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Football Manager 2024 Official Feedback Thread

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9 minutes ago, Nick_CB said:

What frustrates me most is that I bought a game in an early version and at the moment I can't play it because bugs completely ruin my experience.

Agree. Tried to play some matches and gave up after 2 from 3 goals were set-pieces goal or a consequence of it.

So now we should change, I guess. First we plan the team in the set piece creator and only after we plan the tactics, the roles, the instrucions, because it seems irrelevant in the end.

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After owning the game for nearly a month, I finally finished playing through one season today. If I could sum up my experience in one word it would be "disappointing".

I waltzed through the league with a team of 21 players, barely covering first-11 and reserves, and had no trouble leading the pack by 15 points by December. In FM, the adage "victories beget more victories" is a mathematical certainty. I went on an 8 game winning streak and that was all she wrote for the rest of the season.

The last FM I bought was FM 22 and I would find it impossible to tell the difference between FM 24 and FM 22 outside of the matches. Hell, I would be hard pressed to be able to tell the differences between FM 24 and FM 20 at this point...

The AI in this game is completely braindead. It only works in the first 6 months of the game if you choose to turn off first window transfers. From that point on, only the absolute best clubs in the world actually manage to consistently transfer decent players and build competitive squads.

I was looking forward to the AI "improvements" taunted in the feature blogs, but I'm almost positive that the transfer AI is stupider than it was FM 22. During the game's first seasonal transfer window, my main league rival transferred a whopping TWO players (!!!). Both of them went straight into the 2nd team. This is my main league rival, the best team in the league, firm favorites last season, and whom I beat to the title by 15+ points! They're flush with cash, have an attendance several orders of magnitude greater than all other teams in the league, and have qualified for European football! I added a manager just to check their finances and they have nearly 4 million in the bank a total profit of 6 million euros!

The AI is simply incapable of managing anything but the most cash-rich clubs in the world, where they can spend with reckless abandon, not play ANY of their new signings, and STILL have millions to spend next season. All that talk about squad rotation and better squad building is just that: talk! AI squads regularly lose/fire/release twice the number of players they bring in! They end up with preposterously small squads and can barely put together a functioning first-11, when an injury crisis hits. This is the bane of Football Manager in the past 5+ years! The whole game world goes tits-up when players disrupt the "natural" flow of things by... you know, winning stuff and managing their club like a real life club!

Elsewhere things are basically the same as they've always been. Matches look nice, by FM standards, granted you can get passed the insane on-the-pitch AI that seems to do whatever it pleases, disregarding the roles assigned to them and generally only following the overall tactical instructions. Player interaction is a joke. It' s completely random and not even worth fiddling with. Player decision making in the transfer market is pretty much random, clubs regularly let sellable players go for no profit, etc.

At this point I would be amazed if FM25 manages to do things differently, but this franchise could really use a reset. 

Edited by grasu
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1 hour ago, Nick_CB said:

What frustrates me most is that I bought a game in an early version and at the moment I can't play it because bugs completely ruin my experience.

Tbh, the game should still be in early access. And the discount should still be applied for the simple fact of false/misleading  advertisement.

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Looks like I've done right in waiting until nearer Christmas time to purchase the game. Bugs and the like are part and parcel of the process, happens every year but this year it's different as it feels like a lot of the promised headline features aren't present at the level they should be.

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Genuine question.

SI tend to consider a "release cycle" as completed once the Feb/March transfer update / final patch is out.  Given that a number of new features advertised prior to release are not working as intended (or just not working), is it possible that when these features are mentioned pre-release, there is already knowledge with SI that they won't be ready "on release", but will be ready during the release cycle?

Because it's pretty clear that the knowledge re. The Japan issues was there prior to release, as admitted by Miles.

And if they did know that, and if these things are in by the time the "release cycle" is over, is that ok? As I say, genuine question. 

That statement has made me feel better after days of radio silence, but what we have been given Vs Miles' statement about this being "the most polished version ever" worries me. I thought he was being transparent when he said that. Now I worry that this version will have a shorter release cycle, and that all the talk of how amazing FM25 is going to be is actually to take focus off this release, which let's be honest, is as messy as anything they've ever released, with the possible exception of Championship Manager 4.

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3 hours ago, KeegBCFC said:

Maybe with the improved communication from SI we could get an answer to the following question: What is the point or Early Access / Beta / Whatever It's Called if the game still releases with the issues flagged up in this period? Some of them are game breaking. 

