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Everything posted by SouthCoastRed

  1. Noel Edmonds and Mr Blobby going to leap out from behind the Cenotaph and get in Charles’ face and give him a Gotcha and Liz will get up out of the coffin
  2. And now, in time honoured tradition , the great and good will slowly March through piles of horse ****
  3. Will the waiting crowds, cheer, cry, applaud or stay silent. Oh the tension and drama.
  4. The organist has lost his music score and gone all freestyle jam by the sounds of this
  5. My dogs just been sick on the carpet as a mark of respect. Its what she would have wanted
  6. The whole precision is amazing really. Not one is even partly out of step. Ashley Banjo would be so proud
  7. Indeed, it feel sacrilegious not to watch the Beeb on a day like this, but ITV shut up when needed, and Huw and the other idiot are just blathering
  8. This. This is a day of ages, loath it or not, from a historical viewpoint, you should watch
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