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Foreign Affiliates

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I've just been promoted to the premiership and am looking for a foreign affiliate to loan some youngsters out to for if I find any youngsters that require work permits.

I have asked my board and they have accepted and have let me choose the club - the only clubs on the list are English ones and there are no foreign ones.

When I asked the board I said ' propose an affiliate for loaning players out' - there was no option for a foreign affiliate for loans and assumed that if I just said as stated previously foreign teams would come up as well as English teams but they have not.

Have I done something wrong when I asked the board ?  Is this another statement as nothing else seemed to be there to choose from nor was there an option to look for affilate to help with work permits.  Not sure if this statement should come up or not?  If not why would it have not come up.

Is it because I have just been promoted to the premiership and do not have a reputation for foreign clubs to affiliate with me at the moment - are there any thing else I need to improve in the club to make this happen

Edited by wazza
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Since the new work permit rules came in following brexit, there’s not really any kind of affiliate that can help with gaining work permits. The main thing that is going to help is international appearances, and beyond that it’s playing in a league of significant stature - the clubs of which generally aren’t going to agree to be affiliates.

So if they’re not going to get a work permit, you’re better off looking elsewhere.

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