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I run Win 8.1 with an old grump of a laptop and still, can play FM2021, a bit slow, but runs OK-ish.

Steam does not support Win 8.1 as off January 1st, 2024, but I don't care.

I keep playing my favourite game of all times off Steam and doesn't make any difference to me.

Suddenly today, Steam is not starting, even if I uninstalled and reinstaled it twice.

I know that FM2021 is in the cloud with a couple of more titles, but I'd wish to install them in my HD and get rid of Steam once for good.

Any advice how to do this?

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So, I have to buy WIN10???


I was playing FM2021 till yesterday morning, always starting it from Steam shortcut, it was just saying that Steam is not working.

But the games (a city building game), were both running.

So, what did just happen then?

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3 minutes ago, SpartanUTD said:

So, I have to buy WIN10???


I was playing FM2021 till yesterday morning, always starting it from Steam shortcut, it was just saying that Steam is not working.

But the games (a city building game), were both running.

So, what did just happen then?

You can't play FM without Steam (or Epic or WS). If you have issues with Steam, then you need to ask Steam for help. Perhaps reinstalling Steam might work, I don't know.

As for Win8, it's no longer officially supported by Microsoft I think, so you are using a vulnerable software and I would consider updating it. I also found this article that says you should be able to upgrade for free, but I haven't verified any of if.


I haven't tested it or know if it works, but thought I'd mention it.

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19 minutes ago, XaW said:

You can't play FM without Steam (or Epic or WS). If you have issues with Steam, then you need to ask Steam for help. Perhaps reinstalling Steam might work, I don't know.

- I keep telling you that I was playing OK till yesterday. So, it hasn't stopped working on January the 1st.

As for Win8, it's no longer officially supported by Microsoft I think, so you are using a vulnerable software and I would consider updating it. I also found this article that says you should be able to upgrade for free, but I haven't verified any of if.


I haven't tested it or know if it works, but thought I'd mention it.

- I will check it out, but right now, this is also my work's computer, I can't just wipe out the whole hard drive without any back-up (I'm away from office currently). So, I can't take any risk with WIN10, just for Steam platform.

How come, we buy a game but cannot play it anymore, because of someone else's decision? We paid for it, neither microsoft or steam should be able to stop us from playing.

The message I was getting was that Steam might not be running properly because a GPU setting was on, or something along these lines.

I have no idea how to turn these things on or off, as I couldmn't open Steam anyway, I reinstalled it (twice).

Now, it seems like it will load, but it doesn't.


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8 minutes ago, SpartanUTD said:


You have to ask Steam why it's not working if you get Steam errors. If you get FM errors you can submit a ticket here:


As for buying games and keeping them without platforms, I agree it shouldn't be like this.

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I already contacted them and they said this (copy-paste from FAQs, not helpful):

I understand the issue.

Per our official announcement here (Windows 7 and Windows 8 Support) the Steam client will no longer be able to run on Windows 7, 8, 8.1 in January of 2024. Steam support does not have any further details outside of what is included in the announcement at this time.

Our recommendation would be to upgrade your operating system prior to the end date to avoid any disruption in service.

Steam Support

Nobody can explain me, why although Steam was off and I could see a message in red every time I'd play, saying it's stopped working with WIN8.1, my games were running normally without any disturbance.

I have no need to upgrade for any reason and it seems that the games should be OK, unless it's this GPU, that I remember setting up after I loaded the game.

Is there any other way I could turn GPU off?

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Reason for steam not supporting Windows 8 is because of  the chromium (Open source code that Chrome uses and other browsers too) code steam uses is  not supporting Windows 8 anymore ( blame Google on that one because code is literally being removed from chromium ).


Your options are slim because there will be a time that windows 10 will be unsupported.

You have 2 options:

1-Upgrade Hardware that can run Windows 11



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