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encouragement please

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I'm playing fm22 lower league management and currently at my 4th club in my 4th season, sacked 3 times previously

I seem to be in a constant spiral

I have a decent first season then sign what I believe are better players on attributes 

I get a promising start but then a longn losing streak happens. Whatever I do has a negative effect, tactics, team meetings etc.

advice on what to do please as I'm close to walking away 

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A few pointers:

  • Don't make too many transfers at once, as it can destroy the squad cohesion.
  • Take action BEFORE you really stumble, if you are on a winning streak, demand more of the players, don't just praise them. And if you are in a bad way, praise every little thing to improve morale
  • Don't change tactics just for doing it. If the tactic has worked, then tweak it to fit the next opponent, wholesale changes just disrupts more.
  • Identify what the issue is, are a key player having a bad streak? Drop them for a few matches before it spreads to other players. Sometimes that is enough to flip things around
  • Make sure your players don't because fatigued. This is hard in lower leagues, as you rarely have a sports scientist to tell you. Rotate as much as possible and give player time off training if they play a lot of matches in a short while.

Since you don't give much detail, these are the generic advise I have.

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