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138 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"

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  1. I know it is old topic but... you didn't understand my post. If the game progresses itself, then each time the progression is interrupted and resumed, one message in the inbox is read. So if I have all the messages read at the start, I start the progress and go to sleep, and each time the progress is interrupted, 10 messages enter the mailbox, then each time 1 message will be read (the oldest one), so with 5 progresses I will have 50 messages in my e-mail box minus 5 messages read. Sometimes an important message will scroll there and I won't read it, it would be nice to work on it so that the most important messages FOR ME would be unreadable, and it would be best if no one read my personal mail after each suspension of progress!
  2. it work still bad in FM24 If I add training week from (weeks 2-5) into first week of the month, which is not start on 1 day of month on Monday, my calendar is move to month previous (f.e. from February to January), but if i click "next month" (when i am in January view) by arrow I go to next month (to March). I will do same report in future.
  3. Hi all! I am looking for one topic on forum about one man made analysis all training sessions in game and in effect he has excel file with many info about which training sessions are good and not good for our team. Could u link it?
  4. I know it will not updated but today i see something wrong but i didnt read full of this thread to know are u know about it bug. If we send on loan our players and want to see his last games on profile i sbug: On first picture u will see stats in view for "all teams".It means that it is view about playing on loan and playing before in our team. But look at date. Last game is on date 25/11/2023 when qctually i have 15/01/2024. But if i change all team to current loaning team it is good (before clicking current team): After choose current (loaning) team
  5. hi, will you raise this limit to for example 100*(45-15) goals ~3000 ~4096 ~2^12? 100 - possible goal per season 45 - max age 15 -min age
  6. I have captain and vice captain but after position 1 and 2 i have position 4, but this player is in another club to end of this season. If u want i can try to search for save before his transfer. Now i send u actual save
  7. Kyle, please. Could u change this in little patch next weeks. I defined what is wrong to me, and present how to show this little bug.
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