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  1. Yes, the exact options available to you will depend on your screen resolution, but you should have the same options as in FM22.
  2. Unless it has changed the attributes for trialists get slowly revealed during their time on trial with you, generally takes several weeks for them all to be revealed.
  3. Does he actually count as Homegrown though? The Athletic seem to be assuming he does, but according to the Premier League Website he is still on the U21 List: 2022/23 Premier League squad lists Whilst UEFA don't seem to list whether players are homegrown or not on their site any longer. But if you feel the rule is wrong and have evidence that players out on load should qualify then this is the best place to raise the issue: [England] (Official) League Specific Issues - Bug Tracker - Sports Interactive Community (sigames.com)
  4. Colours are set by the xml files found with the graphics which should be in the graphics\boxes\custom\negotiation\item\ subfolders. If not present for you skin you'll need to extract them from the fm-widgets skin found inside the sitoolkit fmf file.
  5. No, you can hide a column (such as physical or mental) or all the attributes but not individual attributes.
  6. As BuzzR said there are tools around to compare files/folders - compare plugin for Notepad++ is good for comparing two files, I use KDiff3 to compare all files in a folder, whilst the resource tools should preserve the modification date of the game files so you can use the modified date on files to see if it has changed in the patch or not. Also depends on how many changes are made - if it's something small like say a minor colour change for the base skin, I'd also tend to post the changes made as well, but that depends on the skinner and the amount of changes.
  7. Meeting panels are controlled by the various interaction files in the panels\generic folder - different files for different people/meeting types. Dynamics stuff xml files are named chemistry - club chemistry support panel from the panels\club folder and team chemistry overview panel from panels\team folder should control that page.
  8. Yes, when you Add a New Manager to an existing game or Create a New Game, you are asked to either create a new profile, use an existing profile and from there you can also delete an existing profile.
  9. They have given him an extra year, a yearly rise and a percentage of next sale (and with a lower release clause which is more likely to be activated) which may have changed the overall package, and depending on who you are managing might have just tipped it in their favour, as I'm not sure if the financially benefit is refering to why they rejected you or just that it is the reason they moved from their original club. Though if you have a save from before he made his final decision you can raise the issue in the bugs forum so it can be looked at.
  10. You may need to exit and restart game to get changes to properties files to be read. If that doesn't work, then it'll be controlled elsewhere and most likely something that is hardcoded. For the dividers you might be able to cheat and set certain columns to use custom graphics where you just need to give them a strong border on the left/right. Cannot remember the exact coding, pretty sure there is a post in the forum about doing it for the red/yellow card columns on the player stats table and that uses similar coding so something like: <record id="MPaf" file="boxes/custom/solid/paper" red_replacement="divider"/> However I don't think that will affect the header part of the table.
  11. The dividers as best as I can are hardcoded position wise (or buried somewhere - could be in a class or properties file). You might be able to add new dividers by adding new lines like this: <record id="---" /> That is how it is done in menus, no idea if it will work. To add a Super Heading, looks like you should be able to do that by editing the ids in the person properties xml file from the properties folder. Existing columns set as Super Headings look like this: <record id="column_heading"> <flags id="alignment" value="centre" /> <translation id="super_heading" translation_id="229306" type="use" value="Shooting[COMMENT - training category]" /> <translation id="text" translation_id="394441" type="use" value="HiW[COMMENT: three letter abbreviation for Hit Woodwork, shots hitting the post or crossbar]" /> <translation id="hint" translation_id="394582" type="use" value="Shots hit woodwork[COMMENT: player statistic type]" /> </record> So you may be able to add a similar line to the Set-Piece bits, you might also be able to move the dividers by playing around with what heading the existing ones are linked to.
  12. Have a look around the forum should be various threads discussing it over the last few years, but it's not a simple switch as text colours also need updating to team colours so they remain readable across different teams.
  13. If you are just wanting to remove the licensed faces and blank default faces and don't mind an empty space where they were. Then you just need to extract the contents of the pictures/players folder from the default graphics fmf file. Then delete the graphics from those folders but keep the config files, then place those config files in the graphics folder inside your user data location (or inside your skin if you only want the change to affect this skin) and that will remove all the licensed and default player faces. (Though you may need to make sure the file path is not exactly the same as the default path - should be some posts about how to do this in the forum, as it gets brought up every couple of years)
  14. Unless it has changed should be controlled by player scout reports inbox panel auto sized xml file found in the panels/player folder. Recommendation code should be right at the bottom of the file - though text should be white? So might be controlled by a colour in settings file.
  15. I don't think you can get the bars back for FM23 as the knowledge is done in game code and looks to be a game wide change.
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