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Everything posted by allyc31

  1. Hi all, Taking inspiration from Graham Potter, Im trying to set up a 3421 with deep holding midfielders and attacking midfielders as it is the default set up for said tactic in the tactics creator Base tactic (note the AMRC should be on attack) I have a few issues with it which im trying to figure out but the one I could do with some help with is the massive gap it leaves in-between the DM and AM areas. My understanding of the current ME is that changes were made to the holding midfielders in the DM area to push up more because SI felt that was more representative of actual player behaviour. But ive noticed that this can and often results in a high number of Opposition Final Third Entries from central positions e.g in my last five games 40% of the opposition getting into the final 3rd have came though the middle. Data Hub Now obviously FM does not happen in a vacuum and there are many things at player but ive not done anything stupid with the team or player instructions and the tactic looks solid enough so Im at a loss of why this is the case Then I checked the analysis tab in the tactic creator and seen that the gap mentioned above has no direct influence on it. Which is obvious in a player placement but seems less obvious when taking the supposed changes made by SI this year to the player behaviour in the DMC area of the pitch Influence Analysis The thing is, this is completely fixed if I move the two holding players into the centre of the pitch Analysis with CM rather than DM Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Am I misreading the data hub or should I push my midfield up? I don't want to lower my AMC because I think it would isolate the Advanced Forward
  2. I might have too let this be a lesson to all of you. Don’t enter contract negations when you’ve had a skinful
  3. I have two wonderful players who are best suited too playing as a Dm Deeplying Playmaker support and a AMC Advanced Playmaker Attack respectively. Assuming everything else is equal, what kind of tactical framework would best suit the use of those two types of roles? Fun fact, because I offered the contract to the Deeplying Playmaker while I was half cut, he has a promise in his contact that he must be played in DM as a Deeplying Playmaker Support
  4. Here is another example attached Though it benefited me this time so if you wanna just fix it when the ai do it that would be great Everton v Wolves.pkm
  5. Seen this issue a few times (which I should have raised a bug for, apologies) but feel like we should be dealing with the ball that leads to Newcastles second goal better? If I saw it in real life, id guess that the players aren't talking to each other? Ta Newcastle v Everton.pkm
  6. Started the game as Everton with board expectations of quality for UEFA cup (lol). Needless to say things could be going better but noticed the following In Club Vision expectation is to finish in the uefa cup of which I have been graded as Very Disappointing However, in the Premier League screen the board expectation is that I avoid Relegation Battle Has the club adjusted their expectations or is this a bug? Id post this in the feedback thread but their is entirely too much noise in there about attributes and non me touching updates breaking the me so thought id ask in here to get confirmation before raising a bug. Ta PL Club Vision
  7. If you think its an issue then raise it as a bug and upload your game files It could be a bug that you've discovered that has nothing to do with the latest update (which has been confirmed to not touch the ME) but the core beta ME. Get a bug raised
  8. Weird that someone who states that they haven't played the game because they won't spend time to beta test would spend time on a thread about beta testing the game. You not have anything better to do?
