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Everything posted by SouthCoastRed

  1. Witchell: I'm not going to speculate on this photo, then spends 5 minutes speculating over it
  2. She'll walk into a lamppost ffs Bloody foreigners, go find you're own grief fuelled misery thread Johnny European Wallah
  3. I hope so, I need to walk the dog and I need to know whether to wear the black armband or not
  4. Too late, for I am Spartacus and I claim the Republic for the down trodden, and those on Universal Credit
  5. They've been doing that for 8 years already, they've had to stop today because one of her legs has fallen off
  6. Yeah if ITV have cut into the schedule as well they're about to formally announce she's gone
  7. Isn't part of the BBCs royal charter that they have to switch at times like these
  8. This. He'll be sworn in as King this evening if she's died, then the coronation would probably be in the new year
  9. I thought the radio was bad, 30 minutes after getting home and Huw and Nick have me reaching for the domestos to drink
  10. You realise she's sat up in bed, drinking gin, smoking a woodbine pissing herself laughing at Witchell and all the other morbid arses
  11. They're waiting for William to arrive before announcing it, as Charles is going to immediately abdicate!!!
  12. The monarch passes, Winter is Coming! Sound familiar? (watch out for Boris on a dragon over Westminster)
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