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Posts posted by V50

  1. 19 hours ago, dillonbarrett1997 said:

    Awesome! Ive been attempting El Salvador for the past 5 days and the editor is giving me a headache lol. Keeps saying it can’t find the teams for the playoff rounds 

    Oh sorry I meant the continental cups. If you send me the file I might be able to help, typically that error is about the qualification rules. Check that the next stage number/main name is correct, and check that the "teams" for the playoff rounds are correctly entered (it's easy to put in the information incorrect, you need the name that they qualified for (e.g. quarter final) and then the stage you are looking for (e.g. "1").

  2. On 22/02/2024 at 21:21, dillonbarrett1997 said:

    Hello, this is some amazing work!


    I’m looking to start in El Salvador but all the files I find have incorrect league structures.

    I have been working with timos file in the editor but can’t get passed error messages when I correct the format.

    if anyone knows a file with the correct format please let me know, thank you guys!  

    I am nearly done remaking all the concacaf ones to fix bugs...

  3. In the words of wise poet Zealand, Loans! If you can. Having a senior affiliate also helps in that regard. You'll only every get free transfers, so just mass-trialling any free transfer who might play for you is a good strategy- don't forget if you click the cog in the player scouting area you can set it to include players who are "unsure". If your team is pure amateur this is good as it won't cost you much either way, and with a promise or two you can sometimes punch above your weight.

    Sometimes the best strategy is patience. Ask for junior coaching all the time - it's relatively cheap and can significantly raise the CA of your youth prospects, meaning you can get 1 or two players straight into your first team.

    Finally, there tends to be a meta tactic. Knapp has a tactics thread with OP tactics of you lose your patience but generally a standard 4 4 2 or 4 3 3 will work if you're a bit attacking.

  4. On 04/02/2024 at 15:43, Jorgen said:

    What is the exact way it should work?

    Be champion in season 1 → play in the Shield in season 2 → advance to the Cup in the same season (also season 2) → advance to the CCC in season 3? → advance to the FIFA CWC when it plays the next time?
    At the moment the amount of teams that advance in my game is like this: only 1 from Shield to Cup and 3 from Cup to CL (nr 2 and 3 to first round; and nr 1 direct by to following round of 16)


    In my previouis post I checked the last years of the competiton (2060's/2070s)
    Now, I've checked the first years (2023 onwards and 2035 onwards and 2045 onwards)


    The nr 1 and nr 2 of the Caribbean Shield advance to the Caribbean Cup in the same year. This happens in each of the decades that I checked
    The nr 2 and 3 of the Caribbean Cup advance to the first round of the Concacaf CL 2 years later when looking at the 2020s and the first part 2030s. It changes in the 2nd half of this decade: In 2036 Waterhouse (nr 2) and Pantoja (nr 3) qualify for the 2038 CL, but in 2037 something strange happens. Tivoli (nr 2) and Defence Force (nr) don't qualify at all. Not for 2037/2038/2039. Instead the following year, which is 2038, TLH (nr 2) and W Connection (nr 3) qualify for the CL first round of 2039. Some years later the 2 year gap continues.

    I checked all number ones of the Caribbean Cup between 2023 and 2073. They all advance to the round of 16 of the CL.


    At the moment these are the editor files I used. These are all of your files, TMC's files, Saints Canada's Canada fix, 4 central american leagues and realism files by Daveincid, and Susie's Transferupdate

    (not included in the screenshot are some files for esthetic purposes only)




    If you want I can send you my save game



    Infuriatingly, this is now reproducing in my tests...

  5. On 09/02/2024 at 02:52, LeB8 said:

    HI @V50, Using the megapack with Barbados specifically I have found some issues.

