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Everything posted by allyc31

  1. FFS I've signed a 37 year old Messi now and he is demanding that he plays in AMC as an Advanced Playmaker Support. He's still really good and I got into the CL so I'll have plenty of games. Still, didn't like the 4-2-3-1 so I've decided to learn from that experience and pay Messi 90k a week I couldn't resist! Its the first year in the new stadium, I've got the club Champions League football and Messi became available Im not made of stone!
  2. "Keep us updated on how you go - I am really interested to see how it pans out with Wirth (and Everton as a whole)." In someways it's going well as we've had some big wins and we're sitting 5th in February (second season. Signed Wirtz at the start of the second season) In other ways it's going awful. Football isn't great, we dont really have defined style, my forwards are really shooting (or getting service), writz isn't doing much either and all in all, its depressing Below is a series of screenshots Current tactic What id hope would happen The idea was that we'd focus down the right with the IW, Vol and WB all on Support as well the AMC to create superiority on the right hand side. The winger on the left is on attack in an effort that, if the ball gets there he'll hopefully have a 1 on 1 against a full back, beat him and then fire a low ball into the box (hopefully from the edge of the box at the byeline) What's actually happening Not that. Lot of alright build up until it gets to near the box in which, one of the two DM (usually the vol tbf) walks on to a pass and batters it over the bar. Or the Winger will pick the wrong pass or not at all and shoot from a super tight angle. I dont watch on full matches or even comprehensive but extended. I dont expect to win every match but id want to see some of my ideas coming through Midfield data hub Forwards
  3. This is great! Thank you so much!!! Apologies, this is the first I’ve gotten back to it this week so looking forward to trying this yes, Myko had to go unfortunately due to the board being skint and me needing to buy some players! I still have Onana who seems to be more suited to the Vol role over? Garner (who I love in real life but low marking and bravery (8/12 respectively making him hard for me to use in fm). In saying that, you obviously have had good results with him. I do like the idea of using a wedge as @rashidi puts its so that’s where braithwaith plays. how did you find Patterson? His decisions are so I’m surprised he can find the stadium.
  4. I managed to keep Beto so I went with the 4-3-3 with Beto being a complete forward Only change I made to the base tactic is to invert the sides (so winger on the left instead of right etc) and drop the winger to a support so I could set Wirtz to Attack as he likes to run with the ball...though, looking at his balance and acceleration perhaps it best to keep him on support and put the attack back out wide. Early in the season but not sure im 100% convinced so far. Still, dynamics are on their arse atm so will give it until around November
  5. Bit tongue in cheek title, I very much wanted to sign him but it wasn't planned. He's probably the best player ive ever managed to sign in any FM game, stats wise so im very excited but and determined to turn it into a success For reference, I've lost DCL to the Saudi boys and I suspect Beto won't be for behind. Wirtz can play naturally in either midfield or Attacking midfield. Finally, I really, really dont want to play a gegnpress tactic and decided on Control Possession This is where I need help, I cannot find a good Complete Forward because Im Everton at the end of the first season and im now skint. So im either going to go with 4-3-3 using a DLP on Attack and no player instructions or a 4-2-3-1 with a Pressing Forward on attack and the Defensive Midfielder on Support being asked to Hold Position to create the 3-2 rest defence For what its worth, here is Wirtz Does anyone have any thoughts on this? I dont get a lot of time to play FM, im quite excited and I dont want to waste half a season doing something is less than ideal. Im leaning towards to 4-2-3-1 as I think with the 4-3-3 I'd want someone breaking a head of the DLP and im not sure a Advanced Playmaker or Winger are the best suited for that? Could leave the opposition centre backs with a relatively easy job?
