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I'm not going through a backlog of posts to decide if people are being serious or sarcastic here, but in regard to 'taking the knee'...

Include this in the game and FM will lose me forever. Covid wasn't included in past editions to allow escapism. This should be the same for other forms of nonsense in the world.

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5 hours ago, Spedding said:

lol thats not what there doing there holding the logo in place . so anyone kneeling is now a political statement what about the tennis ball boys are they a polital message get a grip.

Love it: that's a definitely legitimate thing to be kneeling for.

I don't get to see these cuz I use 2D with 3D highlights.

Long live 2D (not a political statement) ;-)


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16 hours ago, gladman1 said:

Yes as the teams walk out the people holding the uefa logo in the centre circle are taking the knee.

So the players aren't taking the knee are they?

While you didn't directly say this, you implied it as general "taking the knee" in FM, which we'd assume would refer to players taking the knee, as that's what we think of.

So basically you're misleading people and spreading disinformation.

Now... all that said, aside from the fact that I fully support the inclusive agenda and when people call me "woke" I take it as a compliment :D... given that FM is a football simulator, it really should have players taking the knee, when that happens IRL contexts.

I'm off to the feature requests forum now :)

Edited by Lord Rowell
changed "thread" to "forum"
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4 hours ago, DavutOzkan said:

God, I would take the complaining over women's football and weights over this nonsense. How did this subject even come up? 

Mods, do your job, please. 

Nah, don't let them slink away into the shadows with their ghoulish views, let them exhibit just how backwards they are so they can be roundly mocked for it.  They'll probably just cry censorship otherwise.

And in the meantime, let's find a list of all the issues that these people find so abhorrent, and get every single one of them into FM.  Doesn't matter if they make sense or not, it'll just be fun watching the shade of puce they go when they hear about it.  And then maybe they'll either just crawl away into their little hovels, or they take a step back and wonder whether it's worth being so objectionable.

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2 hours ago, XV20 said:

can we talk about the AI squad building tho, i feel it's a more key topic to discuss..

Hopefully it's a key feature for 25. It's the most asked for feature for the last 15+ years 

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