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Everything posted by Pezamaria

  1. I'm not sure if this is a bug to be honest. But for the last 4 or so matches I get an "Expectations for the upcoming match against [team name]" before every match. I'd only seen it previously when I was facing either a rival team or during cup match, which made me think this was meant to be for specific matches rather than all. Save before this (maybe potentially during, I can't remember) is "data hub". Save game uploaded today is "expectations" and it's after I've seen this again. If you go to the next match then hopefully it will come up again
  2. I've actually logged this as a feature request in case it's not a bug. I offered a player of mine a new contract (as his was expiring in 3months) and the next day during a pre match press conference I was asked about that player's contract but none of the options were relevant. You'll see from the screenshot that the options either say it's not going to happen, or that nothing has happened yet. I'd expect the game to know I offered a contract and provide a suitable response based on that. If I'd not offered a contract then the two positive options would make sense. The only save game I have is ages away but if you go forward to 26th February 2023 it will hopefully throw up the new item that prompted by contract offer (a news item titled "Bath could lose Frear". If not then offer him a new contract (one he seems happy with) on the 26th and the pre-match press conference the following day will hopefully ask for this.
  3. In my current save I was asked about a player's contract expiring in a pre-match press conference. Just before the press conference (the day before or the same day) I'd offered that player a new contract. The news item didn't have any options for me to reply to say we'd offered him a deal. In fact all of the options felt very "wrong" given the fact we'd offered a contract and we'd met his terms (implying he'd likely sign the contract, or at least the negotiation went well). My suggestion is to add a response to say something like "We've just offered him a new deal and expect him to sign it" or similar wording. Perhaps options based upon the manager's confidence, i.e. "We've just offered him a new deal, but we'll have to wait and see" or "We've just offered him a new deal and I'm confident it's a formality". Screenshot to show the question that prompted this post
  4. In Data Hub, Team, Analyst Report I saw this today (see screenshot). The wording here (although probably randomly generated) is a bit misleading. You'll note that it calls 13 out of 43 "alarming" but it doesn't use that type of language for 15 out of 43, which is a more alarming stat. This is a very minor thing, but when glancing at this you'd assume that due to the word "alarming" that specific point is worse than the one below it
  5. Just noticed it's the same on a player profile page. The option to scout is top right and when you click it nothing visually changes to show it worked.
  6. When you ask your DoF to suggest potential transfer targets you can select multiple players and then click on "Get scout report" (towards bottom right of screenshot) but the button itself doesn't change colour or anything to indicate it's been done. If you click through each player you'd selected (afterwards) they are all now being scouted, but it's not clear from the earlier button press. I've only tested this when I've asked them to suggest loanees. I assume it's the same for any type though
  7. Hi Neil, I've just checked and it's still happening in my save - sorry! I've just uploaded a save file "data hub" which is a save a couple of days before my next opposition report. The report comes in on 16th December. Not sure if you need it but uploaded in case it helps
  8. On my data hub I set up a bunch of saved visualisations (I did this right at the beginning when the tutorial prompted me to). When I return to the data hub and add a new one it removes all of the others and now I'm left with just the new one. From "testing" this it seems that this only happens once. So this bug appears to happen only when I've set up the data hub and then go in again in the future and add a new visualisation. To test this load up the save game, go to data hub, go to the Player tab and then search for a new visualisation and tick to have it "display in player analytics" This save game is pre the problem. I also have a save game (not uploaded yet) which is a save just after it happened I did have this in FM22 but didn't report it......sorry
  9. I won manager of the month and my chairperson went to praise my award. On the right hand side the stats are "blank". Save game is two games earlier, but none of the two games are league (I don't think)
  10. I've accidentally asked two of my three scouts to analyse the next opposition and there's no way to stop any of them doing this. For each scout, on their profile, nothing shows up under Scout Assignments. I may be missing the option (apologies if so) but as I can't find a way to do this anywhere I'm assuming it's a bug
  11. How do you remove a scout assignment? I’ve got two of my three scouts analysing my next opposition. Can’t for the life of me work out how to take one of them off that assignment? On FM23 btw Thanks in advance!! I did search the forum and it seems there is a related bug….but I’m not sure if they have the option and it doesn’t work, whereas for me it’s that I just can’t find the option at all
  12. If it helps; I’ve not seen this in any future draws.
  13. I just had an FA Cup draw and when I clicked (top right) "Advance to your team" it didn't seem to work. My understanding is this should skip to the point I'm about to be drawn, but when I clicked it we did skip forward it seemed but it I kept clicking "advance" (I think it was advance) and it still didn't draw me. I then clicked "advance to your team" again and it finished the draw. Save game is a week before the draw and you need to win the next FA Cup game to get to it......sorry. Draw on 19th Sept
  14. If I click in to view an opposition's last match (by going to the team, schedule, and clicking on the match score) in the top right I can click to "Watch goals" or if I click on the dropdown arrow I can choose to watch comprehensive, extended or key highlights. When I try and click on one of the options on the dropdown it doesn't always work and most of the time the dropdown just disappears.
  15. I'm in Vanarama South and just opened up the FA Cup drawer for the qualifying phase. The comments refer to clubs like Fylde being favourites to win the FA Cup. Using a save game I took for another bug. Draw on 5th September
  16. In my pre-match opposition reports it always says, for "last match passes", that "They did not complete many passes in the match" and then when I click on the visualisation it says there's not enough data to show anything.
  17. During my press conference one of the questions started with "person#3 has noticed" (see screenshot). Silly question time; but my saves are all done in the cloud. My game is also saved after every match. Is there a way for me to get a cloud save and upload it for you?
  18. This might be a new feature. If not I will upload a save file etc. During a team talk I make my first statement, then if I make individual comments to players this also changes other team members reaction (can’t remember what it’s called, the bit where it says “looks motivated”’etc) For instance a player might appear motivated but after a comment to one other individual they might change to “looks demotivated” (or similar wording). Maybe this is now intentional….but if so it’s a bit random and I’m not sure if it’s working correctly as players go from motivated to demotivated over a innocuous comments to other players.
  19. Hi Dean, Swindon Town start the game without any scouts. This struck me as unusual. There's no mention of them on the STFC website, but I've checked a few other teams and they also don't mention scouts (a lot of teams use the same website template). If it's deliberate no worries, but thought I'd raise in case they're missing by accident
  20. I'm playing against Forest Green Rovers and their name isn't showing
  21. I had similar when creating my manager as I’m unable to remove the ring. If I click on the left option “no ring” it then makes me choose which finger to put it on. So for me it looks like the No ring option doesn’t work
  22. Today I beat a record held since 1921 (ish) by going unbeaten for 20 games. The news item (see pic) doesn't really say much at all. I think an improvement would be to comment on the previous record, the length of time since it was broken and also any similar records soon to be beaten in the league. For instance "Southampton's twenty games unbeaten from X is a new team record. The previous record stood for a staggering X years when the team went from X to X without losing a single game. Southampton are also unbeaten in their last X games at home and X away from home. The current Premier League Record is X games unbeaten so the team are close/have some way to go to beat this too"
  23. If you have a good enough scouting/analyst set up then it would be good to ask for and see data on other leagues. This would be great when looking for new players. In real life I assume there’s the ability to buy data such as this. Opta, for instance, track lots of data (no idea if they sell it) and I see lots of content on Twitter for free showing data such as we see in the data hub for our own leagues.
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