I agree. A beta is something that should happen a month or two before release and be by invitation. This will allow time for the creases to be ironed out. 

2 weeks before launch is just asking for trouble..  

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Some improvements, some stuff that that makes me want to rip my hair off.

For starters, I skipped FM23. I hated some stuff that happened on that game, I got mad so many times, even winning, that I couldn't play that game. Rant from FM23 aside, I will start from this game:
- High scoring games. A lot of them are happening. I already  saw games that are supposed to be balanced (irl they are) finishing 4-1, or 5-1 or 5-0. One game per season, ok, it can happen, every matchday week is just weird;
- The corners. Oh dear god the corners. Once a corner is won, there will always be a corner until the ball goes out of bounds and it's a keeper ball, or if the keeper grabs it in the air. I've spent, in one game, 3 minutes of an infinite corner loop until the opposite team scored (no biggie, match ended 5-1 to me, but still, it makes no sense conceding a goal like that, with infinite corners happening);
- The shots. I don't know if it's normal, but a central shot to the goal seems hard to go in, but a curled or diagonal shot from an angle feels like it will go in. Adding to that, so many blocks. I feel like 50% of my shots are blocked. Also, a lot of shots from distance even with viable passing options, with work ball into the box and shooting less PI.

In the management part. I hired a analyst...and I couldn't manage anymore my reserve squads. I had to go to a player of each team, and change training and take control of every squad like that. In responsibilites I couldn't change any of that (and other stuff) to me.

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55 minutes ago, TheWednesday said:

Looks like I've done right in waiting until nearer Christmas time to purchase the game. Bugs and the like are part and parcel of the process, happens every year but this year it's different as it feels like a lot of the promised headline features aren't present at the level they should be.

Good decision really. I'm leaving the game until after Christmas now I reckon. It's not like I'm short of things to do......besides I'm right off football at the moment........

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4 hours ago, Domoboy23 said:

Are Saudi clubs too OP in terms of transfer activity? Seems just an ''easy'' mode for top flight managers to raise funds.  Transfer fee's seem ridic in general. Man City signing someone for 278m just 2 seasons in.

I feel like one issue with Saudi clubs is that they buy more players than they can field, which might inflate their transfer activity (as I think in real life the Saudi clubs will be a lot more quiet due to foreigner limits and securing the world cup moving forwards). Maybe if you play with an active Saudi league they adhere to the rules more? Not sure, considering it is still the AI.

The transfer fees are also absolutely silly and while in real life there were some silly transfers, like Neymars €90m, €60m for Otavio or Malcolm and the €52m for Mitrovic, in my game they have multiple 100m+ transfers and while a prime Kimmich probably could attract that price from the Saudi's, the likes of Sterling, Dimarco, Goretzka or Coman all going for €118-143m seems incredibly doubtful.

They probably should also tune down how eager players are to join the Saudi's. In my save Kimmich for example went at the beginning of the second season and I really can't imagine him making that kind of a move right now. Goretzka and Sterling then went a year later, so at 30. Coman went in 26, when he was still 29, Dimarco was 30 as well and looking at a bunch of newgen transfers since then most are around 30 as well. Feels like SI hasn't really tuned when players consider themselves at the end of their career, so they go their in their early 30s, while still having a couple years in them at top level football (while often playing at an European top club) and instead decide to go to the retirement home 5 years early. Kimmich for example actually came back to Europe after his contract ran out, signing for PSG, so clearly he still had top attributes and then left them again a year later for €59m to join a different Saudi club. :D

Similarly, PSG sold off Hernandez after one season and then once his contract ran out he went back to Europe to play for United for another 2 seasons before actually retiring. Honestly feels like too many of these elite players are way too happy to cash in and I'm also not sure whether they really should retain their attributes to the degree they seem to do when playing in a far weaker league. Admittedly, United and good decisions don't go together, but could you really imagine them signing Hernandez (for probably pretty absurd wages), after 4 years of him playing at Saudi league level?

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7 hours ago, Dotsworthy said:

Is it a new signing?

The club welcome feature is bugged and is causing players to match the welcome players personality, rather than the usual effect.

Yes he was, that explains it, but good to know that i have to pay attention to who is suggested to welcome the player. Hopefully i can pick another player.

on a side note i tried using in game editor to up it to 16 again and it drops down within days.

