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Football Manager 2024 Official Feedback Thread

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On 19/01/2024 at 16:38, KingCanary said:

Yeah I think this is it- irl the player would likely come back to me and say 'hey, about that contract we were discussing.' Instead it seems like they have a wage they'll accept from me and a wage they'll accept from West Ham so when one meets his club specific demands he signs.

They do it, but not after a couple of days. 
In case, you will receive a message from the agent at least weeks later...

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5 hours ago, scott MUFC said:

my best CB has a natural fitness of 16, yet needs resting nearly every other game, and keeps wanting more game time due to this

conceding goals from, player makes a weird pointless pass, needs fixing its very rarely NOT a concede (to the point its just looks like a rigged moment)

i had a player out with a serious injury, came back into rehabilitation phase for 2 months.... then got injured for the u21s (guy keeps getting injured when not actually injury prone) why was he picked when under rehab?

and also yellows for handballs on corners, always an attacking teams defender.... its far too frequent

All over the country, every evening, grown men & women sit basking in the glow of computer screens, fuming at the stupidity of a handful of pixels making poor decisions in a simulated approximation of a sport which is itself completely pointless.

This is the freedom our ancestors fought and died for!


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14 minutes ago, NineCloudNine said:

All over the country, every evening, grown men & women sit basking in the glow of computer screens, fuming at the stupidity of a handful of pixels making poor decisions in a simulated approximation of a sport which is itself completely pointless.

This is the freedom our ancestors fought and died for!


Everybody's 'phone now has more computing power that was originally used to put a man on the moon and they are mainly used to argue with strangers on the internet and look at pictures of cats.

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15 hours ago, Barrs88 said:

Champions League final against Liverpool, Salah, Nunez VVD benched.

Hello @Barrs88

If you have a save file from before this match took place we can take a closer look.

You can upload the save to our cloud service with the link below.


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8 minutes ago, andu1 said:

Do referees dont retire and get replaced by new referees? Im seeing the same names in 2040..

Think so, I'm in 2049 and I don't recognize any of these names in the PL.


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2 minutes ago, XaW said:

Think so, I'm in 2049 and I don't recognize any of these names in the PL.


Maybe i saw an younger one that somehow made it to 2040... lol

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I've complained before about the frequency of matches where you dominate but under achieve xG and opponent over achieves. I've seen less of it over time but I think the biggest frustration is how you suddenly find yourself in runs where this keeps happening.

I pulled the numbers from my last 5 games where I've been on one of these runs just to show and make sure I'm not going crazy.


So across these 5 games my opponents are averaging 1.2 goals per game, despite averaging 0.62 xG, while I'm averaging 1 goal a game while creating an xG 2.2 goals per game.

Maybe I'm creating loads of low % chances and conceding loads of high % ones. But it doesn't seem so...


In 3 of the 5 games I've had a better xG per shot than my opponent. 

I know games like this happen but when you go on one of these runs and the game offers no explanation or useful feedback it feels a bit like its pulling down the shutters and saying 'lets make this artificially harder.' 

Maybe it is beyond the game at this point but I'd like my analysts or coaches to be coming to me and saying 'striker X has been missing lots of high % chances recently and his morale is low' or 'keeper Y is getting beaten by lots of shots from range, we need to work on closing down those opportunities.' 

Instead I'm asked to dig through a not very useful data hub and click through 100 screens just to give myself even the slightest hint of what might be happening.

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1 hour ago, KingCanary said:

I've complained before about the frequency of matches where you dominate but under achieve xG and opponent over achieves. I've seen less of it over time but I think the biggest frustration is how you suddenly find yourself in runs where this keeps happening.

I pulled the numbers from my last 5 games where I've been on one of these runs just to show and make sure I'm not going crazy.


So across these 5 games my opponents are averaging 1.2 goals per game, despite averaging 0.62 xG, while I'm averaging 1 goal a game while creating an xG 2.2 goals per game.

Maybe I'm creating loads of low % chances and conceding loads of high % ones. But it doesn't seem so...


In 3 of the 5 games I've had a better xG per shot than my opponent. 

