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Everything posted by SouthCoastRed

  1. Looks half empty, and no atmosphere at all. Whip them up Wednesday boy
  2. True. But ITV will doom that. I suppose Senegal v France will make a good grudge rematch
  3. How does this work ffs, they get first pick 2 rounds running! So not only have we got to overcome the jinx, we have to put up with Twatterface and Dixon twice more!! Ffs
  4. There was an FA Cup game on ITV on Sunday and the guy sat next to the commentators spent the entire game f-ing and c-ing at the top of his voice
  5. Usually when we score though we get tear gassed or police baton charges by the local Constabulary masquerading as neo-nazis, it ain’t all it promises to be I promise you
  6. You should worry, I’ve seen Egypt, USSR, Croatia, Romania, San Marino, and many more far worse I’ve blotted from my memory
  7. I’ve gone for the split screen watching both games at once Given myself a headache already
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