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How many of you who have FM 23 actually play FM 22?

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I'm seriously considering switching to FM 22. I don't think FM 23 deserves more chances, it's just not a well balanced game and it unnecessarily tries to be realistic in areas in which it should be fun.

- it makes me disappointed that it's March, and only now is the game starting to take shape of what it wants to be. It is rude to release a product in November that is so incomplete

- after the last patch, my game slowed down, which I wrote about here. Maybe it's something to do with my computer, but now that's more of an argument for me

- it is more difficult to sell players, which is obviously realistic (we saw how difficult it was for Ronaldo to find a club), but it is not fun for FM players

- attackers don't score as many goals as before the patch. And that's realistic, but since CM 01/02 I've had fun with the sphere of how many goals a striker will score, whether he'll have more goals than appearances, etc. Here, it's been "abolished" for me as a kind of entertainment. Some people like that reality, I don't like it because I don't think that's the point of something called a game

- FM 22 was not an easier game, but it was easier to "adjust" tactics with gegenpress. It was not a cheat, but it simply enabled those who did not have time for tactics to achieve results consistent with the players they have. Now, that effect is no longer possible, some tweaks are needed, such as the fact that instead of two MCs, it is more effective when playing with two DMCs etc. All this is unnecessary for me, FM 22 worked better there

- it seems to me that FM 23 is better only in terms of better youth candidates.

To conclude, as I said, it seems to me that FM 23 is trying to be realistic where players want the fun aspect of the game. Where reality is needed, such as AI that will improve the quality of its club, SI has been doing nothing for years.

How many of you who have FM 23 actually play FM 22?

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I'm definitely NOT going to play 22, I like the fact that players always try for a goal in this engine, this wasn't the case in the previous one imho. I mean I see even the fullbacks or the stoppers trying for a goal, the game is so aggressive and fun  :D But if you wish to  return to 22 it's fine by me, do what you like the most, isn't that the point anyway, for the player to have fun. Regarding some of your arguments: about the slowing down, the cause of this is not the game for sure, so that's not a valid argument. I haven't noticed anything regarding the player sales, I don't have issues selling them at good prices at all. My attackers score lots of goals, so you might be on a bad streak or something. I literally play the default Gegenpress and it is as broken as in 22 lol (in the Portuguese league though, not sure where are you managing, if it's Sporting it should really work since the players there do a lot of mistakes). Once again, if you want to go back, do so by all means! It's all about having fun, if you feel 22 was better, then just play it :)

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I hear you, brother. I'm somewhat disappointed with FM23's new "revolutionary" features (squad planner and timeline are useless, and the recruiting system is so much worse than F2M22).

Having said that, I already paid for FM23, and I like the updated database. It also seems that the graphic engine flows better, besides other minor improvements (e.g., goal reviews, offsides, etc.)... 

I'm sticking with FM23, and praying that FM24 will be better...

PS: Looking retrospectively, I think I already spent nearly US$ 1,000 with football manager over the years... Wow, that lots of money!

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I can address some of your points, though not all.

I actually use the squad planner.  I play with all stars and attributes turned off.  The squad planner makes it a lot easier for me to understand how my assistant manager thinks the players compare with each other.  I think it's a good development, though I would prefer it if I could prevent the assistant manager from throwing in players on my shortlist and players we've purchased that haven't come in yet.  It's a good start, and I don't understand the hate.

I haven't seen a drop in goal scoring at all.  My squad has scored 171 goals in 32 matches.  Now, we are in a fictional Chinese third tier, and some of the opposition is really bad.  However, I can say for certain that I haven't seen any major offensive nerfing with the latest match engine updates.

I'm really surprised that you cite better youth candidates as a positive aspect of FM23.  There was a really big discussion on here a few months back about how young players were not developing correctly in FM23.

In that respect, I really highly recommend using the Increase Realism Megapack that Daveincid has produced.  That will help address some of the glaring issues with AI squad development and young players not having high enough reputation to play internationally.  Daveincid's adjustments help keep Football Manager in line.  Honestly, I think SI should seriously consider hiring him to help develop the game in the future: his work is that good.

Now, the transfer issues are valid, though I remember people complaining about the same issues in FM22 and FM21.  The game also slowed down a bit for me after the last patch, and you can see a difference in the choppiness of video footage in almost all the major YouTubers.  And, yes, for some reason having two DMs is incredibly powerful in the current match engine, and I don't quite understand why.

