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Everything posted by MikaV84

  1. Could someone from the team just drop by and let us know whether it's reasonable to assume this is not going to get fixed?
  2. Yeah, for sure mate, didn't mean to imply it affects everyone. It does, however, affect lot of people, and is the sort of thing that is clear and present in the save files many people have uploaded. Not subjective, like many other things.
  3. A lot of talk, as usual, has been around the long-term metagame - if you will - of FM24. One thing that continues to surprise me is the fact that there's a bug, which I've reported since 2022, and it was not resolved in the newest patch either. I mean sure, i don't know why i expected it now, given how long it's been ignored, but i gave it a shot when the patch came. The bug in question is that b- and u- team managers don't schedule friendlies even if you tell them to. Now, if this applies to CPU teams as well, it will have a massive knock-on effect on the match fitness of young and especially fringe players, which probably means they won't be selected as often, and that in turn means they will not develop properly. Given the possibility that it has a huge effect on the long-term game, i'm really quite surprised that there's not been a fix for a couple of versions now. And for a dabbling programmer, it seems as this should be comparatively trivial to implement, but i grant you that if that were the case it probably would've been fixed. The feedback? Well, if a bug exists for literal years, and is pretty large in scope in terms of affecting long-term saves, maybe a "Dunno mate, don't know if it can be done" tag in the bug tracker should be added, just so the people reporting the bug now that somethings happening, even if there's not a fix. And maybe, with unity, we could even send bug reports straight from the game. Although, given the amount of incessant crying about a guy hitting a woodwork once... maybe the bug reports should have a slight barrier of entry. But oh well, here's hoping for next year. Really happy that the game is on Game Pass, so i didn't lose money on '23 or '24.
  4. Last year, i spent an exorbitant amount of time tracking, trying fixes, conversing on the forums, sending save files, and testing on my own to fix the bug where low level U21 teams wouldn't create friendlies, regardless what option you've chosen. When i figured it was effecting AI teams as well, i really thought it might actually be a really considerable detriment to lower level youth development. Seems like a big deal, but what do i know. I patiently posted the issue, after it was ignored a couple times if memory serves, and it was finally fixed in the last update. Fine. I get it. Most people don't play lower leagues, so maybe it's not a priority. Maybe youngsters not playing in friendlies actually doesn't matter in their development meaningfully, and the dev's know that, so fixing it wasn't prioritized. What it meant for me was that my youngsters were never match fit when i needed them if i didn't create friendlies manually. Fine. All good. They fixed it in the end. Game development is hard, and with such a massive game, prioritizing can sometimes feel unfair, when the issue doesn't (seemingly) affect most players, but does you. All good. This year, i wait for a couple of patches just to give the game the chance to settle in. I get the process. I appreciate that, again, developing something this complicated is hard. But holy ****ing ****, i start my save, and no U21 managers in lower English divisions are creating friendlies. Not AI, not my U21 manager no matter what settings i click on. It took close to half a year to fix this last time, and with the new game coming, it's not going to get fixed. I can micromanage the friendlies, but i shouldn't have to, and i still fear that the knock-on effects of nobody playing U21 friendlies is massive at the lower reaches. I don't know man. I'm the last person to complain, and i'm fully empathetic with how tough the process is. Maybe an example like this, though, should raise some red flags about the process itself.
  5. Can someone enlighten me about the compensation rules on youngster transfers in England? I'm just plain confused. At times, i offer a 0€ transfer fee for a young player, and when i go to sign them, it shows a compensation amount that i have to pay. When other teams offer 0€ transfers for my youngsters and i accept and they sign, i get nothing. I've read on how it works in the real world, but it doesn't seem to be exactly the same in-game. Any help appreciated, i want to make money from my youth teams.
  6. The whole match page in staff responsibilities that regard to B/youth teams doesn't work. The checkboxes don't actually do what they say, you can't change whether you're asked for players to play in a b-team game, and you cant decide whether b/youth team managers create friendlies and how often. This has been reported since release, and we've been told it's "under review" since November if i'm not mistaken. It's been reported with save files by multiple people, so either a whole section of the game not working as intended is not a priority, or it's a really big underlying problem. The weird part is, it seems like it's purely a UI issue, and the exact same checkboxes and pull-down menus in the same page have worked for years. It's all really odd, and the messed up part is this - if the AI teams are not doing this either, then the whole game world will be skewed since fringe players are not playing enough and are never match fit. Here's hoping it just affects the human controlled team. Anyway, it's been four months with nothing done on this issue, so maybe smarter to hope they fix it for '24.
  7. This has been reported here since November, so don't hold you breath waiting for a fix. Also the "make first team players automatically available" button does nothing either, so it's just all messed up.
  8. I know i'm being very particular when i chose to not play the game on release since a trivial feature was broken. I know the meta on this forum is just to scream about everything all the time, and i just bided my time and submitted a bug report and continued the conversation by adding information in a few topics. Games are big and complicated. I get it. Now, it's February, and this hasn't even been mentioned since release. Youth managers are not creating friendlies. Sometimes they do, but whatever you do, you can't change it once it stops working. The pull-down menu in staff responsibilities -> match that determines the frequency of friendlies does... not... do... anything. It's a pull down menu that doesn't work. If you're not going to fix it, say so. I'll just throw an indicate pair of screenshots from the last patch to underline the point, but really, I've uploaded a save once and the problem is still there, so you can use the first uploaded save to look at it if you want to. Again, if it's not a priority, or just not in the cards, let us know it's not going to be fixed. I'm not demanding a fix. Just politely asking for an acknowledgement.
  9. So i don't know if the patch did anything to fix the issue, or maybe it just randomly works sometimes - but the patch definitely broke it a bit more. Now the selections for auto picking first team players for the reserve teams don't work at all. Not from the staff responsibilities menu, or the news item that asks whether you want to make first team players available. There's a savefile just before a U21 friendly where you can test it out. Si cloud: "Mika Vasara - AFC Telford.fm" It seems to me, in general, that something is just completely bugged about youth team management and automation.
  10. Have to be clear here - maybe it's the same issue, maybe not. Your issue of friendlies not being created is already posted and under review in the link below. I would encourage the original poster to go into the youth teams, and see if they have any fixtures that the senior team player could have played in. If it is indeed the same issue as below, as said, it's already under review.
  11. Thanks for the reply - have to tried to make the managers do it for you?
  12. I think this is pertinent to this challenge, but can anyone confirm that your U21 or U18 managers are arranging friendlies if tasked to do so? I've started three different saves to join this challenge, but i'm just not going to manually create friendlies for the U-xx teams to keep my players match fitness up, since this wasn't a problem in 22 and it's a brickwall of a problem in 23. I've clicked, unclicked and made Latvian spells on all the dropdowns and checkboxes and nothing helps. So, do you have a manager responsible to create friendlies for a youth team? Is he actually creating them? Let me know. And yes, i've reported the bug, just seeing if this is widespread and if there's a workaround - i think it's especially pertinent for this challenge. Cheers!
  13. Despite the appropriate tickboxes being ticked, neither the U21 nor the U18 managers are arranging friendlies. I tried on/off, and all the different options. For some odd reason, they did arrange them in the preseason. Even if i tick both 21 and 18 to arrangle a friendly every week, neither ever does. Settings: U21 fixtures, the one friendly that is shown is manually created by me. And i uploaded the save file as well, named: "Mika Vasara - Dulwich Hamlet (v02)"
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