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Everything posted by SouthCoastRed

  1. Gyles Brandreth and I are the architects of everything you see today. Unless it goes tits up, then it’s all his fault, the arse
  2. Sort of where I am, not that bothered about the service, but the processions fascinate me.
  3. Coronation, Charles dead in a year, Wills coronation… never ending conveyor belt. Never had it so good
  4. They'll calculate when the back of the queue will arrive just before closing time, then stop anyone else joining. That's what they did in Edinburgh anyway
  5. With a 12 bore shotgun in one hand, and holding a great big **** off dog in the other
  6. Be a right bastard if you've just arrived, "sorry go do something else for 6 hours then rush back here and queue for another 18"
  7. It’s twice that now, be at its max by mid morning I think. Made the decision for me, walk the dog and pretend she’s in a bush.
  8. Well it's that or those boring stories about Wednesday again, before they were in The Conference North
  9. Nah, like I said last night she's stuffed in a ditch in Balmoral. Or still alive in Windsor
  10. This is how I feel, it's too far to go to, then queue for any length of time, but if it came down dramatically over the weekend I'd consider it
  11. Personally I'll be glad when it's all over, every post I find myself agreeing with Oche is like a dagger through my heart and I can't take much more of that
  12. Oi, don't tar all geriatrics with the same brush. The worst over reactions aren't those moaning about the whole ceremonial pomp, it's the nonsensical reaction from the businesses and organisations (which to remake yesterday's round and round the houses, you can't blame the Royals for). And absolutely agree, having been through the nightmare that is cancer care, I can't imagine my reaction if we were told a week in advance that potentially life extending treatments were delayed or cancelled because someone wanted to watch a funeral. I'd probably create a few more funerals tbh.
  13. She’ll have been embalmed to the max, be like a Madam Tussaud's dummy, or Prince Andrew
  14. You and me both, she's in a ditch in Balmoral. Or alive and gone into hiding in Windsor Castle
  15. And then you actually miss the event because you're staring at your own phone. Baffling
  16. I could ‘sort of’ understand it, for the feeling / emotion / historical moment of it, IF you could walk straight in, have a mooch and go, but **** queuing for hours and hours to do it. The BBC are streaming it, (there was over 20k watching that earlier!) surely thats better than standing in a queue for 24 hours
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