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Posts posted by silentjay

  1. hace 3 horas, GIMN dijo:

    For the status, you'll need to move the following from panels/player/player overview panel.xml:

    <container class="icon_box" width="50" height="30" embed_in_frame="true">
      <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="8"/>
      <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="4"/>
      <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>	
      <record id="object_property" get_property="Pnfo" dont_set_object="true" dont_set_hint="true"/>
      <widget class="player_status_all_button" id="secw" auto_size="all" alignment="bottom" offset_x="0" offset_y="4" gap="-4" maximised="false" max_items_per_row_or_column="3" embed_in_frame="true">
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top, left" inset="0" embed_in_frame="true"/>				
        <integer id="type" value="7"/>

    so that it appears after the player picture section beneath it.

    For the manager profile, that is already there in the last update.  Under the Coaching section next to your current qualification.  If you're studying, it will say "Studying for a [licence name]".  If you're not studying, it will not.


    You mean this:


                                <container class="icon_box" width="50" height="30" embed_in_frame="true">
                                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" inset="8"/>
                                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top" inset="4"/>
                                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" apply_to_children="true"/>  
                                    <record id="object_property" get_property="Pnfo" dont_set_object="true" dont_set_hint="true"/>
                                    <widget class="player_status_all_button" id="secw" auto_size="all" alignment="bottom" offset_x="0" offset_y="4" gap="-4" maximised="false" max_items_per_row_or_column="3" embed_in_frame="true">
                                        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="top, left" inset="0" embed_in_frame="true"/>              
                                        <integer id="type" value="7"/>
  2. En 16/11/2023 a las 18:19, _Ben_ dijo:

    A program like Notepad++ would be your best here. Blue 300 is my colour of choice for most things - including the attribute bars - so going through with a mass replace will start that process. Blue 700 then controls the contributions colour. Let me know if you want any more specifics!

    Quick question - is it possible that I may have some lagging issues? It seems my laptop (which is not bad, if I may say so lol), tends to slow down a ton when it comes to matches and match processing.

    Perhaps it's all on me, but I just wanted to know if you had heard of something similar?



  3. hace 1 hora, _Ben_ dijo:

    A program like Notepad++ would be your best here. Blue 300 is my colour of choice for most things - including the attribute bars - so going through with a mass replace will start that process. Blue 700 then controls the contributions colour. Let me know if you want any more specifics!

    I'm going to give it a shot!

    And the gold would be the "statman", right?



  4. hace 2 horas, _Ben_ dijo:

    You can’t post that with no context? What do you mean easier to use and friendlier? Maybe it’s lost in translation but maybe you should not constantly ask for changes that you want and then say it’s not what you expected. 

    Don't pay attention to any rudeness. We know there are some out there that have no appreciation for the hard work and endless hours you put in order to assembles these masterpieces. 

  5. hace 32 minutos, Grootinho dijo:

    do you really think that community site/forum will ban someone to not credit others ? 

    Mate unfortunately those site made views and click with thoses contents. Seems more a generational issue, here we talk about skin but you can expand on other way. Take some streamers, they are more and more to offers lists, challenges and a whole host of content. How much of this content is really theirs? 

    Let's also talk about those who ask for a donation to be in partnership with them, and who force certain creators to stay with their content? 

    Imagine a guy who makes logos asking streamers for donations to give them early and privileged access, and in return, he responds to the requests. And all this for licensed content! And a license he doesn't even own.

    Today, it's all about business and visibility, and respect is no longer people's priority.

    I understand this, for sure, but we've seen plenty of the bigger streamers giving credit to the resources they use in their streams. Whether it's s views, filters, kits, logos, skins, etc. At the end of the day, we have to start somewhere. It could indeed be a generational issue, but I think you can work on your brand while including others in yout success.

  6. hace 9 minutos, TCSSkin dijo:

    It's stuff like this that pushes people away, but people don't care. We're lucky we've had the likes of @Grootinho, @GIMN and @_Ben_ step up cause we'd be screwed otherwise


    This may seem harsh, but perhaps, to keep the integrity of the work many are doing, establish a code of honor, that if not upheld, could lead to bans? I don't mean to sound severe, but we have respect and appreciate the hard work of so many.

  7. hace 4 minutos, TCSSkin dijo:

    yup. Nothing we can do either apart from obscufate files which isn't fair on the people who do it properly

    I find this so upsetting. We have so many great skinners that provide such a great way to experience the game. The least folks could do is 1) ask for permission and/or 2) give the necessary credits for showing and presenting others work as their own....There has to be a way to establish ownership of panels, designs, etc.

  8. En 26/10/2022 a las 9:24, _Ben_ dijo:

    Statman Skin





    85d9dd8410ae60868fb93774c485bd45.png ba2d913d8609f6c03dd859bf2ca80212.png


    Version 1.2 Released 04/11/2022

    What is changed:

    • Re-worked player profile personal details:
      • A summary of the player's last game, for scouting purporses
      • An overview of their headline stats - adaptable for keepers and outfield players.
      • A breakdown, position by position, of their performances
    • Re-worked fitness area:
      • Fitness, jadedness, match load etc now show on the profile and are smart widgets that provide further detail
    • A whole area for statistical analysis
      • Broken down into, mainly, per/90 for each part of the pitch.
    • Re-worked attribute area:
      • Split into different attribute sections for each additional training focus
    • Re-worked Player Overview popup to match attribute showing on overview
    • Staff panels re-worked to show attributes in the same way as players.
    • Competition panels re-worked



    • Due to the change in person properties.xml, this skin will not support NewGan manager. To get around this, load another skin and restart the game. Once the .rtf file is gathered - you can change back.
    • This skin has been made for my monitor - I play on Windowed 1920x1080 with sidebar icons. I think that there will be parts that will look silly on different resolutions - please let me know and I will change them accordingly.


    Further Changes planned:

    I will endeavour to work on this as FM23 progresses and update this thread with other panels. Here is what I will be working on - some of which is already there in my own skin, just needing finalising and others will be brand new

    • In-match changes
    • Club home screen containing stats



    To reiterate, I'm a fair-weather skinner and this is mainly made for me. I will try and keep this updated but I wanted to give something back to a community that has been so good to me. Please give me the credit though if you want to steal any of the panels!


    Statman v1.2 Release.rar 9 MB · 15 downloads

    I've been playing this game for a long time.

    This is some of the best skinning work I've had the pleasure of using.

    Gives the game a whole new outlook and provides a completely different gaming experience.

    No words to how grateful I am.

  9. This tremendous 

    hace 3 horas, keysi dijo:

    Hope you don't mind, Ben, but I decided to tweak your statistics boxes for myself (mainly) and use it in my skin. The main point of my edits, if someone is interested, was that I changed the class of the containers to the "main_subtle_box" - mainly to make it fit the overall box and adapted the colours of all the boxes with the stats to the colours I'm using for goalkeeper/defensive/midfield/attacker lines within the tactics screen/tactics pitch and the team stats are made with the primary/secondary colours. I also reordered boxes in terms of team statistics as the first box, physical, defensive, possession and attacking (but that really is a personal taste).

    Once again, you did a fantastic work with these stats!


    This is tremendous!

    So much creativity! Love it.

    Would you mind sharing your panels for personal testing?

    Again, great work!


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