I know games like this happen but when you go on one of these runs and the game offers no explanation or useful feedback it feels a bit like its pulling down the shutters and saying 'lets make this artificially harder.' 

Maybe it is beyond the game at this point but I'd like my analysts or coaches to be coming to me and saying 'striker X has been missing lots of high % chances recently and his morale is low' or 'keeper Y is getting beaten by lots of shots from range, we need to work on closing down those opportunities.' 

Instead I'm asked to dig through a not very useful data hub and click through 100 screens just to give myself even the slightest hint of what might be happening.

Wonderful to see the game saved the cherry on the top of this particular run for last (these were my final 6 games of the season).


So by final count my opposition managed 15 goals from an xG of about 5.5, my team managed 6 from an xG of 13.68.

I don't buy into the conspiracies that some do about the game being rigged etc etc but it is tough not to get frustrated when  things like this happen. I'm assuming it is a morale issue where some key players had a bad game or two and spiralled but it is extra frustrating as this morale/form collapse has come at a time when morale should be highest- literally the first game of this weird run was the game that won us the league! 

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15 hours ago, KingCanary said:

I've complained before about the frequency of matches where you dominate but under achieve xG and opponent over achieves. I've seen less of it over time but I think the biggest frustration is how you suddenly find yourself in runs where this keeps happening.

I pulled the numbers from my last 5 games where I've been on one of these runs just to show and make sure I'm not going crazy.


So across these 5 games my opponents are averaging 1.2 goals per game, despite averaging 0.62 xG, while I'm averaging 1 goal a game while creating an xG 2.2 goals per game.

Maybe I'm creating loads of low % chances and conceding loads of high % ones. But it doesn't seem so...


In 3 of the 5 games I've had a better xG per shot than my opponent. 

I know games like this happen but when you go on one of these runs and the game offers no explanation or useful feedback it feels a bit like its pulling down the shutters and saying 'lets make this artificially harder.' 

Maybe it is beyond the game at this point but I'd like my analysts or coaches to be coming to me and saying 'striker X has been missing lots of high % chances recently and his morale is low' or 'keeper Y is getting beaten by lots of shots from range, we need to work on closing down those opportunities.' 

Instead I'm asked to dig through a not very useful data hub and click through 100 screens just to give myself even the slightest hint of what might be happening.

I normally don't like doing analysis like that, and I have to agree that the data hub is useless when it comes to deep analysis. The information is there but one needs to dig through all the clutter to break down the relevant information. Let me begin like this:

Average xg per shot is not useful, because it can be wildly inaccurate. Its as useful as a paper condom.

What I do is look for trends and to do that I need to go over each shot and then check whether its from open play or not. I only take open play shots and keep set piece ones separate.  With that done I then look for good quality xG chances which are at least 0.21 which is a good chance, clear cut should be closer to 0.47.  Here is a sample analysis for 3 games where I do this, and then also assign my own xG buildup scores to identify players in my team who are involved in high goal scoring chances, assigning each an xG value too. This way I can nail down the high performing players in my squad. I did explain this recently on a stream. For two seasons I was wont to use Miguel Reyes in my team as a central midfield attacking player because he failed my height test:-). Each season I failed at the last hurdle to win the title. And then when I started doing xG buildup analysis, I found out that:

1. He was involved in nearly EVERY high scoring chance we created from open play, but this wasn't being reflected in open play key pass assists which is absolutely criminal but understandable if you know how SI compute that.
2. Even when our average xg was a low value, our quality chance creation was still superb. That xG of ours which was 0.76 was a good day against the title favorites who were reduced to 0.22 in that game, but we had one clear cut chance in open play which we scored and then another from a corner.

The following season we started every match with Reyes, and we had a 75% win ratio on the way to the title, only losing twice the entire season.

I am not a big fan of using average xG, it is possible to do a deep dive into the numbers in the data hub, but it will take time and it can be rewarding, but unfortunately I can understand it won't be everyone's cup of tea. It would be good to have this kind of feedback from the data hub, instead of having us dig through it ourselves, it is certainly a job i expect Data Analysts to be doing instead of managers. I just do hope that more and more people stop using average xg as a benchmark, its woefully inadequate.