Finally, the problem of the beta and first version of the game being incomplete has been a thing for years now.  I resolved last year to refrain from buying the newest game until after the final patch came out.  As you can see, I wound up giving in before then.  However, it's worth keeping that in mind for future years.  Some of my favorite mods, such as the Around the World Megapack and Darthfurion's World Super League, usually aren't fully ready until after the final update is complete.  My goal this time around is to start a really long and deep save once those are ready, probably a hexagon challenge with Dave the Editor's files.  When I finally finish that project, I figure that version 24.4 should be ready, which means it will be time for me to buy the next game.  Of course, that means staying away from the FOMO associated with new and shiny games: no easy task!

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53 minutes ago, Daniel Evensen said:

I can address some of your points, though not all.

I actually use the squad planner.  I play with all stars and attributes turned off.  The squad planner makes it a lot easier for me to understand how my assistant manager thinks the players compare with each other.  I think it's a good development, though I would prefer it if I could prevent the assistant manager from throwing in players on my shortlist and players we've purchased that haven't come in yet.  It's a good start, and I don't understand the hate.

I haven't seen a drop in goal scoring at all.  My squad has scored 171 goals in 32 matches.  Now, we are in a fictional Chinese third tier, and some of the opposition is really bad.  However, I can say for certain that I haven't seen any major offensive nerfing with the latest match engine updates.

I'm really surprised that you cite better youth candidates as a positive aspect of FM23.  There was a really big discussion on here a few months back about how young players were not developing correctly in FM23.

In that respect, I really highly recommend using the Increase Realism Megapack that Daveincid has produced.  That will help address some of the glaring issues with AI squad development and young players not having high enough reputation to play internationally.  Daveincid's adjustments help keep Football Manager in line.  Honestly, I think SI should seriously consider hiring him to help develop the game in the future: his work is that good.

Now, the transfer issues are valid, though I remember people complaining about the same issues in FM22 and FM21.  The game also slowed down a bit for me after the last patch, and you can see a difference in the choppiness of video footage in almost all the major YouTubers.  And, yes, for some reason having two DMs is incredibly powerful in the current match engine, and I don't quite understand why.

Finally, the problem of the beta and first version of the game being incomplete has been a thing for years now.  I resolved last year to refrain from buying the newest game until after the final patch came out.  As you can see, I wound up giving in before then.  However, it's worth keeping that in mind for future years.  Some of my favorite mods, such as the Around the World Megapack and Darthfurion's World Super League, usually aren't fully ready until after the final update is complete.  My goal this time around is to start a really long and deep save once those are ready, probably a hexagon challenge with Dave the Editor's files.  When I finally finish that project, I figure that version 24.4 should be ready, which means it will be time for me to buy the next game.  Of course, that means staying away from the FOMO associated with new and shiny games: no easy task!

Can't agree with this more.

DaveIncid's files are a must imo.  For other leagues, DaveTheEditor's files are the best and most complete/tested around.  I keep teling peopoe, there's a very good reason some come out a week after the beta and his take 4 months.  However, many don't want to wait that long, expecially the Tubers who are wanting to make money off the new game (don't include you in that btw...you know the peeps I refer to).

I also caved and got this years pretty quickly, though in fairness I hadn't bought the game since '18 myself, I was expecting...well, not to be met with the same issues we had 10 years ago so was a little disappointed, however, that being said, I have zero intention of buying the game aagain anytime soon so happy to wait for game/ME fixes and Daves files to be complete as this version will last me until they either introduce the women's game (which I'm hoping will be a completely new, ground up built match engine and graphics engine) or they finally fix all the stuff we've been moaning about and has been broken for years.  So far I'm happy with this years version overall, but also very glad I didn't waste money on the recent versions too, I feel there's enough of a 'new game' to stick with it and get my money's worth out of it.

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On 12/03/2023 at 04:28, flauta kicma said:

it is more difficult to sell players, which is obviously realistic (we saw how difficult it was for Ronaldo to find a club), but it is not fun for FM players

I agree except for this. Speak for yourself here, I prefer players move around less and stay put more since that is, like you say, more realistic. In past editions, Mo Salah would go sign for City or something whack like that. The game feels much more balanced. I primarily play in MLS and never really have an issue moving on from players. Maybe I just squad plan differently than others. 

FM Touch sounds more your speed, give it a go. 

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I've gone back to FM22 but not for any of the reasons others have stated I just missed my FM22 save.

I was 20 odd years in and I feel like I still have unfinished business.  I'll admit though if FM23 had added more features that i'd miss then it would have been a harder decision.

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