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wkdsoul last won the day on December 23 2016

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1,770 "Say hello to my little friend!"


  • Biography
    @FMwkdsoul, FM-Base Skin maker

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  1. The Athletcs ipad is a great touch.
  2. having a brain freeze, where is the fill colour of that yellow bar controlled?
  3. have a look in the class folder for attribute_label
  4. with custom button popups, can you MAKE it have to close one before you open another? Open button A close button A Open button B but prevent Open A, Open B?
  5. No Name / No releasing. but so far so good on what i want to work after some serious crashing.. lol Football Manager 2024 2023-11-24 22-43-00.mp4
  6. awesome, up to my elbows in xmls again this weekend then.
  7. can anyone get an icon image on a class="link_button" ive tried the basics icon_enabled, appearance etc and getting nowhere.
  8. 1-3 have been in skins as along since FM10 at least, probably Bergkamp or Steklo at a guess
  9. Data hub works as i kinda wanted full tied all the polygons and stats via the position to the one panel via position Football Manager 2024 2023-11-18 22-52-34.mp4
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