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I remember in previous version of the game, maybe 20-30% of retired players would fully retire.

From my own experience on FM24 it seems only around 5% of my crop of retired players from the last 7 seasons actually fully retire (aka unclickable) and the vast majority of the rest have been poor, unemployed scouts, coaches, DoF's etc for the last 5-6 years. Does this not create bloat in the game?

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6 hours ago, Rashidi said:

I am not a big fan of using average xG


I want to take this further and add that xG as a concept itself is a meme.

Ever since I found out about xG I understood that it was a glorified form of you and your friend watching your favourite team lose after creating good chances and then having the conversation of "MAN we should have won that game if we scored from those 4 chances". Yeah every man and his dog knows that.

Honestly I'm not sure why it is a important factor in football. If anyone's wanting to get better in the game, I would ask you to watch your chances and decide whether it was a good chance and also look at whether the person who was supposed to score is having a good game or on poor form.

There's a good reason why only some players are capable of turning half chances into clear cut chances.

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I've played Championship manager/Football manager since before the millenium.

I skipped FM23 and was pretty happy about it. I think FM24 is the best stage the game has ever been. I'm looking forward to FM25.

However, there's one thing that have bugged me immensely with FM24. It seems to me, that it's easier than it has ever been before. It seems to me, that I can basically get away with everything, as long as there's good familiarity with the tactics and my popularity. 

If that's so, I do get that you want new players to get in, but on the flipside, that can also mitigate against player retention. You've been vocal about, wanting to get as close to the real manager experience, but still streamline it enough so everyone can get aboard. I think FM is currently a tad too arcadic. 

It's not fun particular for me, to hit a certain threshold with any team, and then it's a guarantee a cruise from there on, no matter what I do. It feels like that right now and it makes it harder for me to get back, because it doesn't feel like an achievement and the authenticity is diminished. 


I suggest if you both want to reach wider, while still maintaining to be an authentic simulator (you're still a niche afterall), is perhaps to make two modes. One is the Football manager experience that is more streamlined, and another mode that emphasis even harder on the authenticity and realism aspect. That way you can have your cake and eat it too. Maybe have toggles so you can have it streamlined, but also sprinkle it with a more gritty nature?


Anyway, I think FM24 on one hand, is the best version of Football Manager ever... but ironically, it's also the hardest one for me to get back to, because of the reasons above. 

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vor 23 Stunden schrieb KingCanary:

Wonderful to see the game saved the cherry on the top of this particular run for last (these were my final 6 games of the season).


So by final count my opposition managed 15 goals from an xG of about 5.5, my team managed 6 from an xG of 13.68.

I don't buy into the conspiracies that some do about the game being rigged etc etc but it is tough not to get frustrated when  things like this happen. I'm assuming it is a morale issue where some key players had a bad game or two and spiralled but it is extra frustrating as this morale/form collapse has come at a time when morale should be highest- literally the first game of this weird run was the game that won us the league! 

I see this screenshot but as non native speaker i have a hard time to comprehend where you get the numbers from that you mention i the text below it.

What the screenshot tells me is that the left side numbers team had probably many low xg chances and the right side numbers team had probably a few high xg chances.

That makes the result completely legit as simply adding up xg chances imho does not paint an accurate picture on top of xg being a potentially misleading stat for a lack of individual "per player involved modifiers" and the possession numbers make me deem the right team had more counterattacks than the left team which adds to the danger of their attacks.

Also the performance of GKs is in its critical role for good results not to understate as they singlehandedly make you lose games sometimes if they show a bad performance and i honestly dont believe the AI GKs work the same way than human team GKs bcs of the number of horribly bad GKs the AI hires while still having success to a degree that can only be called miraculous.

But maybe the AI tactics used have tactic modificators that tone down GK involvment and make it more a cohesion and familiarity + morale issue how they perform.

Whatsoever, the more dominant you become the less effective your team scores is the general rule of FM and it reflects well on real world football.


