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Hitting the Woodwork Way Too Much!

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1 in 10 of my shots hit the woodwork, which feels really exaggerated. The match engine page on the bug tracker is closed, so posting here just for general discussion - are you experiencing the same thing? Hopefully SI is onto this for the next release.


At some points it's happening more than once every 10 minutes!


If we look at the last Premier League season as a comparison, the club that hit the frame of the goal the most (24 times) averaged 0.63 per game, with the club in 2nd (18 times) averaging 0.47.


I'm in 2nd in my league, and I've hit the frame of the goal a staggering 79 times in only 28 games for an average of 2.82 - several multitudes higher than what we see in real life football! It doesn't feel like a rare or shocking event anymore, but rather just another frustratingly frequent, normal occurrence.


It's clear this is broken, and though my own save is obviously a small sample size, the Reddit crowd seems to have noticed as well. They speculate that this has been overpowered (or rather, shot accuracy has been underpowered?) to compensate for poor defense in the match engine, which I could believe. It's an immersion-breaking level of silliness at present, unfortunately.

Edited by Weston
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Been an issue going back years, certainly a a HUGE issue in FM23 for sure.  Every game more or less for me.  Bug trackers....meh....report to them...meh....when something is happening/has been happening for years, can it really be considered a bug at this point?

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15 minutes ago, Maviarab said:

when something is happening/has been happening for years, can it really be considered a bug at this point?

Yes, absolutely.

"Happening for many years" ignores the point that (certainly in terms of the ME) it's an issue, gets reported (whether by SI's testers, the private alpha/beta or the general public), logged and improved.

Woodwork hits could increase again as a result of a tweak elsewhere. While the outcome means that woodwork hits are higher, in all likelyhood, it's not caused be the same issue. Or it might be in a couple of cases - it is something that was fixed, but it's now an issue that's re-appeared, so needs the same process (reporting with examples, finding out what the cause it, attempt to rectify it, test it, rectify more, test more etc) so that is why it's always recommended to log an issue.

The ideal is to get matches to look realistic AND the match stats to perfectly line up with real life. I doubt we'll ever get there, but we can get close. Tbh, in a lot of areas, it's very close. If something is quite off, it needs improving, that is what SI will look to do. They compare match stats across multiple countries and multiple levels (both top and lower tiers), so it's important to try and get it as accurate as possible.

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I’m in the 5th year of my current save, and in the preseason friendlies I’ve been seeing anywhere from 3 to 10 woodwork hits per match. I can’t complain too much, though, because some of those have resulted in rebounds that were put in.

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  • 3 months later...

I came across this thread by searching for 'woodwork' because I am too experiencing this. In the data hub, it looks like I can only have a shot map with 5 matches in, so not a small enough sample size to be worth screenshotting. Following this thread with interest. 

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Only 12 matches into my FM23 save but I can concur anecdotally that the woodwork is being hit far more frequently than in my latest FM21 save; although there seems to be far fewer disallowed goals correctly called for "offside". Seems to be far more penalties given as well. 

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I have been noticing this too lately, but in my case it feels situational. Like there are similar patterns of play that result in the striker hitting the post.

I do recall a bug a few years back where if a striker received a through ball in a certain way, the keeper would always save it. Although that could be confirmation bias talking.

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  • 4 months later...

Keep in mind that FM doesnt count all the times a ball hits the post so the real number is higher.
According to FM if the ball touches someone before hitting the post it doesnt count...

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I'm with you all, however : 

  1. Reflects real life statistics
  2. It's your tactics
  3. Other dismissive response if any

Roll a dice how you'd like to be ignored.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This is the first year in as long as I can remember that I haven't bought the game, in part because problems like this have become too repetitive to ignore. I was wondering if it got improved at all in this year's edition, but based on the replies to this thread continuing, I'm guessing it hasn't?

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