for a dark skin and then be rude about their work because their skin is not suitable for my experience.  Wild.

This is absolutely true and people should really think two or three times before replying on topics where people share their free-time effort to make the game more enjoyable.

With that being said I would also love a dark version of the skin but maybe for a different reason, I absolutely love to play the light version during the day but when I get to bed and want to play one or two games on the Steam Deck I have to change the skin otherwise the misses gets mad of all the brightness :D

Anyway many many thanks for your work buddy.

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On 31/12/2022 at 12:11, vonTrips said:

In my opinion, dark version is good idea, because your skin is really different and make the game better. And I know a few players, which don't like light skins. That's why I think the dark version might attract more players. So if it's not too difficult, releasing a dark version would be great.

But for me the idea and quality of the skin is important, I will use your skin in any version (light or dark). And thank you for your work 😉

Yeah, I completely appreciate that most players prefer dark skins, especially in these winter months where natural light might not be so abundant.  I agree it will have greater reach, but must be mindful of how much extra work that could create.  I suppose I do control the release/update schedule, so if my workload increases I can always scale that back (and it is ultimately my fault if I don't manage my expectations/time properly).

On 01/01/2023 at 19:25, João14 said:

This is absolutely true and people should really think two or three times before replying on topics where people share their free-time effort to make the game more enjoyable.

With that being said I would also love a dark version of the skin but maybe for a different reason, I absolutely love to play the light version during the day but when I get to bed and want to play one or two games on the Steam Deck I have to change the skin otherwise the misses gets mad of all the brightness :D

Anyway many many thanks for your work buddy.

But if the misses gets mad, that gives you more time to play without the worry of being pestered :lol:.  Jokes aside, definitely understand that there are times where a dark skin is more appropriate.  I'd even go so far as to say that I expect most players' setups are more conducive to a dark skin, and I'm sure I would've probably prioritised a dark skin myself if I hadn't moved in the summer and now have my computer set up in a well-lit location!

All that said, I do expect I'll release the dark version; just not going to put a timescale on it.

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58 minutes ago, Issy said:

Any chance that you convert your skin to fm22?:kriss:

I'm sorry, but I don't plan to specifically do so, but you can try and see if it works.  Move the skin you want to your FM22 skins folder, then edit the skin_config.xml file.  There is a line for required_version, this would need to be changed to 22.0.0 to make it work with FM22.

<string id="required_version" value="22.0.0" />

I expect there will be some issues, though.  Off the top of my head - the Data Hub is likely to have some blank areas as there were some new visualisations added.  Club Vision might also not work as Supporter Profile is also a new addition.  I also think the player condition icons changed with the recent patch so there might be an issue during match-day.  If any of these are the case, you could always revert back to the default by deleting the following:

data_hub/data hub team summary panel.xml
club/board room panel.xml
widgets/match players bar widget.xml

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On 29/12/2022 at 23:16, GIMN said:

No apology necessary.  Hope you had a lovely holiday!

And correct, I don't need the save anymore.

Also completely unrelated, having placed a moratorium on updates over Christmas so I could play the game, I have spectacularly failed...



I'm glad there might be a darker version available soon

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This is a truly beautiful skin, if you're like me and you've used the same skin style for many years it can be overwhelming at first but exactly what a radical overhaul should be , the inclusion of the scroll feature for smaller resolutions was genius, You should very proud of what you've done here, Unfortunately my eyes could never adjust to the light version so excited to see the potential dark version!

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If it makes you feel any better at all (not that i think the above person really got you) - I, for one, am really thankful to have a light themed skin available. Dark backgrounds with light text kill my eyes. The fact that this is one of the most innovative skins around and attributeless on top of everything else makes this the perfect skin for me. Thanks for all your hard work.

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5 hours ago, bahmet said:

Are you planning to add more statistics to the comparison screen?

  Hide contents



It's something I'd asked about in the Small Questions thread, as I'd love to add more stats here, or at least give the option to choose the metrics you want to compare, but I haven't had any joy in being able to do so.  It's a shame as the information is there in the database, just can't access it where you want it!

7 hours ago, 1twoQ said:

If it makes you feel any better at all (not that i think the above person really got you) - I, for one, am really thankful to have a light themed skin available. Dark backgrounds with light text kill my eyes. The fact that this is one of the most innovative skins around and attributeless on top of everything else makes this the perfect skin for me. Thanks for all your hard work.

