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Everything posted by SouthCoastRed

  1. I was thinking that when they set off, perhaps they shift Vicky 60 feet to the left and have a double roundabout
  2. I thought the people involved in this mornings argument handled themselves much better tbh Agreement??? Silly old tw@t!!
  3. It looks like the woman BBC breakfast interviewed really early this morning, if it is, she’s cuddling a teddy bear, and she’s taking the bear to see ‘another Bear lover’. I’ve been standing up for all of this pomp and circumstance all week, but by god, these people are barking
  4. Now I understand why you moved to Boston, you tea stealing inbred colonial scum. There isn’t a drop of pure German blood in your veins, you have no connection to Ze Glorious Third Reich, errrrr Royal Family
  5. They get armbands with their queue place on them, so they can use a portaloo they go back and queue
  6. The rest of your post is very good, but then you do exactly what you accuse me of by deciding that anyone who doesn’t agree with you is smallminded, and everything being done this week is for the benefit of ‘nonce protectors’ Again, I haven’t decried any of the protest viability or the constitution right to do it, it’s not the best of times or locations imo, but each to their own, and from your own linked article The plan was updated three times a year through a meeting involving government department officials, the police, and broadcasters. No mention of monarch involvement. Anyway you and I don’t agree and we’re hijacking the thread, I suggest we leave it there, as we both think we’re right, and one isn’t convincing the other in any way But just one last bit for my ‘attempted mic drop’ there you are sadly wrong, I do genuinely hope your mother leads a long and active life, mine did, but it’s still painful to lose them when the time comes, whether they are 46, 66 or 96
  7. I think it was more in response to a misguided view of what public opinion would be. I don’t think they called them off to suck up to Charles, rather they stupidly thought it would be ‘for the best’ We both have no way of knowing this or agreeing about it, which makes this argument pointless, but I bet they didn’t, I bet they’d much rather it was much more private so they could grieve privately, but agreed to everything from a sense of duty. It ****ing hurts to lose your mother, I hope you don’t discover that for a long time.
  8. I don't disagree with any of that, my issue is with the claim that the royals forced all this on us, it isn't Charles' fault the FA are idiots
  9. Oh ffs, this hasnt been organised by the royal family, it's been organised FOR the royal family, you obviously can't grasp that. I've not said anything negative about the protests I'm all for them if you actually read what I posted, but you are claiming the funeral was forced on us, and I'm saying you're an idiot for believing that And show me one item, anywhere from any source where one member of the royal family has complained about the protests?
  10. There's the crux of your argument right there. Everyone is a simpleton who doesn't agree with you. Perfect. You'd make a good king
  11. I accept the comment about the cancer charities, and the hospitals and yes a word in the right ear, wouldn't be a disaster, but again it isn't and can't be there decisions My post is more in response to this rubbish. They haven't shut the entire country down, the country response to her death is to honour her, not the result of some demonic ancient law passed centuries ago by King Harold. The haven't forced a state funeral on anyone, again it's a honour bestowed by a grateful nation. If you don't like it, ignore it, but don't try and make out we are subjugated peasants forced to doff our caps in reverence. There was 6 hours of queues last night to just walk past the coffin, do you think the yeoman of the guard went out and beat people to make them do that? When she gets to Westminster they think over a million will queue, just think about that for a moment. Just because OTF thinks something is wrong doesn't represent public opinion, if it did every Tory MP, councillor, donater and voter would be crucified on Hampstead Heath and Labour would rule for a thousand years, sadly, especially in this case, the rest of the country doesn't agree. You talk about repairing his 'tarnished image' as well, I got news, his image isn't tarnished, the vast, vast majority love everything about the monarchy. Protest should definitely be allowed, everyone should have an opinion and be free to express it, but don't try to pretend for one moment this is 'forced' on the millions who will line the streets, in fact if they didn't do this, there would be a massive outcry of why not
  12. I'm no royalist, some of the 'hangers on' are truly despicable people, and although I've felt strangely sad and emotional over the whole thing this last week, I truly believe some sort of reform or modification is needed, But those of you shouting for Charles to reverse decisions, he can't just pick up the phone, and say "equerry, change X,Y and Z today please" That's the very thing most of your arguments are based around that they shouldn't have any power or sway. You can't have it both ways, just to suit a personal opinion you know
  13. Even Charles looks totally bored at the Scottish Parliament, just waffling on and on. I so want him to stand up and shout SHUT UP YOU BORING SCOTTISH TW*TS
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