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3 hours ago, SirBagger said:

I've played Championship manager/Football manager since before the millenium.

I skipped FM23 and was pretty happy about it. I think FM24 is the best stage the game has ever been. I'm looking forward to FM25.

However, there's one thing that have bugged me immensely with FM24. It seems to me, that it's easier than it has ever been before. It seems to me, that I can basically get away with everything, as long as there's good familiarity with the tactics and my popularity. 

If that's so, I do get that you want new players to get in, but on the flipside, that can also mitigate against player retention. You've been vocal about, wanting to get as close to the real manager experience, but still streamline it enough so everyone can get aboard. I think FM is currently a tad too arcadic. 

It's not fun particular for me, to hit a certain threshold with any team, and then it's a guarantee a cruise from there on, no matter what I do. It feels like that right now and it makes it harder for me to get back, because it doesn't feel like an achievement and the authenticity is diminished. 


I suggest if you both want to reach wider, while still maintaining to be an authentic simulator (you're still a niche afterall), is perhaps to make two modes. One is the Football manager experience that is more streamlined, and another mode that emphasis even harder on the authenticity and realism aspect. That way you can have your cake and eat it too. Maybe have toggles so you can have it streamlined, but also sprinkle it with a more gritty nature?


Anyway, I think FM24 on one hand, is the best version of Football Manager ever... but ironically, it's also the hardest one for me to get back to, because of the reasons above. 

I absolutely agree about this being overall the best game but at the same time by the far the easiest.

I'm 5 seasons into my game starting as Championship Norwich and already have 2 Premier League wins, an FA Cup, a Europa League and a Champions League final to my name. In previous versions I've been able to get to the top of the tree but its taken much longer and generally I've struggled to move from being a top 7/8 side to being a title winner. 

I'm not downloading exploit tactics, I've just made tweaks to the preset options generally and I've had immediate success. Even though I've moaned about the annoying runs where you suddenly can't score/the opposition is lethal, in general winning games is far too easy. In previous versions I've struggled to get wins against the top teams, this year I've already got wins over PSG, Barca, Madrid, AC Milan and Juventus in my two Champions League seasons, along with regularly having thumping wins v Man U, Arsenal, Liverpool etc in the league. 

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52 minutes ago, KingCanary said:

I'm not downloading exploit tactics, I've just made tweaks to the preset options generally and I've had immediate success. Even though I've moaned about the annoying runs where you suddenly can't score/the opposition is lethal, in general winning games is far too easy. In previous versions I've struggled to get wins against the top teams, this year I've already got wins over PSG, Barca, Madrid, AC Milan and Juventus in my two Champions League seasons, along with regularly having thumping wins v Man U, Arsenal, Liverpool etc in the league. 

The presets have a great contribution to this. I'm not saying the game isn't easier in itself,  but if you want to implement a certain playstyle and have already a base to start from (and some of them are decent from the gate), it makes the whole process of building a good tactic that can overachieve, more easy.

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Difficulty is one of the most important aspects of a game, surely. Easy games become boring quickly so I don't entirely understand how a game can both be the best and the easiest. My planned long-term FM22 save with Roma ended up lasting just 2 years because the team literally won every competition it took part in (Serie A, Coppa Italia, UECL in the first season; Serie A, Coppa Italia, Champions League, both super cups in the second) using a very simple tactic (counter, counterpress, high LoE/DL, play out of defence), no OIs, and without ever performing opposition or data hub analysis.

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I've said this before so it won't hurt to say it again. I'm always looking for the most authentic experience possible from this game and that's how I critique it. Very few real lift managers achieve success, on that basis alone  it should be harder than it currently is. My favourite saves (and I have to go back a few years) have been ones where I've struggled to get traction and maybe a promotion and a cup final was the height of my achievement. If I win too much and too easily the save won't last. At the same time I think the vast majority of FM players just want to win, they don't care for the angst of a struggle, they want success and to believe they're a tactical genius. :D To some extent you can apply that exact mindset to bugs and AI shortcomings (Squad Building, Rotation, Development, Opposition Manager Tactics) lots of people don't see them because they don't look far beyond their own team and winning IMO. It's definitely a development challenge to keep everyone happy. 

