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The issue of Dynamics!

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So, I've been pondering this.  The scene is, I've started a journeyman save.  Started unemployed, minimal experience and no badges.  Simmed forward a few months until jobs started becoming free, and took over a struggling Institute FC in the Northern Irish Championship (2nd tier).

These were the results before I took over:


As you can see, they weren't exactly doing well.  Rock bottom of the league, only one league win at that point.

Here are the results since I took over:


As you can see, massive improvement.  We're scoring goals and have only lost 3 league games since I took over.

This is how the table now looks at the league split:


We've gone from rock bottom, to an outside chance of promotion.  And yet.......


The team hates me!!  I've made a player unhappy, all because of a lack of depth at DM.  Which I can't address, because I have no transfer or wage budget remaining - we were already at the limit when I took over, so its not an issue of my making.

I'm hoping this will improve next season as the unhappy player will be released at the end of the season when his contract is up.

Is this just an issue of playing a game with minimal prior experience and no badges?  The other side of that is that the board refuse to send me on coaching courses, but are allowing all the other staff to do it, which has long been an annoyance of mine in FM.  Why send the coaches on courses, but refuse to allow the head coach to do the same?  It literally makes no sense.

All in all, I'm loving FM24, but it does seem like more needs to be done in this area.  In the above sort of case, surely the team would respect the uplift in results that have happened since my arrival, at least a little bit?


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7 minutes ago, Dagenham_Dave said:

The first season at a new club in this year's game can be brutal. It does get better though. 

What I will say is that the 'squad depth' thing was patched yesterday, sorry, 'updated' (:D), so shouldn't recur unless you really do have issues. 

I'll be getting rid of the troublemaker - he's classed as a team leader, but he is crap as well and definitely not worth being one of the higher earners.

Whilst they do have a point about the squad depth, there was nothing I could do about it this season.  I tried to offload players to free up budget, but the ones that I could get buyers for refused to agree terms with the other clubs so stayed.  They'll also be getting booted out at the end of the season.

I wish there had been an option to say in the team meeting that I don't have the budget to do anything about it right now.  Not exactly my fault if I'm restricted by the board!

Edited by kevhamster
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Oh mine is the same. Just finished the first season, took over Osaka (the save I messaged you about with that player that rejected me only to join bottom of the league club and get relegated) who were 19th and hadn't won a game to finish 9th. Board say I'm untouchable, fans say the same, cohesion is nearly full and atmosphere is full, yet  the players all hate me. The support bar is about halfway in the red, and any player I go and check his happiness or info page (can't remember which) it says the lack of support for the manager is justified. Like how?!?! I changed from whatever set up they used before I joined to your bog standard 4-4-2 and we've nearly been unplayable at times and got the overachievers award at the end of the season. Not had any player revolts and any interactions I've had have all ended positively.

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9 minutes ago, bigmattb28 said:

Oh mine is the same. Just finished the first season, took over Osaka (the save I messaged you about with that player that rejected me only to join bottom of the league club and get relegated) who were 19th and hadn't won a game to finish 9th. Board say I'm untouchable, fans say the same, cohesion is nearly full and atmosphere is full, yet  the players all hate me. The support bar is about halfway in the red, and any player I go and check his happiness or info page (can't remember which) it says the lack of support for the manager is justified. Like how?!?! I changed from whatever set up they used before I joined to your bog standard 4-4-2 and we've nearly been unplayable at times and got the overachievers award at the end of the season. Not had any player revolts and any interactions I've had have all ended positively.

At the end of the season, any player who shows as opposing me will not be offered a contract renewal, regardless of how good they are.  That may come back to bite me, but to hell with it!

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Having some reputation definitely helps. I started as an international star with the most basic coaching license, so the classic former international going coaching and ended up at Petersborough where the players looked up to me quite a bit due to my reputation and that resulted in positive managerial support from the start. This despite having one or two unhappy players due to them wanting to move to a bigger club, a very small squad I couldn't do anything about as the team was also broke and yet no complains about squad depth at any point.

Move forwards, I made a move to Randers and yeah the team hates me as I don't have a way higher reputation any more and after having to thin out the squad a bit more because the club is also flat broke (yeah, I only saw a delicious 8m/yr wage budget, that turned into we're spending 8m/yr on wages, but we actually only have 5m/yr budget after I joined :lol:), my players pretty quickly started complaining. I've dodged a complete riot so far, but managerial support was and still is in the red. It does feel pretty extreme that after the run you've been on there is so little support from the squad itself, you would think the players would see those results and at the very least not want you out the door by tomorrow!

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3 minutes ago, Freakiie said:

Having some reputation definitely helps. I started as an international star with the most basic coaching license, so the classic former international going coaching and ended up at Petersborough where the players looked up to me quite a bit due to my reputation and that resulted in positive managerial support from the start. This despite having one or two unhappy players due to them wanting to move to a bigger club, a very small squad I couldn't do anything about as the team was also broke and yet no complains about squad depth at any point.

Move forwards, I made a move to Randers and yeah the team hates me as I don't have a way higher reputation any more and after having to thin out the squad a bit more because the club is also flat broke (yeah, I only saw a delicious 8m/yr wage budget, that turned into we're spending 8m/yr on wages, but we actually only have 5m/yr budget after I joined :lol:), my players pretty quickly started complaining. I've dodged a complete riot so far, but managerial support was and still is in the red. It does feel pretty extreme that after the run you've been on there is so little support from the squad itself, you would think the players would see those results and at the very least not want you out the door by tomorrow!

That's exactly the point I was trying to make.  I get I've come in with no reputation, but you would think that run of results would have some impact at least so it was less on the red side than it currently is.

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What you’ll probably find is that individual match results matter less to manager support than overall competition results. So once the league finishes that’ll help. You can also boost it by getting people to list you in their favoured personnel by praising training and match performance at the right times

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I still think dynamic and morale are completely overrated.

do we have any hard evidence this actually matters in terms of match rating, goals, assists, Wins/Loses, competition positions?

Because if you holiday an entire season tons of players will get unhappy trait since there concerns are auto dismissed. Even if you are a world beating team but not in the #1 league every transfer offer will instantly make the player unsettled and unhappy. Plus the constant new contract talks will auto fail. 

But this doesnt stop the holidaying teams from winning their league or continental trophies. so much can dynamics and morale actually effect any particular season or club

honestly is just feels like busy work. I am sure it changes some kind of numbers in the engine some place. Just like dynamic youth rating and dynamic money but neither of those things actually had any sort of game impact because FM relies on more then just 2 numbers changing.

Ive managed in Hungary in Fm23 until 2050s and I gave up on interactions and dynamic. I just dismissed or said No to everyone. It didnt stop me from winning any trophies in nation or champions leagues and I still managed to get Hungary to #5 league in europe. and I would always have 15+ players unhappy. cause any transfer offer or new contract I would dismiss or say No. 

unless someone has hard numbers that dynamics and morale players an IMPORTANT part I am under the opinion its overrated and barely needed. I am sure something changes but I am leaning towards its so insignificant it doesnt matter just like so called dynamic youth and dynamic money

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