    Continental/ Regional competition issues

    - There's should be 5 subs for the NACC

    - I'd assume its also 5 subs for the Caribbean club shield as well

    - I noticed away goals is still in as well, and im not sure if it's used so i thought I'd still put it here anyway


    Barbados Issues

    - 5 subs for all leagues

    - The republic cup round of 16 are decided even before the group stage is finish. The fixtures are already available even after a couple games, indicating that theres no specific qualification spots for it and you just get the winning prize money

    - This might not be an error but, the Barbados seasons is running in the game for e.g 23/24 insted of just 2023. This lead to no Barbados premier league being held in 2024 at all and the next League season commenced in January 2025 although the season was listed as the 24/25 seasons.

    - NOT A PROBLEM--> but I think the foreign limit should be increased with a limit being placed on how many can be in the squad for the Digicel Premier League



    All this done for next update, except foreign player rules (BFA website went down today so couldn't check, but I set it to regulations) and away goals (still a rule AFAIK). The skipping a year took an hour to figure out - it needed an update day set to the same as the nation (I previously set this blank, and what happens was pre-season friendlies for 2023 were set in September 2023 instead of 2022...)

  6. 7 hours ago, Padders said:


    Season 46 - 2069/70 - SBC

    First season in the Championship and a decent mid table finish in 14th

    Will take that for the first season

    Off the pitch, a fair bit happened

    Extra 2,995 seats added to the stadium


    Planning for Youth Category increase


    Considering we are £1m in the red, done well to get those improvements

    Recouped some of the money by selling Richie Gillard, top player but wouldn't sign a new contract so had to sell to get the cash in





    So it will only take until 2070 for my beloved Charlton to get back to the Premiership!

  7. 16 hours ago, Jorgen said:

    @V50 I did a longterm holiday save until 20 june 2073. Combination with all of your files and TMC and Saints Canada files seems very stable.


    About the Concacaf continental club cups qualifications:

    Best 2 in the Caribbean Shield qualify for the Caribbean Cup in the same year
    Winner Caribbean Cup qualifies for round of 16 in CCC the next year
    Problem: Nr 2 and nr 3 of Caribbean Cup qualify for 1st round in CCC after 2 years

    That's strange - in my tests it all works perfectly. Does this trend start after a certain year? (Wondering if a strangely timed world cup broke it?)

  8. 2 hours ago, fries said:


    So far I haven't done much regarding the party king. I have changed my formation to be less dependent on him. It is not very funny when the planned starter doesn't show up to a match. He is of course fined with a two-week wages fine every time he misses training or matches. So far he has paid close to half of his wage this season back to the club as fines. I try to speak to him every time as well.

    I think I will give him another season and see if he will improve his behavior. But I don't know how to handle him.

    Get him sold - players like that poison the dressing room and lower your professionalism average. 

  9. 1 hour ago, XaW said:

    Yeah, I suspect the editor has screwed up, but I think it's fine, I just have to really push to be top half way rahter than at the end. I holidayed 10 years with teh file to see if everything was ok, but I didn't actually check if the correct teams went into the CL, since the rules look like they should work:


    But then I'll continue on as normal. :) 

    If its any consolation trinidad did this earlier this year due to the timings of the champs league

  10. 3 hours ago, WhiteCat33 said:

    Would at least make playing as Barbados Martinique Puerto Rico or Cuba significantly more engaging as they are hard-coded into the NACL qualifying with the bigger nations. Is it a lot of work to split the NACL off into its own additional file? Could at least help narrow down where the bad interaction is happening. 

    The NACL is a separate file this year :)

  11. 1 minute ago, XaW said:

    @V50 - Is there anywhere to see how well my nation is doing in terms of qualifications to the Carib cups? I mean I've won the Caribbean Shield the last 6 years, as well as the Caribbean Cup two times, and we still haven't had any more than on other team qualify for anything...? And when I look at the league reputation we are still behind the likes of St Lucia and such who have never done anything similar. These ratings never seem to move at all.


    When looking at international rep, we do well, but that doesn't seem to translate into anything?


    Well I really hope they move... I'm at the mercy of SI coding on whether they do - I know last year @WhiteCat33 improved the league reputation

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