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Everything posted by dieguitoch

  1. Excellent, thanks a lot ! Will try this... Also, what triggers those little icons... is it possible to modifiy the thresholds ?
  2. That would be perfect ! If it's not too complicated, could you tell us where/how to do it ? Can't wait ! THANKS
  3. Some other suggestions/questions: 1) It could be nice if we could praise/criticise players from the Player - Training - Progress screen and/or see players last month training improvements in the Training - Individual panel ! I use different criticizes depending if the player doesn't train hard or doesn't progress enough. 2) Also on the Player - Training - Progress screen, would it be possible to highlight the attributes that are trained with the position/role/duty choice, as it is in the original skin ? 3) As I enjoy the ATT-DEF-POSS contribution bars you added on the opposition screen so much, I was wondering if it could also be added on our team's tactic screen ? 4) It would be useful if and help gaining time, on a player display in the Scouting Center, we could see his contract ending date and his actual salary. 5) I don't know if it's intended but in the inbox, if I click, for example, on a player's name in a news item, it goes to the next one when I go back. It's a bit annoying, especially with the scout reports and it doesn't seem to do so in the original skin. 6) Is there a way to change the triggering attributes values for some text to appear so we could adapt it to lower leagues football and have a better notion of the relative abilities of those "average" players ? 7) Do you have an idea on when you'll be able to release the next update ? I hope you like coffees !!! THANKS !
  4. That's fantastic !... Don't you think it would be possible to push the pitch on the left so there would still be some room to keep the scrolling analysis which could be useful ? Can't wait to use these
  5. I really didn't feel obliged at all... that's the reason I donate ! Enjoy your coffee ;-) Now some suggestions (which may probably not possible to implement) : 1) It would be so useful if on "the next opponent - overview screen" in the Data Hub, we could have, on the tactic pitch, near every opponent's player name the gold, light/dark blue small circle that shows the ability guessed by the scout. Maybe also their average match ratings and/or their numbers of goals scored or assisted. Even better (and that would be the thing I always hope from it), would be to have the little bars showing their attacking, defensive and possession contributions (which are wonderful additions by the way). That would help us to understand, on one screen, where are the possible strength and weaknesses of the next opponent. Right now, the "next opponent's reports", as they are in the original skin, are very poor ad not well displayed. 2) To be able to compare two players pizzas like we are able to do with the polygons in the original skin but, maybe, side by side 3) In the "oppositions instructions", to be able to customize the current view as we can do, for example, in the "Squad" screen. That's for no, thanks and, as you have said, please do not feel in any way obliged to do these !
  6. Nice from you but, you may have created it for yourself, I enjoy it a lot and, for me, it makes the game that I paid a lot better ! ;-)
  7. Is there a way to support your efforts more than "just" with thanks ? I'd be happy to... Also, are you interested in suggestions, new ideas ? I have a few but don't want to put "pressure" on you !
  8. Just to say that the idea to put attributes in words is just amazing for the immersion ! It feels (more) like your talking to your scouts/assistants... that's brilliant ! I really hope that SI will notice it and do something like that in the future as it seems that more and more people wants to play with no attributes !
  9. Sorry if it has already been asked but I can't find the info... what do the "yellow", "blue" and "green" icon on the left mean ? Are they all positive or are some negative ? Also, how to have a position in the center of the (analytic) pizza... I only have a "?"... is that normal ? Thanks a lot !!!
  10. The 100% with 33% has also my vote !... I think the things on the left (Familiarity, etc), could also be narrower as it doesn't give any important information.... Anyway, thanks for the update and your efforts !
  11. Hello ! I just discovered this skin... your work is amazing... game changing... thanks a lot for all your efforts !!!
  12. Hello ! It seems that the only way to have some opposition players analytics (scatter graph) in the Data Hub/Next Opponent is to remove all Team's analytics and, even so, I can only see few of them and can't chose which !... Is there another way ? Is there a possibility to see whatever next opponent's players analytics I want ? If not, why is that ? Thanks in advance...
  13. Hello ! I feel that players morale should be more dependant on its own performances instead of those of the team as it seems to be in FM. I think that, IRL, players are more "selfish" than in FM and really focus around themselves... what is good or bad for them. I'm pretty sure that a majority of players prefer to perform very well in a team that loses than badly in a winning team. It's better for them as they are more likely to have a better salary after that !...
  14. Hello, It would be nice to be able to turn down the publicity in the Champion's League game. During those type of games, the panels around the pitch show publicities for companies I don't want to see in my game (Pepsi, Playstation, Fedex, ...) !... I don't want my game to be spoiled by theses kind of things, there's enough ot it everywhere else !!!
  15. Hello, As I write in the title, I think that there should be two separate work rate attributes as there are player who only work in one direction (cf. Mbappé, Messi, etc.) !... What do you think ?
  16. Thanks ! In fact, I coudn't find it because I've been using a skin that didn't had it !
  17. Nobody knows ? Is it stilll in the game ? somewhere ? Thanks !
  18. Hello, In previous FMs it was possible to see a full analyse of a game, no matter if you've been involved in or not. It was possible to see heat maps for each players, see all their passes, dribble, shots, etc. I'm unable to find it in FM23... hat it been removed ? If not, where is it located ? Thanks in advance...
  19. Unfortunately, I think it's not possible to have this information ! I think that the opposition scouting needs to be improved because, now, we have tons of informations about stuff we don't need (keepers excentricity) and it lacks very useful ones. How are you able to know opposition's pressing intensity ?
  20. Thanks but it didn't work as the "Overview part" still doesn't appear in the "comparison panel" ! Did you remove it on purpose ? Would really be very grateful if there's a way to put it back because it gives a rough idea about players which is the whole point of this great skin !
  21. Hello ! Thanks for your skin... it's excellent ! But, why have you removed the possibility to compare 2 players polygons in the player comparison screen ?Is there a way to put it back ?
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