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Excellent effort you put into this post friend! I hope something similar can be implemented for the next edition especially since we expect a new UI/UX.


This was my post similar to yours (much more basic) about two years back. It got reviewed but as apparent, no action was taken:


Edited by dℍaisa
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Posted something like this 1 or 2 years ago, not with such detail as this (excellent effort :applause:). The tactical setup lacks options with and without the ball (defensive transition and organization; offensive transition and organization), as you posted, options that also could be linked with player roles and duties, as also lacks options regarding pressing.

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  • 2 months later...
Il 30/8/2024 in 14:32 , tiago_wakabayashi ha scritto:

mainly, congrats for the graphic organization of your post and about your idea too. I think this could fit with the new FM and its propose. 

I could not agree more with this.

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