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Official Lost Season 5 Thread *airs in the US on Wednesdays @ 9PM EST (Thur 2AM GMT)*


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*Fairly big spoiler alert*

They are filming scenes where it seems there has been a reset. Scenes with the plane landing, Claire giving birth, Charlie back etc, and recently scenes where Ben is a teacher in the real world, which feature Keamy of all people. So a kind of reset is happening, but they are filming these scenes alongside a stuff on the island, carrying on from where we finish in the Incident.

So how this works, I have no idea. There has to be some kind of connection between the Alt universe and the real timeline or it's just be a massive waste of time. Who cares what happened if they didn't crash etc. How they are connected or become connected I don't know.

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So my prediction of the plane landing at LAX in the final season is looking good.

I think it's all too convenient, what is happening is what Jack thought would happen, which is rubbish, show's over then. The title of the first episode is LA X with the space between LA and X, not sure what that means.

I also read an interview with Jack where he said the beginning of the show won't make sense until halfway through or something like that.

Also, they're filming scenes for that now? Lindelof said a few days back they are shooting episode 8

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  • 2 weeks later...

I should still be able to get hold of it but relying on girlfriend's friend now, so bloody late!

So, they're doing some mid-season break for Winter Olympics? When is this scheduled to end then, May? Seems like that'd be difficult, how long is the break, anyone know?

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If they do have a break, the winter olympics are the 12-28th so they would most likely only beak for the two weeks on the 16th and the 23rd.

In that case I work out it would end on the 1st June. All purley guess work though to be fair :D

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I've been rewatching the scenes with Jacob and his enemy man in black dude. And the more i watch it the more I think Jacob is the bad guy.

In fact I'm going to say that Jacob will be the enemy of the Losties. Another reason for this is that the fake Locke is clearly the enemy of Jacob. And I can't see Locke being the "face" of the bad guy next season. He's probably the most popular character in Lost, a fan favourite so to make his image the bad guy I'm not sure.

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If you look at that promotional poster though everyone is facing away from Locke so it would imply Fake Locke could well be the 'bad guy'.

There has long been talk of 'a war' from 'Shadow of the Statue' people and Widmore too, who is on which side. The 'heads' would seem to be Jacob and Fake Locke. Which one really has the best interests of the island at heart? Jacob wanted everyone to go back to the island or go there to begin with but Enemy exploited some loophole to occupy Locke and get back to kill Jacob (if he is dead, that is).

Ben seems like he's been played and doesn't know what's going on. He admitted he'd never seen Jacob anyway, Richard seems to be alongside Jacob and the Shadow of the Statue guys sought out Richard. has Widmore been aiding the Enemy to get back to the island, he wants to go back/find it

Who knows?

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Does anyone watch Fringe? I know it's made by the same people as Lost, but that any good? I've seen adverts and looks like my kind of thing.

Yeah, Fringe is pretty good actually... Big nod to the X-Files obviously but also different enough to stand alone.

I watched the first couple of the first season at the time but, due to other programmes, only finished that season last week (after watching the rest of it over a period of a few weeks). Wasn't sure of the casting when it launched but Torv and Jackson have grew on me.

Season 2 has started really well but I'm around 6 episodes behind on that as it stands on my Sky+.

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  • 1 month later...

My cousin was around yesterday, she stopped watching lost during season 3 and I had season 5 on the tv, on sky, in the background. Shes asks me whats happened in lost since season 3, as Sawyer, Farady etc are running around in the present day, I explain alot of whats happened since season 3, then they shift back in time to the dharma initiative with Sawyer working with them, then I was like....erm they time travel as well!!

Gave up explaining after that! Lost ey :D

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I quite liked the Season 5 episode when Hurley is back home telling his Mum what happened. He's saying like "... and then there was these guys, we called them the Others and there was a button that we had to push every 108 minutes and ... well, I was never really clear on that one" :D

Always makes me chuckle, when you think of everything they have gone through it probably does sound silly to explain it rather than when you watch it as it goes along.

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Yeah thats was an ace scene. The show is so far from season 1, which was just a survivor series really! The amount of my friends that have stopped watching lost, as they think its become awful, is a huge amount.

Personally I don't think the show is anywhere as good as it was in season 1- but it still entertains me and I need to know how it finishes having come so far, some of season 3 was some of the worst tv I have seen in recent times!

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I think if you stay with it it's worth watching, obviously they were never going to squeeze 6 seasons out of them being stuck in the jungle and the Others being there. So many other questions. Everyone loved those early series cause of the questions ... the answers, or some of them, have brought us to where we are.

Don't have too many complaints, few too many guns knocking around at times in season 4 and 5, hope a majority of the questions get answered though, Claire, Shadow of the Statue, Jacob/Enemy, 'Adam & Eve in caves', whispers in the jungle, temples, etc etc ...

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