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[FM24][HELP]Random and Small Skinning Questions


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24 minutes ago, Holzi said:

Rensie skin has no -container class="tcs_box"-.. you need to change the tcs_box. You can try plain_box for example.

Very sorry as really new to tinkering with skins. So I have no clue what that means?

Any help would be much appreciated.

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vor 9 Stunden schrieb rmfarey:

Very sorry as really new to tinkering with skins. So I have no clue what that means?

Any help would be much appreciated.

Which file(s) you have copied from WTCS skin to Rensie skin? Open the xmls (with Notepad++) and search for tcs_box and replace it with plain_box for example.

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Hi Guys,

my match score area panel.xml in (...\skins\FM24 Rensie v3 (Final)\panels\match) shows up ingame this: look at the Screenshot.

Scoreboard hosted at ImgBB — ImgBB (ibb.co)

Can anyone help me, to make the Scoreboard a bit width, so that the Clubnames show up in fullnames

+ the competiton logo bigger, to see it better.

+ the clocktime bigger, to see it better

+ the club logos bigger, to see it better

Many Thanks for helping!   :)

in "Spoiler" is my match score area panel.xml



<panel width="630" colour_team_scores="false">
    <!--Alternate UI mode-->
    <integer id="alSM" value="0" />
    <list id="properties_to_forward">
        <record get_property="disable_animations" set_property="disable_animations" target="clkc"/>
        <record get_property="disable_animations" set_property="disable_animations" target="temc"/>

    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>

    <container id="mtSA">        
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>
    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="20" />
    <widget class="picture"  file="tangfu/scoreboard/scoreboardold"  >
        <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />
        <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="-1,20"  offset="0" gap="0"/>
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />
            <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize" horizontal_gap="0" horizontal_offset="0"/>


            <!--home team logo-->
            <widget class="match_team_logo_picture" id="HtLG" team_index="0" width="50">
                <record id="object_property">
                    <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                    <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
            <container class="home_match_incidents_panel" file="match/tangfu/tangfu match team name" width="125" >
            <record id="object_property">
                <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

            <container id="MInf" width="60" >
                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/>
                    <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="bottom,extend" vertical_gap="-2" vertical_offset="0" horizontal_inset="0" />

                    <container navigation_focus_target="false">
                        <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="middle" horizontal_gap="10" horizontal_offset="0" vertical_inset="0" />

                        <widget class="text" id="T1sc" size="15" font="scoreboard" alignment="right,centre_y" colour="white" auto_size="horizontal"/>
                        <widget class="text"  size="15" font="scoreboard" alignment="centre" text="-" colour="white" auto_size="horizontal"/>
                        <widget class="text" id="T2sc" size="15" font="scoreboard" alignment="left,centre_y" colour="white" auto_size="horizontal"/>


                    <container id="asco">
                        <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_autosize" horizontal_alignment="middle"  horizontal_gap="10" horizontal_offset="0" vertical_inset="0" />

                        <widget class="text" id="T1as" font="title" alignment="right,centre_y" colour="white" auto_size="all"/>
                        <container width="40"/>
                        <widget class="text" id="T2as" font="title" alignment="left,centre_y" colour="white" auto_size="all"/>


            <container class="away_match_incidents_panel"  file="match/tangfu/tangfu match team name" width="123"  >
                    <record id="object_property">
                        <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                        <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />
            <!--away team logo-->
                <widget class="match_team_logo_picture" id="AtLG" team_index="1" width="50">
                    <record id="object_property">
                        <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                        <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />

            <!-- Competition icon -->
            <container class="client_object_viewer_xml_panel"  width="28"  >

                <record id="object_property" get_property="fxCo" set_property="objt" />
                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="0"/>

                <container class="main_box_no_margin" appearance="" >
                    <record id="object_property" get_property="bkcl" set_property="rrep" />
                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" apply_to_children="true" inset="5"/>

                    <widget class="object_portrait_picture" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre">
                        <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt" />

        <container width="80"  id="clkc">
            <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="bottom,extend" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0" />
            <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="bottom" inset="-2"/>
            <container id="ClkC">
                <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="middle" vertical_gap="0" horizontal_inset="0" />

                <record id="default_properties" auto_size="vertical" alignment="centre" />

                <container >
                    <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_autosize_centre" horizontal_alignment="middle" horizontal_gap="4"/>

