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CA/PA Update Project

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Hi guys, what do you think about creating a project where everyone can propose to improve or worsen the CA/PA of the players (and not only...) with relative increase or worsening of specific stats to reach the Recommended CA?
In doing so, the game would be even more realistic, the players would reflect their true current value, so we will no longer see starting team players among the substitutes or in the second team and also the transfermarket would abe more realistic.

All this by creating a forum, divided into nations, leagues, teams... 

Surely from the turnout in this post, I will understand if my idea is interesting or not! 

Sorry for the grammatical errors!


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How many times do you expect a forum to update players? Every time somebody suggests a new CA? That sounds like a lot of work, especially if the changes suggested are often silly and uninformed

There's a lot to be said for having the research done by people who watch the players every week, know the CA guidelines and have some incentive not to be silly if they want to carry on doing research...

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Someone would be needed to moderate it, otherwise it will become a mess, guaranteed. If not for trolling, then because someone will overrate their favourite player and the level of world class ones would explode. And if someone needs to moderate it to make sure the suggestions are sound, then who? And how often? And how strict? And what would the guidelines be? Do most people ACTUALLY understand what each attribute do, and how it works with the rest? I'm not convinced.

I think the idea is a good one in theory, but I'm not sure how feasible it is in practice.

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FIFA don't do it via community vote, afaik


SI could release more regular data updates, and possibly will if FM switches to more of a subscription model (yay :rolleyes:). But for the typical user who plays a single save for a month or two (possibly a year or two), weekly updates aren't doing much because they'd never even start a game with most of them.

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1 hour ago, enigmatic said:

FIFA don't do it via community vote, afaik


SI could release more regular data updates, and possibly will if FM switches to more of a subscription model (yay :rolleyes:). But for the typical user who plays a single save for a month or two (possibly a year or two), weekly updates aren't doing much because they'd never even start a game with most of them.

Ah yeah, not by the community. EA researchers do.

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On 14/07/2023 at 20:07, enigmatic said:

... and possibly will if FM switches to more of a subscription model (yay :rolleyes:). 

And will possibly (probably, certainly) be the end of my FM career after more than 30 years if they do.

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There are people who put in tremendous effort in the community to create a wide variety of changes. Legends DB's, updating clubs youngsters etc. The biggest problem is more often than not they get 2 major things wrong. One is not understanding most attributes, and the other is massively over-estimating new youngsters. 

There are so many years of legends DB's knocking about and my litmus test is to check George Best. He was in decline physically by 25/26. Finished as a top level player by 27/28. Natural fitness is how well a player maintains their physical attributes past their prime, how quick their recovery is etc. While most of this was down to lifestyle for Best it is still something you should replicate - particularly with hindsight. I'd probably check in with my head researcher before setting it for a player but I'd definitely put someone past their best at 27/28 in the low single digits for natural fitness. When there are screenshots of it knocking around at 15+ then it is little more than the fantasy ratings you see players given in FUT to shift a few more packs.

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22 minutes ago, santy001 said:

There are people who put in tremendous effort in the community to create a wide variety of changes. Legends DB's, updating clubs youngsters etc. The biggest problem is more often than not they get 2 major things wrong. One is not understanding most attributes, and the other is massively over-estimating new youngsters. 

There are so many years of legends DB's knocking about and my litmus test is to check George Best. He was in decline physically by 25/26. Finished as a top level player by 27/28. Natural fitness is how well a player maintains their physical attributes past their prime, how quick their recovery is etc. While most of this was down to lifestyle for Best it is still something you should replicate - particularly with hindsight. I'd probably check in with my head researcher before setting it for a player but I'd definitely put someone past their best at 27/28 in the low single digits for natural fitness. When there are screenshots of it knocking around at 15+ then it is little more than the fantasy ratings you see players given in FUT to shift a few more packs.

I wonder what his Professionalism is like in those dbs :D 

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