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Too many goals conceded despite not attacking - ps5

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Attacking a little bit but not overly, goalies brought in that are decent or good regional prem as I'm Dover Athletic (media prediction 24th), playing 'mostly' greyed out teams. If this was fm23 I would of maybe scored this amount of goals but I would of conceded far less either 0 or 1 a game against greyed out teams, conceding 2 against this sort of team would be unlucky. It seems every shot the AI takes is a goal. I'm going back to fm23, in the meantime. Please fix this. When will this be fixed? 



Edited by MK Dons supporter
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3 minutes ago, MK Dons supporter said:

Well ive seen others concede alot too. On YouTube one famous guy scored 79 and conceded 79 in the same season & came mid table. Forget his name. He's on YouTube managing rugby town I think.

Work the Space, who uses an ultra attacking tactic in the bowels of English football where his defence was rotten. Was always going to happen. 

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38 minutes ago, MK Dons supporter said:

It might be him, cant remember. He plays on the ps5 console edition like me? You do? 

No, this part of the forum is for the full game on PC.  However, both use the same match engine. 

If you want specifically to discuss this with other PS5 users, you'll need to check the correct part of the forum. 

FM Console Forum

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When trying "attacking mentality" it seems the opponent scores on all their chances even if their XG is really low, at least for my Wrexham side. This creates some rather rather "entertaining" games.


Last season I had a non winning streak of 12, played attacking and suffered. 5 draws and 7 losses .... but with higher XG in all games. Also a lot of silly score lines. Switched back to balanced and things started to shape up, less XG but it seemed the defense was a lot more solid and my team was far more effective. Now I seem to have somewhat more realistic scores.

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That's interesting do you play on the pc?

I see luloju plays on positive in fm24. I alter my mentality depending on congestion in fixtures and use a system with acceleration, aggression and anticipation that help identify how attacking I should be in fm23 with stamina setting the loe......this works well for me in fm23......i have 3 tactics for each loe.

So most friendly games I played a medium loe with attacking but didnt press much due to low aggression, stamina and work rate compared to the once a month tactical check up. I did play balanced in the 1st game but I played positive in the 2nd or 3rd game.

I know i can score goals in very defensive in last years game and can do well with a very attacking low loe as long as I can justify the usage with my system planner that i use.......but I was hopeing that could kind of stay the same for this game.

I did realise that the opponents were alot more tired than me in the last game......so I may have attacked mostly but it was more based on runs and I had more defensive duties when attacking as I have more attacking duties when defending as this works for me in fm23 aswell.....though maybe I should change the pressing system more for fm24? I only update the 3 tactics by league comparison (bar mentality) once a month in fm23 but maybe trigger press is the one that needs a game by game adjustment? 

I would have to restart anyway coz the reserves on console can't be developed with training individually & I left them there playing reserve friendly games......so I should promote them to the 1st team anyway and make them available to reserves.....so I ruined the save in that regard anyway.

Might test the trigger press on a game to game basis then, by comparing my work rate AND determination to the next opponents.

I do the loe and mentality checks game by game but maybe the trigger press should be checked also game by game and not just 'monthly'. I will test this out 1st then restart if this works. 

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9 minutes ago, MK Dons supporter said:

That's interesting do you play on the pc?



Yes, I am on the PC, I have only had success with attacking mentality in some cases when chasing a goal down, otherwise it has proved very unproductive, I do create a LOT of chances and get a high XG but nothing goes in. Positive seems to work for me too at times, left it on for a few matches and no problems. Havn´t played around with the defensive mentalities a lot.

Balanced mentality seems to work best for my side, might very well depend on roles and formation .. have no idea.

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I get it totally, I just want to bring 'my  match system planner' to the new game.......but may have to adapt it slightly. If all goes well I be laughing again.

I'm getting high xg indeed however the opponents being tired begs the question.....if they are not attacking me more, do they just want the ball more? I've never looked at the opponents 'wanting the ball more' in fm23.......but maybe me not triggering a medium loe 'enough' means I'm not really wanting the ball enough? The opponents certainly arnt dribbling enough when I looked at the stats post match.......maybe I just underestimated them, allowing them possession and was too reliant on the runs?

