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What are the minimal attributes a wonderkid needs?

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Hi everyone, 

Someone knows how low the key attributes of a u18 and u21 player (with potential of -75 or higher) in FM24 can be to still grow enough? For example players between 16-18 years with key attributes for their playing position all at least 10 or above and u21's with at least 11-12 or above, would that be enough to become great players or do they need to be higher at the start?

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I think the attributes are not directly linked. I think it's a mix of CA and reputation, if I'm not mistaken. So the players could already be at max potential. It's more of an early bloomer plus high reputation (ie media attention). Think "The new Messi" you've seen a million times who just becomes "ok" in the end, but they could also be Messi. So the description is not a guarantee for anything. Remember "Wonderkid" is the media description, not your coach assessment of the player! ;) 

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When Ryan Guald came to Portugal to play for Sporting Clube of Portugal, there was a big expectation and some people describe him as "mini Messi". A wonderkid expectation, but not even close. Just keep loan the player or put him playing on your reserve teams and see how he develops until age of 20 or 21. Sometimes the player with a low star grade develops very well and become a good addition to first and sometimes the 3.5 stars or higher player doesn't develop as expected and never play for first team. As long the player is having good consistent training performance (8 or higher) just offer him a contract, loan him and see how far he goes, sometimes it's a good surprise, sometimes you still sell them for a good fee

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