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Everything posted by Pezamaria

  1. Hi Zachary. Just a quick update. After I logged this we continued to play at Twerton Park (our actual stadium) although news articles referred to us not doing so. The redevelopment has finished and unfortunately we're now playing at Forest Green's stadium so the game has got it back to front. My assumption is this will not change now unless we get another development or of course a new stadium. Happy to upload more saves if it helps
  2. How far in to the save are you? In maybe season 1 or 2 I was sure I had a bug where I couldn’t offer to start at end of the season. After a few months (in game months) it hasn’t come back. i don’t try it all the time so it might not be a bug though
  3. How far in to the save are you? In maybe season 1 or 2 I was sure I had a bug where I couldn’t offer to start at end of the season. After a few months (in game months) it hasn’t come back. i don’t try it all the time so it might not be a bug though
  4. I had a news item saying we're renting Forest Green's stadium next season. The next news item said we're expanding our stadium. The next news item said we're renting our own stadium next year and the next news item said that Forest Green are expanding their stadium (the number of seats and cost is slightly different) This happened on 28th April 2029 so fast forward to then and hopefully it will come up again. I'm hoping I'll not be charged twice! Save game is before it happened (quite a while I Think)
  5. To add to the above here’s a bug thread where SI explain some of the playing time expectations Also if you go to the happiness tab on a players profile and go to suggest a change in playing time (something like that) it will tell you if they’d be unhappy with the proposed playing time before you select it - but only if they have an agent. So i click down each one until I get the agent message saying they’d be unhappy. Normally allows you to knock them down a little. Hopefully I’ve not explained that too poorly
  6. The only thing I can think of (without being cynical) is that if you’re not watching on comprehensive highlights (or more) you’ve missed a handful of corners where you played it to far post - then you only see a highlight where they’ve worked it out and are marking him.
  7. Try the pre-game editor instead. It’s free and you can change Ronaldo to be how you wish and start a new save
  8. This can be really tough. Pre match I find it hit and miss but I’ve recently started choosing to also praise defence, midfield and attack separately and telling them individually “I have faith in you” which seems to works well. At half time if I’m losing or drawing I go with the top option - the most angry one. If I’m winning by only one goal I go for the second from top - so still angry but not the worst. If I’m 2-0 up or more I say the one like “you’ve had lots of shots on target, keep it up” and that makes everyone happy normally. Hope that helps!
  9. At the moment when you make a board request you have to do so one at a time. For me this means I’d ask my most important one first in case they turn it down in favour of another. My suggestion is to allow you to select multiple choices and submit them as one. The board could then agree to all, or some, or say they’ll only fund/allow one and you then pick which you’d choose. Additionally it would be good to have timelines/targets. For instance the board may agree but say they’ll do it at a future date or if a target is met (ie qualify for champions league). Using the suggestion above of multiple board requests in one go this could also mean the board say they’ll do one this season, and another next season etc
  10. At the moment if you enter contract negotiations with a player but don’t have the budget it limits what you can offer, sometimes so it’s impossible to make a deal. For example they want £7,000 a week but you can only offer £40 My suggestion is, when you don’t have the budget, to allow you to offer what you could if you had room in your budget (within certain limits) but have a warning flag to say you can’t afford it at the moment and to suggest how you could. Ie “you’ll need to raise £1,000,000 transfer revenue” or “reduce wage bill by £500pw” The idea being you could agree the terms with the player and then you have a few days/weeks to find the money. At the moment you can sometimes go in with what looks like a reasonable wage budget but the game still limits what you can offer (presumably due to other ongoing contract offers) and the player will reject and refuse to speak to you again. This way the player agrees and you have time to fix, rather than the player says no, you have time to fix but they won’t speak to you now. Above I refer to “within certain limits” and what I mean by this is perhaps basing it on existing contracts. So if your highest earner is on£10k a week you can offer up to that amount.
  11. Hi Zachary. Yes can do. Apologies I assumed you wouldn’t need it as you’d have a master list of news items. I've gone forward a fair bit since this. Does that matter or do you need the save to be before this? thanks
  12. As per the image, it says "whole" when it should say "while" (6th word from right)
  13. To add to this; I might have meant both at the time (just seen my title and realised it implies what you referred to) so thanks for clarifying the bit you checked out for me!
  14. Hi Zachary, thanks. Actually my bug was about that note that comes up. It says an offer was accepted but it wasn’t. So I’m saying the bug is that note isn’t accurate. Hope that helps!
  15. I made an enquiry for a player. They came back with a deal and I withdrew from the negotiations straight away. I've gone back now to try and loan the player and under the Transfer offer though it says as per the screenshot No offer was accepted so this is a bug. Save game from before the offer is uploaded for you. Player I made the enquiry for was Jacob Cook. On this save you'll notice it starts at the press conference. There's a question about the player and I made the enquiry from the press conference by right clicking on his name (top right) and "make enquiry". Not sure if that might help when you look at this
  16. Thanks @dzek. @Zachary Whyte any idea if this fix is might impact something else or is it fine to do?
  17. I’m sure I read that this year there will be a roadmap for the game updates showing what fixes are expected to be due and when the update is likely to land. I can find two previous posts but can’t see the next one. Have I misunderstood what was going to happen? I thought it was a great idea as it’s nice to know certain issues are lined up to be fixed. @Jimmy Wongtagging you (hope you don’t mind) as you posted the previous two. Thanks
  18. I'm in the Vanarama National league and every so often get offers from teams in the same league or below for my U21/U18 players. Each offer is for £0. I negotiate by adding a future sell on clause of 50% and every time the AI cancels negotiations. To me this feels like a bug as I'd expect them to come back with a counter offer. If I was increasing the actual asking price then it would feel more reasonable (although I'd still expect them to negotiate) but I think it's strange that not a single team (I've had about 5 offers this season) are willing to negotiate. For clarity I'm not locking the clause so they can counter it. I can upload a saved game if needed but not sure if it will be before an offer
  19. @Zachary Whyte - this has come back again for me, sorry!
  20. @Zachary Whyteanother update. I haven’t had this happen for a long time now. hopefully it’s gone for good but I’ll report back if not. @likeastar20- is your game up to date? I’ve not had it since the latest patch so hopefully you can update and see it fixed
  21. Hi @Zachary Whyte, just to let you know this is still happening after the recent update. Hope that helps
  22. Not sure if this helps or not (it might have been chance) but on the news item which listed the expiring contracts (Which came after the above comment happened) I clicked on "offer contract" next to another players name and it only gave me a 1 year option (it was 1 year on top of the contract, not the same as the original bug). For the rest of the expiring contracts I renewed them by going in to the player's profile to start the negotiation and it gave me the 2 year option for all of them. Could be chance, but when I first raised this ticket it was from me clicking the "enter contract negotiations" option from the news item. Maybe that's part of it. Hope it helps!
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