                    <record id="default_properties" auto_size="all" alignment="centre" />

                    <widget class="text" id="Mclk" size="xlarge" font="title" auto_size="all" />

                    <!--injury time indicator-->
                    <container id="MijC" height="16">
                        <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize"/>

                        <widget class="text" id="Mijt" auto_size="horizontal" alignment="centre" colour="fg positive"/>



                <widget class="text" id="ClkT" font="title" size="small" multiline="true"/>
                <!--<widget class="text" id="Pent" size="14" style="semi_bold" />-->

            <!--match time bar-->
            <widget class="match_time_slider_panel" height="4" file="match/match time slider panel small">
                <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="horizontal" inset="0,0,0,0"/>

                <record id="object_property">
                    <integer id="get_property" value="objt" />
                    <integer id="set_property" value="objt" />


            <container class="main_box_no_margin" width="70" id="asco" appearance="tangfu/scoreboard/olds" >
                    <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_autosize" horizontal_alignment="middle"  horizontal_gap="2" horizontal_offset="8" vertical_inset="0,0,4,0" />

                    <widget class="text" id="T1as" size="13" font="efl bold" alignment="right,centre_y" colour="white" auto_size="horizontal"/>
                    <widget class="text" size="13" font="efl bold" alignment="centre" text="-" colour="white" auto_size="horizontal"/>
                    <widget class="text" id="T2as" size="13" font="efl bold" alignment="left,centre_y" colour="white" auto_size="horizontal"/>

    <widget class="button" appearance="" navigation_focus_target="false">
        <!--Dark Magic xml shenanigans to make this button match the above container, while also allowing us to keep the autosize horizontal-->
        <layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_top" offset="0" get_side="top" set_side="top" target="mtSA" />
        <layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_bottom" offset="0" get_side="bottom" set_side="bottom" target="mtSA" />
        <layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_left" offset="0" get_side="left" set_side="left" target="mtSA" />
        <layout class="stick_to_object_attachment" id="align_right" get_side="right" set_side="right" target="mtSA" />
        <record id="click_event">
            <flags id="event_id" value="TNeV" />
            <integer id="evfl" value="7" />
            <flags id="evtg" value="root" />



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On 22/08/2024 at 07:23, Holzi said:

Which file(s) you have copied from WTCS skin to Rensie skin? Open the xmls (with Notepad++) and search for tcs_box and replace it with plain_box for example.

Thank you for explaining that, it worked and removed the red background!

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I've been trying to edit this scoreboard for champions league games. As you can see,it's blue at the moment,but it's not the right kind of blue. I changed it to blue by setting red_replacement="blue" in match score area panel. I want to set it to any arbitrary color,but it seems only very limited color codes work, How do I set the color to an arbitrary value?



Edited by Pitohui
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I wonder : it's recommended to tick the "Show screen ID's in Title Bar to assist skinning " option in  (FM > Preferences > Interface) but I can not find a link between  panels xml files and the Screen id. Is there a way to manage that or can I untick it because this is not needed

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10 minutes ago, jfgoude said:

I wonder : it's recommended to tick the "Show screen ID's in Title Bar to assist skinning " option in  (FM > Preferences > Interface) but I can not find a link between  panels xml files and the Screen id. Is there a way to manage that or can I untick it because this is not needed

The Screen ID thats shown in the search field when ticked in the preferences is used for getting the ID on players, staff, stadiums etc. so if it's not something you look for, then you can untick it

ID's used in code can be found in "properties" files, just extract them from the default game files.

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Alas, developpers could have had a good idea (and practic) in noticing screen ID in the commentary part of the panels files

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On 27/08/2024 at 19:42, Fwiedwice said:

I think it is inbox panel in the human folder, if it not that should be inbox item.


Edited by Mark8213
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Hi everyone, still beginning to understand the whole flow of skinning, and I am wondering if it is possible do write some texte somewhere.

When people begins to learn a new programming language it is common to start with something like : print "hello world".

Can we do that in some .xml ?

I presume we must do some thing like :

       <widget class="label" id="test1" alignment="left,bottom" auto_size="all">

                  <string id="xyz" value="text" />

                   <string id="font" value="label" />


but that doesn't work.

Question : is it possible to display some text (litteral text, not database contained text) somewhere and how can I do that ?


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2 hours ago, jfgoude said:

Hi everyone, still beginning to understand the whole flow of skinning, and I am wondering if it is possible do write some texte somewhere.

When people begins to learn a new programming language it is common to start with something like : print "hello world".

Can we do that in some .xml ?