  6. So reading Leadership by Sir Alex atm and he tells of an interaction he had with his then assistant manager and man who told Chick Young what time it was on tv, Archie "Tell him to go f himself" Knox The point is, Archie Knox as his assistant felt that SAF was getting to involved in training and it should be left to the Assistant Manager to run the sessions. So, if I wanted the same relationship with my AM What attributes would be best to create training schedules What attributes would be best to arrange friendlies If I allow my AM to manage individual training, will they be smart enough to select the correct role or will I need to manage the individual training? And if they are not smart enough, how important is it outside of tactical familiarity, that a player is on the individual training for the position and role that they play
  7. One thing ive found about playing a holding midfielder deep as the playmaker is that they always seem to get pressed of the ball. I think it's because they're always, or seemingly always collecting the ball of the defenders with their back to goal meaning that they really only have 1-2 passing options (assuming the other pivot is marked properly). I think maybe a half back as a single pivot would work better as they drop in between the defenders, are facing up the field and have more passing options (two centre backs, fullbacks on either side then two (or more)) In the above, no 6 is the DLP in a double pivot and is something similar to what ive seen when I've played with one. Now that's the 6 but as a single pivot (either as a HB or DLP-D as I think they both split the centre backs?) making the red opposition players having to work harder to press him/cut off passing lanes etc What's your experience with this?
  8. So, update time I guess Ended up moving away from the 4-2-4, dropping the DLP into midfield to form a 4-2-3-1. Not entirely sure why but with the 4-2-4, the chances were falling more to the DLP instead of the Advanced Forward and, when the AF was getting a chance it was high xg but tight angle and going across the goal. I suspect it would have been solved if I had of switched the advanced forward to the left hand side so that hes got more of the goal to aim at but I dont have the players do that as the right and left players are both very suited to their current roles. So added the AMC so I could push the Advanced Forward more centrally. Also didn't have the player to play as a Roaming Playmaker and changed to the Defence Midfielder on Support. Finally the left handside Inside Forward was doing my head in so changed to an Inverted Winger on attack and asked both the Left and Right Winger to stay wide. With regards to team instructions, I dropped the High Line to mid block in an effort to create space in behind for the advanced forward. Tactic now Overall seeing some improvements in chances and types of chances as well as who they fall too. Still not perfect to be honest but might be down to quality of player making poor decisions In the below, changed after the Villa match. I know results were decent before but, like I said, wasn't happy with how it was working
  9. This is very cool. I love the detail you've put into it, explaining your thought process. Can't wait to see how it goes for you
  10. Morning everyone, As someone who struggles with the tactical side of FM more and more, leading to frustration, leading to struggling more etc etc and so on, I was thinking about starting again and following my assistant mangers advice when selecting a tactic (bold I know. Doing what the game suggests) So started a new save in fm23 with said AM suggests I have the players most suited for a 4-2-4 Gegenpress, so I guess defending is nothing something we're going to care much about this year. This is the standard tactic as suggested And this is the tweaks I made to better suit my team I didn't change any instruction, just some of the roles around in an effort to create some depth and space. So I guess, first thing is do the above changes look sensible? They do to me but at the same time, ive already admitted to being frankly awful at this game so what do I know Secondly, and the main thing I wanted to ask; What do you guys do, if using a present and things go wrong? One of the oldest bits of advice on here from the times before presets was that you should make your own tactic as, if it goes wrong you'll be in a better position to understand why. But as the presets are effectively a middle ground between creating your own and downloading a tactic, im wondering if that logic can apply here? There has been a few good threads on here about the presets, most notably the one around the 4231 fluid counter but didn't really answer my question. Hope we can get a bit of discussion going on this. Im at a place in my life where, I dont exactly want FM23 to turn into a Press Continue fest but want to focus more on developing players and less on the tactical side of things (as I truly think I'll never understand it) Thanks everyone, Take care
  11. Assuming a players decision making is good to average for the league, how much will personal instructions impact a players performance? The case im thinking about is if I have an inside forward on Attack the right and I ask him to Stay Wide in an effort to stretch the play between his fullback and the centre back and hopefully isolate him against the aforementioned fullback. Assuming the team mentality is on Balanced or greater, if we have the ball on the left hand side of the pitch, how likely is the Inside Forward to stop staying wide and make a beeline for his near post? Will the Stay Wide instruction force him to stay wide unless it's considered a transition by the match engine? Regardless of what the rest of the tactic does or does not do, I guess this boils down to the following 1. How rigid are personalised player instructions? If a player has been told to stay in one part of the pitch, does that stop him from effectively attacking space that isn't in that part of the pitch?