  9. It did not go well. Still, I didn't lose so yay? Got absolutely battered though But I conceded a lot of shots, though most of them where of poor quality. They're wingers didn't get up to much so maybe my plan worked? Need more data I suppose
  10. So I'll maybe go first I've a match coming up next away at West Ham. Here is what my team of top analysts have provided The take aways are as follows They play a wing style of play. They're midfielder Lucas Paqueta is very accurate with his passes however he doesn't make a high amount of passes Their keeper is out of form They defend with lots of blocks and clearances Suggesting that they play deep and allow the opposition to have the ball. This to me suggests that I should Watch Paqueta and see if he is having an influence on the game. If so, perhaps mark him a bit tighter. Show their wingers inside, trap inside (note, not sure how Trap Inside and Stop Crosses work together. Might be worth a look) Shoot more often Drop off more in an effort to stop balls coming over the top. I'll update with how the match goes after I play it
  11. One thing I think everyone can agree on is the improvements that SI are making with the surfacing of data in their game. One of the main purchase reasons for me for Fm23 was the additions to the data hub. We now have more data in game than ever before but how do we turn that data into a weapon in our arsenal? Id love nothing more than to get really deep into using the scouting reports and match analyses but I don't think I have a good level of understanding on how to use them So im asking for help. Maybe we could pull our resources and try to figure out the best way to use the data provided? Maybe we succeed? Maybe we fail. Should be fun regardless
  12. I mean, ive already explained the thought process behind what im saying as well as a few other people. If you really want to sit in a complaining bubble where you can all go over and over about who is more outraged by a bug being in a beta, may I suggest creating a topic for it That way you can keep all of it in one thread that the rest of us can ignore and focus and this thread can go back to focusing on more than one piece of feedback
  13. You absolutely can give feedback but from looking at your post history you have gave it 6 times on the same issue. What do you think the other 5 comments are going to achieve?
  14. Im so annoyed because some of the hot takes by people on this thread. hot takes like 'It should have been fixed' and 'why didn't qa find this' There is a quite clear undercurrent of questioning peoples ability to do their job when the people complaining on this thread don't have the first clue about developing software The *constant*, and it is constant at this point discussion around the same thing will only stop other issues from being surfaced. No one forced anyone to pay money for this. Go get a refund and wait to see if the issue is fixed in v1
  15. Do I not see a problem with SI not announcing a bug for a beta? No I dont Because its a beta If it was a final release id say you have a point. But as its not a final release, it is in fact a beta therefor I have no complaints over it.
  16. No its not, its a feedback thread of which, the feedback for the issue with developing attributes has been fed back. Repeatedly What do you think is going to happen? Mile is going to read this thread over his morning coffee and be like 'You know what, the first 300 comments about the exact same thing didn't do it for me but this 301st same comment has made up my mind.'
  17. Hes extremely wrong. One is an on rails shooter with an estimated budget of $250 million quid and one is a complex management sim ffs
  18. Im really not missing the point. Its a beta. You either understand that or you don't. No one is forcing you to buy and take part in the beta. Get a refund if it annoys you that much Or dont But complaining about something which has already been confirmed as a bug is silly. They're not going to fix it before v1 so move on with your life
  19. Guys, v1 is out in like 2 weeks. Relax. Go play fm22 for a while Don't pre-order to get the beta next year if you don't understand the purpose of it. The bug has been reported and they're working on a fix. Good grief
  20. This is certainly annecdotal due to the lack of data and im also aware because of that, I bet this comes up all the time in the beta feedback threads With that said, it feels like the injuries are perhaps slightly too frequent currently? Not only that but also quite aggressive in their nature. Also, just wanna add as a QA engineer myself This is a beta Making software is extremely hard This is a beta THIS IS A BETA
  21. Device MacBook Pro (14-inch, 2021) Description Due to the placement of the webcam notch on the MacBook Pro (and presumably, a number of other laptops), the body of the tutorial text appears behind the notch. Please see attached screenshot Possible solutions Allow the position of the totorial text to be moved to the bottom of the screen https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2023-early-access-beta-bugs-tracker/755_user-interface/?do=form&d=8#
  22. This is started happening and not sure what the cause is Pre-conditions When I select a scout And I select Create a Recruitment Focus And I select Any Position from Any Tactic Expected Result I should be able to add specific nations Actual result Selecting nations does not persist Notes To be honest, there appears to be a bunch of issues around adding recruitment focus. eg sometimes im able to change the potential range, others not. Sometimes I can add countries but then it removes the selected scout and attempting to re add them results in them all being marked as in-active. Here is a link that you can watch a video of the issue
  23. Been looking for a while and can’t find an answer for this is a Segundo Volante a ‘ball magnet’ eg is that role considered a playmaker by the other players? only reason I’m asking it because the description specifically mentions Deep Lying Playmaker
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