I presume we must do some thing like :

       <widget class="label" id="test1" alignment="left,bottom" auto_size="all">

                  <string id="xyz" value="text" />

                   <string id="font" value="label" />


but that doesn't work.

Question : is it possible to display some text (litteral text, not database contained text) somewhere and how can I do that ?


<widget class="text" auto_size="all">
    <string id="text" value="custom text"/>

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Il y a 13 heures, snowofman a dit :

<widget class="text" auto_size="all">
    <string id="text" value="custom text"/>

thanks, it works ... almost (with anything other than "all" as the value of "auto-size" which generates a line break, it no longer works, I still have to find the right parameter values)

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On 04/09/2024 at 11:02, sptndc said:

Hello, does anyone know how to change “-” to “vs” only during pre-match?


I don't think you can change it just for the pre-match as it's the same match score panel as during the match.

But you change it simply.

Locate skin folder/panels/match/match score area panel.xml

Search the "team names and score" part and you will find the container with the id="MInf", rewrite the "-" to "vs", save the file and reload the game.

Just play with the font type, size or colour.


it can look like this for example. 


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4 hours ago, keysi said:

I don't think you can change it just for the pre-match as it's the same match score panel as during the match.

But you change it simply.

Locate skin folder/panels/match/match score area panel.xml

Search the "team names and score" part and you will find the container with the id="MInf", rewrite the "-" to "vs", save the file and reload the game.

Just play with the font type, size or colour.


it can look like this for example. 


Okay, thanks @keysi

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2 hours ago, Xendblue said:

Is it possible to add a pizza chart (like in Mustermann or WTCS) to Sas 24 skin?

the pizza chart is already in the sas skin, if you use the PC version - look in the lower right panel on the player profil

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2 saat önce, snowofman said:

the pizza chart is already in the sas skin, if you use the PC version - look in the lower right panel on the player profil

Thanks. I was using the laptop version, that's why I couldn't find it. I can use the PC version with %85 zoom but it feels weird with some panels clipping into each other. I assume there isn't a way to add pizza chart into the Laptop version, right?

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2 minutes ago, Xendblue said:

Thanks. I was using the laptop version, that's why I couldn't find it. I can use the PC version with %85 zoom but it feels weird with some panels clipping into each other. I assume there isn't a way to add pizza chart into the Laptop version, right?

There isnt enough room for it in the laptop version, it would require a remake of the whole player page.

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4 dakika önce, snowofman said:

There isnt enough room for it in the laptop version, it would require a remake of the whole player page.

I understand. Would it be possible to implement Tato's jersey background behind player face into Sas? They looked the same size so I tried to just copy it, but it was out of place obviously. I'm down to learning these things myself through reading a guide.

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1 minute ago, Xendblue said:

I understand. Would it be possible to implement Tato's jersey background behind player face into Sas? They looked the same size so I tried to just copy it, but it was out of place obviously. I'm down to learning these things myself through reading a guide.

Most things can be done, tho it often requires some fiddeling - as you said it was out of place. so you would have to play around with the placement values

there sadly isnt a guide to follow, it's trial and error - but as you already tried to copy it over, you've done alot of the hard work, now you just need to fiddle around the the placement.

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2 dakika önce, snowofman said:

Most things can be done, tho it often requires some fiddeling - as you said it was out of place. so you would have to play around with the placement values

there sadly isnt a guide to follow, it's trial and error - but as you already tried to copy it over, you've done alot of the hard work, now you just need to fiddle around the the placement.

Will try, thank you a lot for guidance :)

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Hello all, I wonder if I might be able to get some help please.

I am completely untechnical when it comes to skinning,

I simply would like the default/base "match player bar widget" to include a I - information, hover icon like some skins have on them. When you hover on them, you see player information

I hope I have explained the above well enough and ideally if someone could provide please, I would be so very grateful, as despite trying myself, I am using a low resolution laptop and its not working

Thanks in advance

Edited by Connor
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2 hours ago, Connor said:

Hello all, I wonder if I might be able to get some help please.

