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Everything posted by buffalo

  1. was going to say a protest about the level of crispness of a baguette but hey
  2. going for Platt, still gutted about that one Hurst didn't actually score did he, or was the investigation conclusive after all
  3. Iñaki Williams made the Ghana squad so we have a Boateng/Shaqiri type of story here potentially
  4. think it's more cause France is more likely to have protest marches in general
  5. touché Rafa Marquez still is the Mexican goat imo
  6. what does Qatar's rules and culture say about rainbow armbands? I guess Hugo knows
  7. maybe the terms traditional, conservative, are more appropriate
  8. haven't got a clue who any of those players are so I guess it'll be a treat discovering them
  9. son of former Argentine international Carlos Mac Allister wasn't selected for the World Cup 94 but still made the Panini album
  10. he's the kind of player the media and opposing fans love to hate for some reason can also see it as a compliment
  11. yeah can see how he's a player that does have something that others don't have
  12. as far as I know he's been named in the provisional Ghana squad, so let's wait and see if he makes it as well, would be nice (maybe I missed the Ghana squad so if I did my apologies)
  13. it's a bit surprising that Lang is in the squad, especially as he's not very fortunate in his season for Club Brugge so far (also maybe due to the fact he didn't get a transfer deal)
  14. should've picked Ricardo Carvalho instead tbh seriously though, they'll have a tough tournament
  15. at the moment I'm more looking forward to Black Friday than to the World Cup start maybe it still has to grow on me
  16. This shouldn't really come as a surprise, in fact I suspect the German journalists got exactly the footage and quotes (and attention) out of it that he was looking for. Just wondering if FIFA will actually learn from this whole nonsense bid and appointment
  17. ah a seated section in the fan village as well, how considerate
  18. could've been a Brazilian though to be fair from Wiki started his playing career in Japan
  19. you never know what you gonna get with France, but I do remember the South African fiasco, and the 2002 disaster group stage so seems like the tournament after being in the final is a bummer could be coincidence though, but to be honest the signs in the currently available squad don't seem to indicate they are favourite for grandeur
  20. winning the semis, mwuhahahahahahahahaha seriously though: 16s: Denmark Quarters: Netherlands Semis: Brazil
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