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3 horas atrás, Marko1989 disse:

O que não entendo sobre essas reclamações é: você conhece a situação dos jogos em geral. Você sabe que os desenvolvedores lançarão jogos com muitos bugs ou jogos inacabados. Você sabe que no caso desse jogo ele sempre será lançado com muitos bugs, com melhorias mínimas, e você ainda faz a pré-encomenda do jogo. Espere, espere até que esteja totalmente corrigido e compre-o ou pule o ano se perceber que não está bom. Esperamos que isso os ensine a trabalhar mais em seu jogo.

Aqui no fórum vocês criam tanto hype antes do lançamento, “será que será lançado amanhã?!”  "Espero que esta semana!"   "Espero que seja até às 18h15!" “Espero que seja neste final de semana!”, 3 meses antes mesmo de ser lançado sempre aparece um tópico “gente, quem vocês vão gerenciar no FM 202X???”  . Você está contando os minutos até o jogo ser lançado e então fica desapontado.

Quando você aprenderá, você é a razão pela qual eles se sentem confortáveis em lançar jogos inacabados, porque você mal pode esperar e corre para lhes dar dinheiro. 

A member of SI and already posted here says that they even have an internal team, and that team it is very good...
The truth is that we don't know what's going on inside...
But I feel that the teams that produced the game knew that the game is not 100% but there are deadlines and pressure... today, after all, these are companies on the stock market... postponing a game is losing money...
I feel like playing this fm leaves the game halfway through... and now they're preparing fm25?
How can you get things right if you can't finish them in time?
How can you explain that they didn't notice that city uses the same team every 3 days, whether in the carabao or in the premiere league and champions?
It's simple they didn't have time to polish the game and they knew that but I don't blame the teams and the programmers are generally the least guilty... basically they are following orders.

Edited by lightworker
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What is this playing in weak role thing that happens? I've had it happen twice in my Juventus save. First was with Fabio Miretti, I had promised him a position and role in his contract. I possibly didn't play him every game in that role. But now its happed with Iling Jr. I promised him LW on support. That's all I ever play him as. Just out of nowhere he gets pissed off, his moral plummets and it says he's unhappy for playing in a weak role. I have no idea what to do. Do i just have to eat it for a couple months? This is something that needs to be address or at least explained better. I'm totally lost as to what to do. 

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Its been said the match engine is the exact same as the early access but i feel something has changed how its showing or whatever because i can remember much more fluid gameplay happening. After full release it seems like long pauses, then corner after corner, or throw in but nowhere near as much good passing play as before. Though there is still some it seems less to me

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I gave this every opportunity, but had to give up one save because EVERY player was complaining about playing time, even those who were starting games with limited fitness. Started another save, trying to hire staff that supposedly were interested in the position refusing to then listen to a job offer because the team isn't up to their lofty standards (even though they're unemployed). Posted an ad for the job, every staff member who applied for the job refused to then discuss the position. Eff it, I'm going to go play a game that's not broken sold by a developer who after 25 years consistently is releasing buggy crap. 

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12 minutes ago, podunkboy said:

I gave this every opportunity, but had to give up one save because EVERY player was complaining about playing time, even those who were starting games with limited fitness. Started another save, trying to hire staff that supposedly were interested in the position refusing to then listen to a job offer because the team isn't up to their lofty standards (even though they're unemployed). Posted an ad for the job, every staff member who applied for the job refused to then discuss the position. Eff it, I'm going to go play a game that's not broken sold by a developer who after 25 years consistently is releasing buggy crap. 

So many hours need to go into this game so for me its absolutely imperative that its in decent shape before I invest that kind of time. Staff applying for a position and then refusing to discuss it isn't a bug I've seen or heard before, sad.

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9 hours ago, KeegBCFC said:

Maybe with the improved communication from SI we could get an answer to the following question: What is the point or Early Access / Beta / Whatever It's Called if the game still releases with the issues flagged up in this period? Some of them are game breaking. 

Because we don't all have the same hardware . I'm guessing SI have only a certain type of computers with a certain type if processor and graphics card. They can't test the game on every computer in the world . Doing Beta tests allows them to see how in runs in the real world so things like game crashes or glitches in running the game can be solved .

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5 minutes ago, Bahoi said:

Because 1 This issue is still considered Under Review. They did not admit it is a bug. For them, still, there are not "too many goals scored" so it's clear they need more info, as it is obvious they were out of the loop before release. We discovered this, they didn't smell a thing, right?