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Easier game = Disappoint experient players, pleasing newcomers

More difficult game = Disappoint newcomers, pleasing experient players

More realistic game = Disappoint those who don't have much time to play, pleasing those who have and want the real experience.

Less realistic game = Disappoint demanding players, pleasing those who don't have much time to play.


So it is a hard balance SI has to find. I myself don't have much time to play but I'm an experient player, been playing managers since CM 01/02. I of course prefer the combination of more realistic and more difficult game, but from a business point of view it might not be the best approach  to follow. 

Given the variety of ways one can play the game, I suppose different levels of difficulty should have been added already. 

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My ideal FM would be more difficult but also significantly less complicated. It has bloated over the years (features are added, never removed). If a new player faced the combination of the current level of compelexity AND an uncompromisingly difficult reflection of real life football challenges, I can imagine the drop-out rate being very high. At least now the game is reasonably forgiving while people get their head around the 1,874 (I've counted!) things they have to learn.

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3 hours ago, Rodrigogc said:

So it is a hard balance SI has to find. I myself don't have much time to play but I'm an experient player, been playing managers since CM 01/02. I of course prefer the combination of more realistic and more difficult game, but from a business point of view it might not be the best approach  to follow. 

It's a problem shared by turn based strategy games, which FM isn't but has the same hallmarks as: an unlimited amount of time to make decisions, a need to add complexity to the game in every iteration which the AI cannot necessarily keep up with, and large communities who can deconstruct the game at length. FM has an additional problem of trying to be an immersive simulation, which does not always correlate with level of difficulty.

I think a hard mode would be somewhat popular but that often means handicapping the player and buffing the AI, which players don't really like.  Playing Civ 6 on diety with all the AIs bonuses feels totally different to playing on say King, and players are split on whether that's a good thing. I don't think we'll really see anything monumental with difficulty until machine learning as a tool is cheap enough to be implemented into a £40 game.

That said, if the made a mode where you had less money, more injuries, is harder to keep team morale and cohesion, then i would definitely give that a go.

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3 hours ago, NineCloudNine said:

My ideal FM would be more difficult but also significantly less complicated. It has bloated over the years (features are added, never removed). If a new player faced the combination of the current level of compelexity AND an uncompromisingly difficult reflection of real life football challenges, I can imagine the drop-out rate being very high. At least now the game is reasonably forgiving while people get their head around the 1,874 (I've counted!) things they have to learn.

I think mine would be more difficult but with the existing complexity justifying it's place in the game. For example, I dread interactions and I know some would get rid of them in a heartbeat but the idea of playing a football simulation where you can't actually communicate with your players makes no sense to me. The interactions need to be diverse and logical then I think they'd feel less like bloat.

I played BG3 over Christmas, first time I'd ever played/bought a game like that, I was half expecting my ageing brain to struggle with it's complexity but I got there. That is a game with enormous complexity and if I was playing it thinking, this doesn't work, that doesn't make sense I wouldn't have put the time in. Whilst it has some faults its insanely well designed and programmed and from what I can see their dev community engagement is very good and slick.  

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29 minutes ago, tezcatlipoca665 said:

I don't really want the game to be harder/easier or anything, personally - at least in the way people keep discussing. I just want the game to make sense and show consistency. In terms of difficulty, that *should* come down to what club you select to manage, the circumstances the club is facing, and what the expectations of the board/supporters are imo.

What you say there makes sense and it's what I mean when I say I'd like it to be more difficult to achieve success than it currently is.  I certainly wouldn't want to see levels of difficulty. These things would be addressed organically if AI managers made better decisions around recruitment, squad building, rotation and tactics/game management. Because they don't seem to do these things even half as well as an average human manager we hold this huge advantage. 

Transfers timings are another area where we have this huge advantage, I played one season of an Everton save with the first window turned off. I added a couple of players in the Jan window and within 7 days of that closing I've signed all my players ready to join the next summer. So, unless you physically stop yourself doing that you have these massive advantages against the AI. 

