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Everything posted by Pezamaria

  1. Hi @Zachary Whyte - it's now 27th February 2024 in game and I had a news item saying Smith's contract ending in 3 months, fans concerned etc. I entered contract negotiations from that news item, couldn't put a future start date BUT I could offer a 2 year deal now! So my immediate worries have gone :). Be good if this can be checked still in case it repeats of course But hopefully that helps the investigation
  2. Hi Zach, thanks for taking the time to look at this for me. Sorry it’s not a bug - perhaps it’s been tweaked since last year so stood out as being odd. cheers
  3. My job security is untouchable, I don't have any unhappy players (I don't think) and my managerial support is only at average. It might be that this has been tweaked this year so players take longer to become happy - but it feels like it's wrong given how well we're doing, consistently positive team talks and good morale I've uploaded a save game. Thanks
  4. Ok so I checked another player (Tom Smith). His contract does expire at the end of the season but he didn't show on this second news item. I'm also unable to offer him a contract starting later. I haven't gone to the next screen as don't want to annoy him if I withdraw my offer
  5. Hi @Zachary Whyte - an update on this for you. I've just reached the end of the first year (Dec 30th) and had another news item about expiring contracts. There's less players on there now and I've tried offering to one player and I could start it in the future and offer a year. So it's a strange one. I'll go and check the other players to see what's happened but I wonder if it's to do with me choosing to match real life signings when I started. So maybe they signed new contracts in real life.......but if so I'd expect it to tell me and I'd expect them not to be on the news item (the one earlier in the save) Hope that helps!
  6. I'm playing with Bath in VNS and it's first season in game. If I try and offer a contract to a player or member of staff (whose contract expires at end of season) the contract length available is only until the end of the existing contract. There's no option to make the contract start at a later date, it's fixed to immediate, and there's no option to offer 18months or anything. If I'm honest I'm not sure if this is a bug or a limitation put on me by the club but I can't find it anywhere which says about it. To recreate go forward a couple of clicks and you'll get the news item about expiring contracts.
  7. hey, I've just uploaded it for you. Sorry for slow reply. Incidentally today is the first time I've played since wednesday last week and this issue has not re-occurred today. Maybe the latest patch fixed it....? I'll report back if I see it again
  8. Thanks, good to know it’s being looked at. I'm sure there’s lots of stuff going on but hopefully this one gets fixed quick as on some pitches it’s near impossible to see the ball. Must be pitch colour, I’d assume. First bug I’ve ever had that can’t be ignored so it’s making a big impact
  9. In this match i've jus played the ball is a weird brown colour and very difficult to follow on the screen.
  10. I'm a Vanarama South club and just about to play my second (of three) qualifying matches to get in to the first round proper. During a press conference I'm asked how much further I can take the club in the competition and one of the answers is saying "it's not unrealistic to think we could win it now" Saying we could win it is unrealistic and the use of the word "now" implies that it thinks my performance to date has led me to this conclusion. I've seen this in my previous press conference too. Would be good if these options are removed for the very early rounds and/or for clubs lower down the pyramid
  11. That’s great, thanks very much for sharing!
  12. I've got short corners set up as my main corner routine. Nearly every corner results in the ball being played back in to the taker and he's always offside. I'll upload some match files but it will only be right at the beginning where you see the issue because I have to change it. Hopefully the files are the ones you need to look in to this? There's been a big gap between me playing my save so I might be misremembering slightly but I can't remember a single short corner not resulting in offside. Hope this helps Bath City v Hampton & Richmond.pkm Bath City v Weston-super-Mare.pkm Eastbourne Borough v Bath City.pkm
  13. Thanks Zachary. My post is more that it feels odd this is the default based on the bits I mentioned above. I’d expect the game to default to UK settings
  14. In my game/manager set up I picked options for me being from the United Kingdom, however the game starts with the salary done in $. Maybe it's an option I've missed but it doesn't seem right given where I'm playing the game from (as in physically) and the options I picked during set up. It also had the wages set to be worked out annually. This feels like (Although I'm not sure) an American way of looking at it , so doesn't feel right again. Hope that helps
  15. Just gone on to the tactic induction and picked my tactic. It looks like I've finished the induction now (All good). I start picking my players and from the tactic screen I clicked in to a specific player, then hit the back arrow on my keyboard to go back to my tactic and it had the Tactic Induction window over the screen. I could skip it, but it didn't feel right to prompt me to start the induction/create a tactic again
  16. When starting a new game you can choose to have attribute masking turned off or on I might be getting confused but the last sentence of the tooltip for attribute masking appears wrong. It says to leave the box unchecked to display all info.....but you tick the box to disable the masking. I'm sure I'll be corrected if I'm wrong
  17. Thanks for the reply. I did think that was how the data hub would work but as it was there for some players and not others (despite playing the same number of games) I thought that was unusual.
  18. If it helps; a few games later Tom Smith started showing up on some of the visualisations in data hub and his player performance page was working.
  19. On a player profile if I click through Reports>Player performance I can't get analytics for some of my players. For instance Tom Smith. I have access to the data hub and unusually for my midfield visualisations only one of my midfielders shows up (Chris Lines) and Tom Smith does not. They've both played the same amount of league games (although only 3 this season so far). If I'm honest I'm not sure if this is intentional or a bug, but I think it's more likely a bug than on purpose as there's no notes/wording to explain why the analytics aren't available Just flicked through and Nathan Tormey and Cody Cooke both don't get any analytics. To be clear too.....I can't even ask for one. I click on the option (in player performance) and whatever I type nothing comes up.
  20. I'm playing in the Vanarama South in the UK and after the first season I've been sent a news item where I can vote for some Belgian manager's award. Save game is quite far in advance I'm afraid. I'm not an international manager either, in case that impacts this
  21. The dynamic timeline has a marker to say we finished the season with a record points total. The total shown was the pts at the time of us winning the league, not finishing the season. So we finished on more points than shown in the timeline. I don't have a save before this I'm afraid but have uploaded one at the time of the timeline popping up (via the end of season review thingy)
  22. When I hover over a staff member's "i" icon to see a profile popup it doesn't show the staff profile for the role they have (not all staff roles). For instance in this screenshot the person is my head of sports science but the default role it's showing is that of a director of football. It appears to happen only for certain job roles. If you go to my staff screen to see them all you'll see that: Head physio Head of sports science Chief scout All default to DoF. It looks as though this is happening when the staff role doesn't show up on the screen itself and you'd have to scroll on the pop up window to see it. On a larger monitor perhaps it will show all of the roles and therefore will show the correct staff role on the pop up
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