Thank you for the kind words.  I completely appreciate that the majority of FM players prefer dark skins; especially as their setups might be more suited to it.  Like you, I struggle with dark mode - especially if I'm using it for a long session. Dark skins may not be for me, but that doesn't make them any less awesome!

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I had to do a reinstall of FM, and started up a new save.  I've loaded the Numerical Version of the skin, added the Blue alternative settings, and changed my attribute colors.

When I look at my attributes view I see this:


But when I look at a player, in this case Gianluca Colla, I see this:


The attribute colors aren't matching up?

Granted I have yet to move forward a day, but I don't think that would be the issue here...

Appreciate the help!



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Em 17/12/2022 em 02:56, GIMN disse:

v2.01 released:

  • Adjusted size and layout of positions indicator and surrounding information in player profile
  • Added missing translations to player profile, fixed broken translations on staff/manager profile
  • Reduced intensity of heatmap graphic
  • White text fixes in contract negotiations, person information panels, unwanted list and various club confidence/vision pages
  • Removed white bullet points
  • Added light background to player details for Best Eleven in End of Season summary

Sorry to bring this up but how do you change the intensity of the heatmap?

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On 11/01/2023 at 02:00, Jellico73 said:

I had to do a reinstall of FM, and started up a new save.  I've loaded the Numerical Version of the skin, added the Blue alternative settings, and changed my attribute colors.

When I look at my attributes view I see this:


But when I look at a player, in this case Gianluca Colla, I see this:


The attribute colors aren't matching up?

Granted I have yet to move forward a day, but I don't think that would be the issue here...

Appreciate the help!



You'll need to change use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" to "false".  That specific area is panels/player/mustermann/performance/player performance attributes numerical.xml, but as I know you use Astrogrep I'd advise doing it for the entire skin folder.

13 hours ago, extudassex2 said:

Sorry to bring this up but how do you change the intensity of the heatmap?

As snowofman said, you'll need to change the graphic.  The path is graphics/icons/customer/heatmap

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@GIMN thanks for the earlier help with the attributes, that fix worked great.

My next question is can I increase the size of the attribute numbers and bold them as well?  How they are now isn't that bad for me, but I am wondering if maybe a slight increase in size and style will help me.

Appreciate the help,


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I downloaded this skin a few days ago, and I have to say I absolutely love it.

I was wondering though if it is possible to make the heart icons go red when a player has low energy during a match?

Low energy example.png

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2 hours ago, Jellico73 said:

@GIMN thanks for the earlier help with the attributes, that fix worked great.

My next question is can I increase the size of the attribute numbers and bold them as well?  How they are now isn't that bad for me, but I am wondering if maybe a slight increase in size and style will help me.

Appreciate the help,


Similar trick.  Try replace all in skin folder on:


widget class="attribute_label" use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" font="text" 


widget class="attribute_label" use_attribute_colour_as_bg="true" font="text" size="large" style="bold"

2 hours ago, SBII said:

I downloaded this skin a few days ago, and I have to say I absolutely love it.

I was wondering though if it is possible to make the heart icons go red when a player has low energy during a match?

Low energy example.png

You'll want to edit the settings file.  It is controlled by this bit here:

<!-- condition -->
<colour name="low condition" 							value="mg grey" />
<colour name="mid condition" 							value="rgb(99, 147, 95)" />
<colour name="high condition" 							value="fg range20" />
<colour name="low condition bar" 						value="mg grey" />
<colour name="mid condition bar" 						value="rgb(99, 147, 95)" />
<colour name="high condition bar" 						value="fg range20" />
<colour name="low condition match" 						value="mg grey" />
<colour name="mid condition match" 						value="rgb(99, 147, 95)" />
<colour name="high condition match" 					value="fg range20" />

The red to green range defined as fg range##, with fg range1 being red and fg range20 being green.  Change the values for the low conditions and mid conditions to control the scale used.

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Fifth time was a charm, but I eventually figured it out:

I ended up bolding the label as well, it works for me.

Just have to remember what I did for when the next update comes out.  :-)

Appreciate the help!


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42 minutes ago, Jellico73 said:


Fifth time was a charm, but I eventually figured it out:

I ended up bolding the label as well, it works for me.

Just have to remember what I did for when the next update comes out.  :-)

Appreciate the help!


Looking good!

I don't anticipate any changes to panels/player/mustermann/performance/player performance attributes numerical.xml so you should be able to just get away with copying this one over when the next update happens.

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