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Everything posted by rbirdy17

  1. Alright, so followed the extract file tutorial on that link, I put my nation as CHINA, and I got to the stage where you reload the database and apply unsaved changes, and the crash error happens....
  2. Ah ok, ya makes sense. I will give this extract option a go and see what happens. All I want to do is edit the AFC Cup prize money
  3. Is this possible to extract a competition from say FM21 and import it into FM19? Like the Europa conference league from 21 and importing into FM19?
  4. How do you import it back in after extracting and editing it? Doesnt say in the tutorial
  5. Are you able to extract a competition from say FM21 and put it into FM19? Like the Europa Conference League extracted from FM21 and put into FM19?
  6. That is to extract a competition from the game it looks like which I dont want to do, but thanks for showing that! Asian Competitions are editable in FM21 editor, the club ones are anyway. I have and can edit the Asian Champs league, but when I try editing the AFC Cup ( Asian Europa League) the error comes up. I dont get it. It will allow me to edit every other competition/player/staff but only errors for the AFC Cup.
  7. More screen shots of? How I get to advanced rules? here is the step by step guide of how I did it and than the crash error when I tick the prize money box
  8. I reposted this because I am still dealing with the same issue.... And I said how I got to advanced rules in the editor. Going to the competition I want to edit, change the nation to random nation which is bulgaria, than add nations rules, than convert to advanced rules , see the competition I just added and try to edit and this comes up... Not sure how to upload basic rules for the AFC Cup ( the asian europa league) , I have never edited something going via basic rules, it has always been the way I just described.
  9. I load up FM21 pre game editor, go to advanced rules and I try to edit anything, I get a 5-10 second pause than this crash error comes up. I wont let me edit anything. Someone else deal with this problem with a solution? I have tried all the options like verify cache, reinstall and removing all my editor files in the folder. It still comes up. Please help thanks
  10. Any help please???? I removed all the editor files in the folder to see if it was a corrupt file, but still crashes. Please help
  11. Tried taking out all my editor files currently in the folder, and still does not work......
  12. Tried it with China, still with the same error. No idea whats going on. Could it possibly be a corrupt file in the editor data folder??
  13. Alright, but what I am trying to do it edit the AFC Cup, the asian europa league, which doesnt have its own country. And how to do that is the steps I did above to get to advanced rules. Could be any country, but I used Bulgaria. Which when you convert to advanced rules, the AFC Cup is one of the divisions in Bulgaria, which than you can edit.
  14. huh. Ok so what I do is a start FM editor, go to AFC cup in competitions, put the nation as bulgaria, than go to add nation rules, add lower comps to bulgaria, Than convert to advance rules. Go down to AFC Cup, look for the prize money in the 1st stage, click the tick box to add a tick, the editor pauses and than error comes up. This isnt a saved file in the editor
  15. I have reinstalled both the editor and the game and still crashes. I do not have a save file for my game, I am wanting to edit before I start. What is the saved basic file? Thanks
  16. It opens and allows me to edit in basic rules, but once I convert to advanced rules, I cannot edit anything. I want to edit prize money in the AFC cup
  17. Running it online with steam. I just have the windows 8 default security protection, so not sure how to allow it past the firewall. It starts up, it allows me to convert to advanced editor tab, but as soon as I make 1 edit, the crash comes up
  18. I did what it said, still doesnt work.... Tried ticking the " Prize Money for loser" box and it pauses for 5-10 seconds and than crashes with the error..
  19. Where do you go to clear cache? I have reinstalled numerous times, it still doesnt work. I tried sending the dumpfile to SI, and they told me they dont deal with editor issues. They told me to come to the forums.
  20. Hello, My FM21 pre game editor crashes as soon as I try to edit anything like prize money, number of teams etc in the advanced rules. I cannot edit anything without is crashing right away. I do an edit, it pauses for 5-10 seconds, and than crashes with an error popping up. I attached the error photo aswell as crash dump files. please help. Thanks Editor 2021 v21.4.0.1522281 (2022.09.10 09.01.01).dmp Editor 2021 v21.4.0.1522281 (2022.09.09 18.10.41).dmp
  21. Hello, My FM21 pre game editor crashes as soon as I try to edit anything like prize money, number of teams etc in the advanced rules. I cannot edit anything without is crashing right away. I do an edit, it pauses for 5-10 seconds, and than crashes with an error popping up. I attached the error photo aswell as crash dump files. please help. Thanks Editor 2021 v21.4.0.1522281 (2022.09.10 09.01.01).dmp Editor 2021 v21.4.0.1522281 (2022.09.09 18.10.41).dmp
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