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9 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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    Grimsby Town

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    Radstock Town

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  1. what changes the font colour here the green box makes it so i cant see the writing i have checked continent overview but nothing there to change the colour
  2. how do i get rid of the green (possibly make it transparent) at the bottom of the page please
  3. what do i need to do to change from kits to faces please. FIXED
  4. How do i add faces instead of kits to this please
  5. Hi good day to you all, what panel/s are these please. Thanks
  6. what do i need to edit to change the icon from black to white on the side bar{red box) it only happens on development center and planner when selected. All the other icons are white all the time thanks
  7. No i didn't and never got or found an answer
  8. what controls this in the red box please (black Writing)
  9. Hi all, is it possible to have a specific font in the game without having to edit every xml
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