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Game wont launch from steam.....

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Just installed steam and FM23 on a new build PC, I click on play and the synchronizing  steam cloud window comes up, goes away and on the left it says game is running, then this goes away and I get the green play icon back again?

I have noticed that after installing FM23 on steam no Sports Interactive folder has been created in documents, or does this create when the game first launched and runs?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I still cant get the game to launch from Steam and support are so slow responding, would really appreciate some help!

I am playing on a new custom built PC Ryzen 5 5600X, Asus Prime B450M-A II, 2 X 8GB Corsair Vengeance 3000MHz DDR4, Crucial P2 SSD 500GB, Zotac Gaming 3060.

The PC launches and runs FM12, FM21 Touch, Call of Duty no problems however when I try to launch FM23 it comes up synchronizing cloud and says launching on the left then changes to running before stopping with the green play icon coming back up on the game screen.

These are the steps that support have taken me through so far:-

Sent DXDIAG & Belarc reports

Shut down PC, unplug second monitor and restart computer using single monitor

Uninstall graphic card drivers including assosciated software and re-install

Uninstall & re-install game from Steam (I also went as far as uninstalling Steam aswell)

Move all folders from C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023 in to a backup folder created on desktop (the only folder that was in here was a cloud folder, as soon as I tried to relaunch following this step it just recreates this folder)

They then moved on to something about a Ondrive folder providing a link https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/9996916052369-How-to-change-the-Football-Manager-s-Sports-Interactive-folder-location-in-my-computer-#text, I cant follow the first step as the game wont launch to go in to the game menus and I have tried changing the set launch options in Steam but not sure if I have done it right?

Thats as far as I have got with support.

I am on a work PC on a network and have tried installing steam and FM23 on another desktop on the network with no problems, game launches all ok and it is a really basic desktop PC, I would say that rules out any network or anti virus issues? (I have also had my IT company add steam to the exceptions on the AV)

I would really appreciate any help!



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19 minutes ago, christrott79 said:

I still cant get the game to launch from Steam and support are so slow responding, would really appreciate some help!

I am playing on a new custom built PC Ryzen 5 5600X, Asus Prime B450M-A II, 2 X 8GB Corsair Vengeance 3000MHz DDR4, Crucial P2 SSD 500GB, Zotac Gaming 3060.

The PC launches and runs FM12, FM21 Touch, Call of Duty no problems however when I try to launch FM23 it comes up synchronizing cloud and says launching on the left then changes to running before stopping with the green play icon coming back up on the game screen.

These are the steps that support have taken me through so far:-

Sent DXDIAG & Belarc reports

Shut down PC, unplug second monitor and restart computer using single monitor

Uninstall graphic card drivers including assosciated software and re-install

Uninstall & re-install game from Steam (I also went as far as uninstalling Steam aswell)

Move all folders from C:\Users\Your Username\AppData\Local\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023 in to a backup folder created on desktop (the only folder that was in here was a cloud folder, as soon as I tried to relaunch following this step it just recreates this folder)

They then moved on to something about a Ondrive folder providing a link https://support.sega.com/hc/en-gb/articles/9996916052369-How-to-change-the-Football-Manager-s-Sports-Interactive-folder-location-in-my-computer-#text, I cant follow the first step as the game wont launch to go in to the game menus and I have tried changing the set launch options in Steam but not sure if I have done it right?

Thats as far as I have got with support.

I am on a work PC on a network and have tried installing steam and FM23 on another desktop on the network with no problems, game launches all ok and it is a really basic desktop PC, I would say that rules out any network or anti virus issues? (I have also had my IT company add steam to the exceptions on the AV)

I would really appreciate any help!



What's your support ticket number so we can follow up there? Thanks. 

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16 minutes ago, christrott79 said:




So to be clear on this one, no Sports Interactive folder in documents will have been generated as the game has never successfully launched. These folders are only generated when the game launches correctly, which is why you're only seeing the cloud folder. 

The most likely cause for this is anti-virus conflict. Appreciate that your anti-virus has been configured to add Steam to the exceptions, but we have seen scenarios in the past where AVs continue to block silently causing issues like this. In those circumstances we've found that running Windows Defender, then uninstalling your current AV and FM then reinstalling FM will then allow to run successfully. Are you able to try that?

Failing that being the cause, it could be down to the creation of folders for some reason being blocked, but as you've said you've tried the launch option within Steam that should address that. This video is for FM20 but still contains the relevant info to make sure you can double check you've done this correctly - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SbfpKkeVxjI

I've put this info in the support ticket as well as an FYI. 

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Thanks, I will speak to my IT company to find a time to take the anti virus down and try this, just strange that one desktop has no problems but mine does on the same AV.

Just to clarify on the launch options, my documents folder is listed in an H drive as per image, I am not enitrely sure what I should be putting in the lauch options text box?Capture.PNG.9444621a8ee49d823971cceacecce069.PNG

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Ah okay, that looks like it may well be causing the problem as that looks like a shared drive rather than local? Realistically if you can I would suggest finding space on the C:, but if you can't or space is limited, still worth trying H:. 

To do so, go into H and as a test, right-click and select 'New Folder' to create a folder. Let's name it 'FM23 Test'. Then enter as follows in the launch options:

--user_data_location="H:\FM23 Test"

Make sure to have created the folder before you put this in the launch options. Then launch the game and see if it now allows the game to run. 

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3 hours ago, christrott79 said:

Its alive!

Had my IT company take down the AV, re-installed FM23 and shes fired up!

Thanks for your assistance.

Bloomin' AVs! Glad you got it sorted and thanks for coming back and confirming :thup: 

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