Yes I get it, compared to the league, my team need to sit back more, but I was playing a greyed out team.......maybe I have more determination and more work rate than them to press & I chose not to coz of the 'once a month tactic update check' philosophy i had in the past?

Yes I know trigger press is based on  stamina, work rate & aggression.......but I use aggression to work on mentality & i use stamina to work out the loe......so I have to use determination & work rate so to get a wacky spin on the next game.

I will let you know my findings on the trigger press adaption. I have work soon, but no fox charity bike ride so I be playing football manager later for sure.......the findings will be tomorrow night or Sunday at the very latest. I will let you know on my findings. If it goes well, Ive found the piece.......

I sincerely hope the trigger press checks works game to game. I will let you know.

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8 hours ago, MK Dons supporter said:

Attacking a little bit but not overly, goalies brought in that are decent or good regional prem as I'm Dover Athletic (media prediction 24th), playing 'mostly' greyed out teams. If this was fm23 I would of maybe scored this amount of goals but I would of conceded far less either 0 or 1 a game against greyed out teams, conceding 2 against this sort of team would be unlucky. It seems every shot the AI takes is a goal. I'm going back to fm23, in the meantime. Please fix this. When will this be fixed? 



If you have examples post them in the bug tracker, do note that this can be down to tactics, so keep that in mind.

My list of matches looks fine to me. Sure there are the occasional high goal game, but that's not unheard in real life either tbf.


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From the posts youve made it seems your team doesnt get enough time to familiarize themselves with one solid tactic/mentality. If I read correctly you have up to 3 completely different approaches that u constantly alternate, both in mentality, in LOE, pressing, etc. perhaps deeper into your save when your players are comfortable with all 3-4 tactics u use, you will see better results, but maybe thats the culprit behind why your results are all over the place at the moment. 

ive always found my best results to come when I use ONE tactic/mentality as my base, just one, with very little instructions set as I feel the more specific instructions u set, the harder it is for them to play well when u need the exact opposite. For example if u have “counter” always set, then when u ask them to “hold shape” it will be very ackward to them. If you always have “work ball into box” set, then “shoot on sight” will be ackward for them. So I try to leave as most things possible at neutral, no instruction. 

i go positive, high press, standard def line, standard directness and tempo, I do counterpress when posession is lost, I dont press counter or hold shape, I dont ask gk to distribute quickly or slow. 

i find that when I do this, my team easily adapts to changes mid game since none of them are drastic. Going from neutral to “shoot on sight” or from neutral to “counter” or “hold shape” is a minimal change. Mentality I go one up to attacking if im down 1 goal, and I go balanced if I wanna defend a lead late. Thats it. 

minimal changes are much better than drastic changes game to game. 

if im a big time underdog, like my next game in cup vs Barcelona (I am SD Huesca) then I start the game bAlanced, which is a minimal change from my everyday positive mentality. I never go cautious or defensive, thats too different to what we do day in and out. You get the drift

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3 hours ago, XaW said:

If you have examples post them in the bug tracker, do note that this can be down to tactics, so keep that in mind.

My list of matches looks fine to me. Sure there are the occasional high goal game, but that's not unheard in real life either tbf.


Thought I did that sorry.

Well good news......I figured out that you can 'attack' on fm23 with balanced scores on the tactics you create yourself 😎......i simply wasn't pressing enough and my defence line was too low against the weaker teams. Can't post the scores in the test as it won't upload photo but basically won 4-1 2 times & won 3-1 once. 1st game was 9-6 on just changing more pressing to my fm23 tactical planner system ONLY.....it was only adding in the defence line checks also that helped balance the scores better. So it's loe, mentality & duties in fm23 for me, but in fm24 it's these 3 PLUS trigger press & defence line on a game-to-game process. 

Edited by MK Dons supporter
Adding test done
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