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Mentoring - What is realistic possible?

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I have a player who is 17. They had a 'Spineless' personality but I've had them in a mentoring group with a Model Citizen (Saka) and a Resolute (Newgen). The effect from the group on this player is listed as significant. They are now 'Balanced'. So they've gained 1-2 points (?) in something.

Obviously I've no idea what their exact attributes are but spineless isn't good (Can't handle pressure).

Is it worth persevering with them? How much can a player's personality change from bad to good? 

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Wow, I've not seen that personality before. The fact you have got up to balanced sounds pretty good. I don't use in game editor either so I don't really know how much needs to change but it sounds reasonably substantial. I seem to be producing quite a lot of players with unambitious personalities. In previous FM's I've always found players with this personality never play well for me. Yet before I signed them or after I sell them they are great. I'm quite lucky that I have found a fairly young model citizen and a determined couple of Chileans for my Turkish team that seem to be helping some of my youth in a mostly positive way. Unfortunately they are both wanted by Saudi clubs and both have minimum release fees so probably won't be around much longer.

Edited by mdaw1985
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15 hours ago, hickmanrocks said:

I have a player who is 17. They had a 'Spineless' personality but I've had them in a mentoring group with a Model Citizen (Saka) and a Resolute (Newgen). The effect from the group on this player is listed as significant. They are now 'Balanced'. So they've gained 1-2 points (?) in something.

Obviously I've no idea what their exact attributes are but spineless isn't good (Can't handle pressure).

Is it worth persevering with them? How much can a player's personality change from bad to good? 

Spineless means


Professionalism 5-20
Determination 1-9
Sportmanship 1-17
Pressure 1 (This is the key)

So this means, the player has an issue under high press situations, which the personality alludes to. Becoming balanced means the underlying attributes have shifted, most likely in a positive way for this player. Not that balanced is a good personality, it's just the "catch all  the rest" that doesn't fit into any other specific category. But seeing as the player should have gone towards "Low self belief" rather than balanced, makes me think he has gotten rather big boost by the mentoring.

Mode Citizen are always the best choice for mentors, as they have high to very high attributes in all the good attributes. Other than that Perfectionists are good, but they can have low temperament, but I haven't found that to be too impactful.

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Mentoring is one of those features in the game which works at least close to how it should. 

I haven't played any long term saves on FM but I have noticed that patience is the key with mentoring. For some players you can see some results almost immediately but then on the other hand you have to take this as a process that can take years to complete and also fail. 

I know it isn't a feature that takes lot of time or micro managing but it is definetyle one of my favourite features in the game. Way better than it used to be and hopefully it works as a good platform for SI ehen they look to develop other features like training and creating style of plays. 

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