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Posts posted by jere_d

  1. Is anyone else noticing attackers mainly strikers don’t bust a gut to get level with any player breaking on the wing whilst the defence do their upmost to get level with the attacking winger.

    leading a back line to defend their six yard box whilst attacking players are around the edge of the box

    is this why so many AI teams play 2 defensive midfield players

    is this a known quirk so AI are doing it to prevent cut back goals.



    also any player wide with the ball is less likely to cross and tend to cut the ball back or shoot when in a crossing position.

  2. Defensively the match engine is pretty poor. Players don’t go to the ball properly especially when in the air.

    Defenders barely tackle and when they do half the time they then lose the ball again because they just stand still.

    I don’t understand what they’re done with offside trap… is that not a thing in football anymore???? Pretty sure I just watched it happen to Argentina.


    Scouting is pretty poor. Setting assignments should be easier, if you don’t assign scouts personally the same scout gets assigned 🙄.

    you can’t see who’s already assigned scouting missions which means you have to keep coming out to see what scouts are available.

    scouting knowledge 

    this tab is ridiculous no boarder lines when looking at regions, no interaction to see what the countries are, no indication to where the scouting knowledge is from unless you go into the nations tab instead but how are you meant to know what country you’re looking for without an atlas?


    ummm home advantage appears to be way too OP

    ever other sub is struggling to match the pace of the game or nervous to be on the pitch how often does this really happen? Literally makes you wanna not make subs in defence with all the times the defender will give the ball away


  3. Other mentions


    you look at world knowledge 

    go to regions the it zooms in but there nothing that distinguishes a region

    example I look at Central African and west Africa is in the zoom in as well. How hard is it to insert a Thicker boarder line so I can identify where the region ends??? 

    there’s zero interaction with the map! How do I know which country is which why can’t I click on a country and at least get a name???? Better yet name and how well I know the country and who my knowledge is from!!!

    i see green and yellow how am I meant to know which country is which?

    The oceans tab just shows the world map. I mean I know Australia but idk what other countries are involved.


  4. Can SI Please release an explanation to this new scouting system, as in my opinion it’s utterly ridiculous.

    well it’s more the recruitment focus.

    first of all it constantly assigns the same scout and analyst to any new focus unless you manually change it.

    there’s no indication to which scouts have familiarity with regions you literally have to manually go to the scout and memorise where they know before returning to creating a focus.

    you can’t see which scouts already have a focus whilst creating a new one.

    SI should have easy options like creating an array of focuses for the whole team (maybe 3-6 different focuses) and being able to just send  scout to different countries. 
    Like group objectives in addition to being to take certain scouts out of the group objectives and send them on individual missions.


    instead all that’s been created is a muddle that takes hours of time to set anything halfway promising up.


    SI really need to explain this nonsense and why they changed the previous poor scouting to something even more nonsensical….

  5. Hi

    for years on football manager loaning out a player bought at 18 would prevent that player from gaining hg status at a club.

    But I’ve just seen that Saliba for arsenal will become Homegrown because they registered him for the league squad every season even though they loaned him out 3 times.

    this rule should be added to the game 

    where do I bring up this issue so it can be added and everyone can take advantage of this rule instead of being forced to keep young players in your squad?



  6. 42 minutes ago, A_w_M said:

    Oh huh, this is really annoying. I wish it was possible to change the person giving the report using a drop-down on the report page like in previous FM versions.

    or even this it was much better that way all they needed to do was add coach stats in the dropdown menu so you knew who was more reliable. This current way would sense if the GK issue wasnt a thing.

  7. On 13/03/2022 at 12:13, Tavistock AFC said:


    Tall, strong guys marking the just infront of near post and far post. then cbs marking tall players.

    Con to this is AI will 9/10 pick up any loose ball that dont go out of play

  8. Simple question Why has marking from short throws been non existent for years?

    And if it is existent where is this  hidden? 20220311070033_1.thumb.jpg.a6bbf1260cc0bbd77df7ff178fda7388.jpg


    WTF is this set up here??? the Right mid is the only player showing an inclination of marking someone every other numskull is in the box.

    Where is this in my tactics???? this is not how the AI defend throws yet im forced to see this nonsense constantly

  9. On 23/02/2022 at 23:38, LowestLeagueHero said:

    Perhaps a language issued, too.

    Does the player speak portuguese?


    Also, is your affiliate club competing in/for europe?

    Midtable in the league?

    Or fighting against relegation?

    Does the coach there prefer a tactic without the preferred position of your player?


    There are for sure more possible factors but you get the idea. :)

    The team was in europe they came 6th or 5th the season before

    I wish they had reasons for rejecting

    The player ended up going to a league miles behind (championship) fighting for a mid table finish :idiot:

  10. 21 hours ago, JordanMillward_1 said:

    The same way the press, players and us know IRL - these things are often very poorly kept secrets, and for certain teams (like IRL Newcastle now), it's not as if they don't know that the owners and team are loaded.

    Idk about that my friend I’ve never seen a press report on how much wage budget a team has left.

    I’ve seen players wages been stated yes and the wages paid in the past compared to what’s paid now but never accurate values of how much wages are left to spend.

    these assumptions are only based on new owners or past spending. But adjust your wage to transfer budget and suddenly every player knows you have more to spend. How does that make sense?


  11. On 02/02/2022 at 00:30, fc.cadoni said:

    Reputation, training facilities, playing time; there many many instances for one player to reject a loan.

    Do you have more information

    I'm in the prem, Arsenal 5 star rep trying to send my Championship level (coach report) 18 YO to this mid table Portuguese top tier (6th best league in Europe) Affiliate, 3.5 star rep, good training facilities and will be an important player.

    What is there to reject?


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