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Fixture scheduling

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The problem with fixture scheduling (reported multiple times in bugs forum) after December update 23.2.

For example in Croatian league, team A plays 3 game home, and only 1 away against Team B. It is completely unplayable croatian league. Do you guys play croatian league at all?


Problem is similiar in other leagues, teams playes completely randomly, 3/4 games in a row home, and then 3/4 away. It so unrealistic, and SI, Miles, and everyone is ignoring it, they will fix it in update, but there is no excact answer when.

Personally, I am from Croatia, buys FM only because Croatian league, and now, I can not play normaly. It shame, that FM have so bad communication with us. There is big number of FM fans in Croatia..

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You have gotten the answer in the bug tracker:

On 02/01/2023 at 12:49, Neil Brock said:

It's marked as a high priority issue for us to investigate. Thanks. 

On 05/01/2023 at 18:32, Zachary Whyte said:

Hello, this issue is being looked at by the developers and should be resolved in a future update.

Unfortunately I can't give you an exact timeframe, but rest assured we're working on it.

We apologise for the inconvenience. 

What more do you want? Isn't that the exact communication you are asking for?

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Asked several times, when it will be? The fix, update, whatever, soon or not before winter transfer update.

Becauese I, and lot of others in Croatia payed nearly 60e for the game, and now we can not play normaly (croatian league especially), and that is reality, sorry.


You should really hire some PR expert to help you with customers.

Edited by HNLFan
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15 minutes ago, HNLFan said:

Asked several times, when it will be? The fix, update, whatever, soon or not before winter transfer update.

Becauese I, and lot of others in Croatia payed nearly 60e for the game, and now we can not play normaly (croatian league especially), and that is reality, sorry.


You should really hire some PR expert to help you with customers.

SI has never announced when the release updates. They have said this is a priority fix, so most likely at hte next major update which historically is after the transfer window closes. So I would expect that time frame.

And if you don't think SI has PR people, you'd be mistaken.

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@XaW @Neil Brock @Zachary Whyte

I am buying FM only because Croatian league, now I cant play it, and you constatly telling me, thaht it fil be fixed in next update (probably for 2-3 months)

So, I cant play Croatian league (others leagues also have broken fixtures) for several months, from December, and update 23.2, so I will ask you, will someone compensate the fans who want to play the Croatian league for this somehow, because it is unplayable? Or you can tell if it will be fixed before winter update ?

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17 minutes ago, HNLFan said:

@XaW @Neil Brock @Zachary Whyte

I am buying FM only because Croatian league, now I cant play it, and you constatly telling me, thaht it fil be fixed in next update (probably for 2-3 months)

So, I cant play Croatian league (others leagues also have broken fixtures) for several months, from December, and update 23.2, so I will ask you, will someone compensate the fans who want to play the Croatian league for this somehow, because it is unplayable? Or you can tell if it will be fixed before winter update ?

It's being investigated by our team. Fixtures and scheduling is extremely delicate as it needs to balance against the entire world's scheduling (continental/European etc) so are often not easy fixes. Plus once it has been addressed internally will require a significant amount of testing for any potential knock-ons.

We appreciate this is frustrating for players of the Croatian league who have encountered this and apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

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