2 We have to be more than a simple minority being vocal here and pumping hundreds of hours time into this very unfinished Early Access game, while fm's Twitter is gloating about how this is the most polished version ever, most played, most loved etc. We need to put pur pkms and save files where our mouths are.

I don't disagree. Although given how slow they have been in fixing the most simple things in the last 3+ weeks (including basic stuff that worked well in FM23 but are now broken), I wouldn't put my hopes up that they'll look into excessive goals any time soon. And personally I'd rather them fix the immersion destroying bugs already reported first (will they??).

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I know that this is something that you don't need to do regularly, but frankly the Staff Responsibilities page gives me a slight case of the irrits. I love the intention of putting it all in one place. I'm less pleased by the fact that it really isn't.

If you have the [Manager] button selected, then you can click on the dropdown for anything that you manage and delegate it to someone else. What you CAN'T do is take BACK anything that is delegated to your staff. If you can click on the drop-down of something that the staff controls, you get... nothing.

Instead, you have to click on the [Staff] button. From there you can click on the drop down and take control of something that your staff is doing.

What you CAN'T do when the Staff button is active is click on the drop-down and delegate to your staff something that you control. Nope, for that, you have to click on the [Manager] button again.

I know that this isn't a huge issue... but I'd rather not needing to continually flip between the [Manager] and [Staff] buttons when I'm sorting this out.

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12 hours ago, Junkhead said:

Genuine question.

SI tend to consider a "release cycle" as completed once the Feb/March transfer update / final patch is out.  Given that a number of new features advertised prior to release are not working as intended (or just not working), is it possible that when these features are mentioned pre-release, there is already knowledge with SI that they won't be ready "on release", but will be ready during the release cycle?

Because it's pretty clear that the knowledge re. The Japan issues was there prior to release, as admitted by Miles.

And if they did know that, and if these things are in by the time the "release cycle" is over, is that ok? As I say, genuine question. 

That statement has made me feel better after days of radio silence, but what we have been given Vs Miles' statement about this being "the most polished version ever" worries me. I thought he was being transparent when he said that. Now I worry that this version will have a shorter release cycle, and that all the talk of how amazing FM25 is going to be is actually to take focus off this release, which let's be honest, is as messy as anything they've ever released, with the possible exception of Championship Manager 4.

FM24 was supposed to be the most polished version ever. Great marketing and hype and the game is quite frankly a mess.

FM25 is the first using the new Unity engine. I’d expect there to be even more hype and marketing for this iteration.

The question is, how can we trust the marketing/hype in future after what they’ve done this time round? 

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11 hours ago, Arnar said:

Yes he was, that explains it, but good to know that i have to pay attention to who is suggested to welcome the player. Hopefully i can pick another player.

on a side note i tried using in game editor to up it to 16 again and it drops down within days.

I think you would have to wait till the end of the welcoming period. Not sure how long it takes.

It has been recognised as a bug so hopefully a fix will make it into the next couple of patches 

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16 hours ago, KeegBCFC said:

Wasn't "better AI management and squad building" used as a part of selling this years edition? All we have to show for that "feature" is that they're working on it so its "coming soon". Embarrassing. 

I do agree with this but the Ai is much more agressive in the transfer market, especially challenging me to my top targets, ive actually missed out on quite a few because the Ai was bidding right along with me and not giving up, so the Ai has been improved in some aspects but no where near the levels we where all expecting.

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The match engine this year is brilliant. Reflects so well what you are trying to accomplish and the skills/types of the players. Set piece big improvement - just loves how e.g. selecting the creative players enables us to withstain pressure after an initial header out of the zone by the opponent. Great job.

The biggest issue for me is still with happiness management. Was bad previous years and still/maybe even more a disaster. Players feeling treated unfairly over absolutely nothing. Seems like SI has modelled the game based on a perception of modern football being a kinder garden and not a collection of dedicated professionals. I really hope SI would tune down the impact of this part of the game, so that the game is more on tactics, transfers and football, and less discussion and nursing.

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10 小时前, lightworker说:

A member of SI and already posted here says that they even have an internal team, and that team it is very good...
The truth is that we don't know what's going on inside...
But I feel that the teams that produced the game knew that the game is not 100% but there are deadlines and pressure... today, after all, these are companies on the stock market... postponing a game is losing money...
I feel like playing this fm leaves the game halfway through... and now they're preparing fm25?
How can you get things right if you can't finish them in time?
How can you explain that they didn't notice that city uses the same team every 3 days, whether in the carabao or in the premiere league and champions?
It's simple they didn't have time to polish the game and they knew that but I don't blame the teams and the programmers are generally the least guilty... basically they are following orders.