I am completely untechnical when it comes to skinning,

I simply would like the default/base "match player bar widget" to include a I - information, hover icon like some skins have on them. When you hover on them, you see player information

I hope I have explained the above well enough and ideally if someone could provide please, I would be so very grateful, as despite trying myself, I am using a low resolution laptop and its not working

Thanks in advance

Add the attached file to the widgets folder of the base skin, clear the cache and reload the skin or add it before starting FM

If you  don't have a extracted base skin, you can get it from here


match players bar widget.xml

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On 08/09/2024 at 15:55, snowofman said:

Add the attached file to the widgets folder of the base skin, clear the cache and reload the skin or add it before starting FM

If you  don't have a extracted base skin, you can get it from here


match players bar widget.xml 4.63 kB · 3 downloads

I `m currently using the attached match players bar widget, but would love the "I info icon/hover button on it also for each player, that when hovered on pops up player information/overview in game

I hope I have explained properly, but if someone could add/tell me how to add, it would be much appreciated please 

match players bar widget.xml

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Hi all, I've been messing around with editing the skin i'm using (Electric Panther Mustermann 24), i edited some graphics and i want to try matching colours for every team, i'm liking it so far, even though it won't be aesthetically pleasing for every colour combo (looking at you Augsburg)

also took the matching colour sidebar from the FLUT alt files, thinking about doing a matching top bar too

Now, the main question:

I wanted to change the "base" white text colour into the primary colour of the team, is it possible? if so what lines should i edit? 

below some screenshots to share my results and giving examples to the white text




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19 hours ago, dpizzle said:

Hi all, I've been messing around with editing the skin i'm using (Electric Panther Mustermann 24), i edited some graphics and i want to try matching colours for every team, i'm liking it so far, even though it won't be aesthetically pleasing for every colour combo (looking at you Augsburg)

also took the matching colour sidebar from the FLUT alt files, thinking about doing a matching top bar too

Now, the main question:

I wanted to change the "base" white text colour into the primary colour of the team, is it possible? if so what lines should i edit? 

below some screenshots to share my results and giving examples to the white text




Look in the fonts folder there should be files for title, text etc 

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9 minutes ago, JustHowie said:

Look in the fonts folder there should be files for title, text etc 

The fonts folder, completely forgot about it, thanks!


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7 hours ago, BoomBoomBigalow said:

How can I change the Text to Black? 


Look in the match folder the in-between highlights file should indicate which file is needed for the left side panel (potentially, match stats) 

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17 hours ago, BoomBoomBigalow said:

How can I change the Text to Black? 


If I'm not mistaken, you can change the text color in the files “match notable events panel.xml” and “match stats overview.xml” under the list with id "column_widget_properties".

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2 minutes ago, Jonny B Gods said:


Im making some mods to my skin...Need some help...can anyone tell me how to put the team logo in the sidebar?? Thank you


The quick way is to edit "sidebar menu table.xml"

and spilt it into 2 containers where you add the picture code of the bottom container


The quicker way is to look how it's made in a skin that already have it and just do the same. 

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1 minuto atrás, snowofman disse:

The quick way is to edit "sidebar menu table.xml"

and spilt it into 2 containers where you add the picture code of the bottom container


The quicker way is to look how it's made in a skin that already have it and just do the same. 

I have a skin with that sidebar but cant find the file... its sidebar menu table?

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3 minutes ago, Jonny B Gods said:

I have a skin with that sidebar but cant find the file... its sidebar menu table?

it's in the generic folder

if your skin does not have this file, it's being picked up from the default game files and you would have to extract it to edit it.

Or grab it from a skin that has the picture at the bottom as said before and place it in the generic folder

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4 minutos atrás, snowofman disse:

it's in the generic folder

if your skin does not have this file, it's being picked up from the default game files and you would have to extract it to edit it.

Or grab it from a skin that has the picture at the bottom as said before and place it in the generic folder

Oh men...youre awesome!! 

Thank you


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I have a question regarding match team news panel.xml.

Is it possible to show the actual stadium picture there?matchteamnews.jpg.ce1d81586dbd56825fa3ebad992563f2.jpg I am only able to show a generic one..


And is it possible to change translations for specific languages locally? Thanks!

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Am 12.9.2024 um 17:03 schrieb Jonny B Gods:

Oh men...youre awesome!! 

Thank you


Logo code should be:

		<!-- TEAM LOGO -->
		<container height="180">
			<layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" apply_to_children="true" inset="4"/>
			<widget class="picture" id="lgtF" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre">
				<attachment class="test_setting_attachment" get_setting="show_badges" default_value="true" set_property="hidden">
					<boolean id="value" value="false"/>
				<!-- tells the picture to listen to the 'main picture' global property being set, and set its own file property from it -->
				<record id="object_property" should_force_refresh="true">
					<integer id="get_property" value="mnpc"/>
					<integer id="set_property" value="file"/>


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