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On 27/01/2024 at 13:04, tezcatlipoca665 said:

I don't really want the game to be harder/easier or anything, personally - at least in the way people keep discussing. I just want the game to make sense and show consistency. In terms of difficulty, that *should* come down to what club you select to manage, the circumstances the club is facing, and what the expectations of the board/supporters are imo.

This. The game is hard currently because it makes so little sense. 

The only way it's easy is if you can stomach using downloaded (or some default) tactics that break the engine. But that's never what FM was about for me...

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16 minutes ago, whatsupdoc said:

The only way it's easy is if you can stomach using downloaded tactics that break the engine. But that's never what FM was about for me...

Absolutely not true. As I wrote earlier, I could win everything by playing almost a clean slate tactic without bothering about anything else (OIs, data hub analysis, adjusting to opposition, etc). As long as the formation and roles are balanced and you keep the players happy you can do extremely well. But it shouldn't be that easy. You should have to do that something extra or be extremely lucky to win, say, the quadruple.


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I've never played so little FM as I've done now. In the beta I've completed a season, since release I've only made it to the winter break. Quite frankly can't handle the lack of pressing and the fact that every bloody team has a pass completion percentage of (way more) than 80%. Fancying some direct tactics and not really be able to play like that makes it harsh, kills the immersion. Wish I was a possession guy, I'd have a blast.

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22 minutes ago, Kcinnay said:

I've never played so little FM as I've done now. In the beta I've completed a season, since release I've only made it to the winter break. Quite frankly can't handle the lack of pressing and the fact that every bloody team has a pass completion percentage of (way more) than 80%. Fancying some direct tactics and not really be able to play like that makes it harsh, kills the immersion. Wish I was a possession guy, I'd have a blast.

Do you by any chance watch matches in full or extended? Watching FM matches in full exposes such defects and breaks the immersion. I firmly believe that it's better both for immersion and for one's own time to watch matches in comprehensive. The ME is extremely approximative and the tactical intricacies can be observed better by cutting out all the ME noise. This is why I don't understand why people are so hung up about the ME. I cannot fathom that people actually bother to watch FM games in full. Sometimes I can barely stand RL ones...

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24 minutes ago, Ein said:

Do you by any chance watch matches in full or extended? Watching FM matches in full exposes such defects and breaks the immersion. I firmly believe that it's better both for immersion and for one's own time to watch matches in comprehensive. The ME is extremely approximative and the tactical intricacies can be observed better by cutting out all the ME noise. This is why I don't understand why people are so hung up about the ME. I cannot fathom that people actually bother to watch FM games in full. Sometimes I can barely stand RL ones...

Normally, I watch them extended, but this year I switched to comprehensive. But I love data and since those are quite important in FM, I just can't get over it.

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3 hours ago, tezcatlipoca665 said:

I don't really want the game to be harder/easier or anything, personally - at least in the way people keep discussing. I just want the game to make sense and show consistency. In terms of difficulty, that *should* come down to what club you select to manage, the circumstances the club is facing, and what the expectations of the board/supporters are imo.

Agree with this, and the managers you are facing too, so it naturally makes it harder to achieve at the more elite levels and competitions of the game.

Throw in a balanced ME with being able to use several tactical styles and no overpowered roles, then for me you'd have a really good, and realistic game that both camps wanting a hard or easy game can't really complain about - because it would reflect as best as a computer game can, football as it is and would end up appreciating that I think.

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I actually don't think that new players will necessarily find the game easy. New players managing a weak team might intuitively think that they should play defensively until they discover they're better off playing gegenpress. New players might read and take heed of what the assistant says until they discover it's just random noise. Being experienced and good at the game is mostly about knowing what things to avoid.

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5 horas atrás, Ein disse:

I actually don't think that new players will necessarily find the game easy. New players managing a weak team might intuitively think that they should play defensively until they discover they're better off playing gegenpress. New players might read and take heed of what the assistant says until they discover it's just random noise. Being experienced and good at the game is mostly about knowing what things to avoid.