Similar to COD MW3.

Unfinished game sells at full price.

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42 minutes ago, molsen said:

The match engine this year is brilliant. Reflects so well what you are trying to accomplish and the skills/types of the players. Set piece big improvement - just loves how e.g. selecting the creative players enables us to withstain pressure after an initial header out of the zone by the opponent. Great job.

The biggest issue for me is still with happiness management. Was bad previous years and still/maybe even more a disaster. Players feeling treated unfairly over absolutely nothing. Seems like SI has modelled the game based on a perception of modern football being a kinder garden and not a collection of dedicated professionals. I really hope SI would tune down the impact of this part of the game, so that the game is more on tactics, transfers and football, and less discussion and nursing.

Hopefully they will fix the player unhappiness thing in a patch soon. At the moment i use the editor to remove player unhappiness, i dont really like doing it but I only do it when i think there is a good case to use it. If i feel it is a genuine complaint i just put up with it.

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1 hour ago, BuryBlade said:

FM24 was supposed to be the most polished version ever. Great marketing and hype and the game is quite frankly a mess.

FM25 is the first using the new Unity engine. I’d expect there to be even more hype and marketing for this iteration.

The question is, how can we trust the marketing/hype in future after what they’ve done this time round? 

And the fact that, unusually for an FM release, there aren't really that many match engine complaints...

The relevant point is, it's pretty clear 90%+ of the userbase really don't care about most of the stuff raised here. A lot of people just want to take over their favourite team and have success with them, something FM has been good at for years.

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13 hours ago, Freakiie said:


They probably should also tune down how eager players are to join the Saudi's. In my save Kimmich for example went at the beginning of the second season and I really can't imagine him making that kind of a move right now. Goretzka and Sterling then went a year later, so at 30. Coman went in 26, when he was still 29, Dimarco was 30 as well and looking at a bunch of newgen transfers since then most are around 30 as well. Feels like SI hasn't really tuned when players consider themselves at the end of their career, so they go their in their early 30s, while still having a couple years in them at top level football (while often playing at an European top club) and instead decide to go to the retirement home 5 years early. Kimmich for example actually came back to Europe after his contract ran out, signing for PSG, so clearly he still had top attributes and then left them again a year later for €59m to join a different Saudi club. :D

You are underestimating the number of good players who are 26-31 who moved to Saudi this summer. It's not just a retirement league. https://www.skysports.com/football/news/11095/12920431/summer-transfer-window-2023-who-has-signed-for-saudia-arabia-clubs-roberto-firmino-ruben-neves-karim-benzema-and-more

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1 hora atrás, [SFW]Medic Tim disse:

Semelhante ao COD MW3.

O jogo inacabado é vendido pelo preço total.

yes of course.
But the idea of my post is to show that things are more complex.

In fact, I genuinely believe they wanted to deliver on their promises.

But nowadays it is the distributors who define the release dates.

The teams working on the game even if they want to say a word, they can't, even if they say the game isn't ready.

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I hate to throw around the word 'broken' but I'm begging SI to sort out player dynamics. Player annoyed about lack of depth, I buy a player, previous player is then annoyed about playing time. It's really ripping the fun out of a game that I'm otherwise really enjoying. A lot of goals but I can live with that.

15 games into a season and a player has played every second except a league cup game. Is now concerned about playing time. I'm running the guy into the ground every 3 days just to try and keep him happy. 

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It is so frustrating as I am loving the match engine, the game seems to flow more and just seems a lot more realistic to me. 

But.....yeah Keeper injuries , my GK had 5 separate injuries in the second season, I am managing in Columbia and so the reserve GK is not that good, so big impact on results. Hey I guess that could happen in real life so we will see where season 3 takes us. If i get that far.

Biggest pain is the player happiness. Its just spoiling the game. Got a great youth intake in the first year, one of them went into first team squad. Brought him on as a sub initially and hes even started a few matches. Now hes unhappy as he wants more game time.......one of the responses should be ......**** off pal you are 16 year old and I have put you in the bastard first team :)

Can I request this :)

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11 hours ago, Domoboy23 said:

Really hoping that keepers diving before the shot has even taken place is one of these tweaks they've announced, as I feel this may be responsible for some of these goals...

That will likely be an animation issue rather than the keeper anticipating the shot too early

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