  12. Hello, ive set up a number of different corner routines and saved them (saved them individually using the Save Routine option instead of Save All (as that doesn't seem to do anything?)) But my players always do the same one? I feel like im doing something wrong, and that I should be saving them all as a group of routines but that doesn't seem to work, or if it does its Not intuitive No feedback in the UI if it works For reference, im talking these two buttons (Save Routine and Save All Routines) Could someone explain what the difference between Save and Save all is and how I get my players to cycle through each set piece instead of just the same one that is loaded?
  13. Hi In my current Everton save, second season, ive got Khephren Thuram who appears to be turning into the perfect Segundo Volante attack. However, as I am an old man who doesn't like change, ive never actually used the role so dont know where to start. But ive noted down some, observations or whatever and was wondering if someone matter than me would help me build a tactic around this fella? The Volante attack obviously starts very deep and, with Thurmans Gets Into Opposition Area PPM, this probably means I dont want to use a tactic that has quick transitions but rather, a tactic with a lot of movement in the opponents final third? This should be easy to see if this is working from a data point of view by using the Pitch Tilt option in the Data Hub Side note, the other obvious thing to do would be to retrain Thuram as an attacking midfielder and use a shadow striker? Due to the above, I think I probably want to play with a high line and high press? Possibly stop team building out from the back In Dominic Calvin Lewin I have a wonderful striker but one that relies a lot on pace (second screenshot) So might be time to move him on (or just accept the eventual bid from PSG) and look to bring in a more creative centre forward eg a Deep Lying Forward Attack? Im not sure I want Thuram to be the main source of goals but if I could get 10-15 a season out of him that would be great Im not sure at all about formation Probably not a 4-2-3-1 Deep as that would mean A body in the way in the Attacking Midfield spot Of course, this might help? Could use an Advance Playmaker or Engache? But if my centre forward is a Deep Lying Forward on attack then less need for that? Perhaps something with 3 at the back to allow for more cover to protect when Thuram goes forward? Thuram Calvin-Lewin Anyway, that's what ive got so far. Any thoughts would be appreciated
  14. Bring me the person who decided to put the Walk Away button RIGHT BESIDE beside the Suggest Promises button. I want to look them in the eye when I ask them why they hate us so much
  15. Son of a *****, Ive never even noticed that dropdown before. Has that been negatively impacted my players? Why was that even selected?
  16. In the above image, the guy has been a key player in my squad for close to 2 years, has never played in or been trained in another position/role/duty (Ball Playing Defender on Defend). Yet it's always awkward. And that's the same for every other one of my players Is it just a UI bug or am I doing something wrong.
  17. I should be upfront and say that I’m not a tactical genius but one thing I’ve found help me in 23 is removing counter press. I find unless You have a world class midfield it just wrecks your shape.
  18. Yeah no team leaders sold. I should say the transfer window at the end of the season but all your points still stand. and one of the reasons I made so many signings is due to making the cl and wanting to be competitive in that while also hopefully winning the fa or league cup.
  19. So I got a bit carried away. I identified a dna that I wanted my Everton save to adhere to and, in the first transfer window, I went mad as a frog in a sock. I ended used signing 15 players and letting 7 go (only one highly influential. The rest below that) thoughts on how I can maximise my team so they understand they’re playing football with each other come august. my tactic is inspired by @crusadertsar pragmatism so there isn’t a bunch too it. Very few team institutions so now sure if that matters. help me si. your my only hope
  20. I just got my first youth intake in my School of Shithousery save with Everton and, oh boy My AM thinks this lad is already good enough to play in the national league But I seem to remember FM has specific, for lack of a better word, rules to developing youngsters. I think its if age <=17 then they should just be training then =>18 its playtime is the most important. So is there any benefit to loaning this fella out? Thankfully I got Crewe as an affiliate who have excellent youth and training facilities so if he was able to play there he wouldn't lose much with training but would gain a (hopefully) significant playing time. Ta ta
  21. I have Dominic Calvin Lewin. I think it’s less the tools and more the workman is the problem.
  22. No not this time. Just raging about facing the 3421. And not scoring. Again
  23. edit now that i actually vented and had a couple of seconds to calm down i realise this is silly Though i cant delete it so im editting it to remove the original post so no one can die of second hand embarrassment
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