But once you learn what to avoid and which buttons to click, it becomes easier. Someone said early about machine learning and that would be a great way of increasing difficulty, because FM now works as "Handicap attacking so that defense looks better", "handicap defending so that attacking looks better", etc.. there is no progressive learning for the AI, which is how football works. Guardiola is overachieving with his tiki taka and possession based football ? There comes Klopp with his gegenpressing.. FM is basically finding what works and what does not work and make your choice. 

The game has become like one of these movies where they have 50 characters but only 3~5 that make the whole movie go, being the characters new features that remain underdeveloped for years (data hub, shouts, some interactions, social media, training...). But now, instead of developing the existing features, they will add even more for FM25 so that there will be many things to improve for FM26 which they'll promise it will get better.

There will come Women's football (I understand those who like it, but I bet most players who play the game don't care. In fact, the DB will probably become heavier).

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9 hours ago, Kcinnay said:

I've never played so little FM as I've done now. In the beta I've completed a season, since release I've only made it to the winter break. Quite frankly can't handle the lack of pressing and the fact that every bloody team has a pass completion percentage of (way more) than 80%. Fancying some direct tactics and not really be able to play like that makes it harsh, kills the immersion. Wish I was a possession guy, I'd have a blast.

I've had great joy since the last update with negative, hoof ball football.

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Easy game? Only if you play exploit tactics. Try to set a Guardiola's tactic to grab +60% ball possession to be cheated every game.

I give a break on FM24 not because the game is "easy", but after several seasons having more possession, more shots on goal, less shots received, more Xg and still losing a lot of matches.

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So people don't trust the game ("the game is scripted") only to blindly trust what the game's Xg system is telling them... Games are won by scoring goals not by having more possession, shooting more on goal, etc. Even if Xg numbers are trustworthy and reliable, they count for nothing. IRL, based on Xg, Chelsea should be fighting for a Champions League spot and Man Utd should be in a relegation scrap.

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On 25/01/2024 at 04:47, scott MUFC said:

my best CB has a natural fitness of 16, yet needs resting nearly every other game, and keeps wanting more game time due to this

conceding goals from, player makes a weird pointless pass, needs fixing its very rarely NOT a concede (to the point its just looks like a rigged moment)

i had a player out with a serious injury, came back into rehabilitation phase for 2 months.... then got injured for the u21s (guy keeps getting injured when not actually injury prone) why was he picked when under rehab?

and also yellows for handballs on corners, always an attacking teams defender.... its far too frequent

Had the same and find resting the 11 that started next day after a game helps a little.

Also when you have the game give you the option to tell them they need a rest make sure you rest them from training for that period or some of it.

Agree that fitness is a real pain, particularly as we have to wait for the game to allow us to tell players they need a rest.

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38 minutes ago, NineCloudNine said:

xG 3.86

79% possession

36 shots

Lost 1-2 to a team 4 divisions below who scored from their only two shots and whose keeper had the game of his life.


You should work out XG per shot, yours is 0.107 per shot which is a lot of poor quality chances. You should also do this for the opponent its likely they created better quality chances.

A high XG does not mean you should score over 3 goals.....but do wish SI would add a XG/s stat in the match statistics as it would lessen these misconceptions, although you can can track it in the xG graph.

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21 minutes ago, dunk105 said:

You should work out XG per shot, yours is 0.107 per shot which is a lot of poor quality chances. You should also do this for the opponent its likely they created better quality chances.

A high XG does not mean you should score over 3 goals.....but do wish SI would add a XG/s stat in the match statistics as it would lessen these misconceptions, although you can can track it in the xG graph.

Please check out the posts between mine and yours :).

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1 hour ago, dunk105 said:

Agree that fitness is a real pain, particularly as we have to wait for the game to allow us to tell players they need a rest.

You don't need to wait. You can add 'match load', 'fatigue', 'injury risk' and 'training load' to your squad screen and see for yourself who needs a break.

You can also set training intensity based on condition in Training->Rest.

I haven't had to rest a player in around 100 seasons of play since the start of FM23.

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