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Posts posted by jere_d

  1. 19 minutes ago, Zoolok42 said:

    I commented on that, as well. You can agree or think it's a bug in the game, but if you can't be even bothered to read what you're supposedly replying to, then there is no more point in trying to break your delusions and bitterness about the game.

    Brudda The issue is the guy asked to leave because he wants "MORE WAGES" then wants to be paid to leave youre the delusional one talking about better way of life and warmer climate :idiot:

    If thats the reason he wants to leave there's a similar claim stating how he's homesick and can't adjust to the climate.

    Your reply is sooooo distant from the fiscal aspect I had to assume you missed it.

    Please if you are going to justify the issue please stick to the fiscal issue which is the premise of this not any other reason the player "MIGHT" want to leave.

    The only time you reflected on it was when you vaguely skimmed on the notion about "oH nEgoTIaTioNs mIgHT noT hAVe BeeN wHat He SusPeCteD"  but don't knock on my door after demanding to go to get more pay :rolleyes:


  2. 4 minutes ago, Zoolok42 said:

    The comment wasn't about that, it was about how unrealistic and somehow "wrong" it was that the player asked for compensation while leaving. Of course you don't have to pay him off (and shouldn't, probably, unless him staying is even worse now than him leaving), but the player actually asking for it (which the original comment was about) is nowhere near unrealistic. He's probably low on professionalism and loyalty, and high on ambition. In other words, the only delusion here is expecting in-game characters to act the same as the person playing the game would.

    Maybe you missed the first line where the players says he wants to leave for more wages


    1 hour ago, zindrinho said:

    No, I'm simply giving you reasons why your keeper might play it long, for example you giving him a PI of taking more risks. If you ask him to take more risks, he will do so. You cant be angry at the game for your keeper following  your instruction to make his own decisions.

    Again, if the game keeps showing you your players not following instructions, its the games way of telling you your tactics and instructions arent coherent. Accusing those of us that understand the game of lying when we say the game do as we say is just too far out there for me to take seriously.

    Maybe i'm lost here

    take more risk the description talks about playing risky through balls

    why would I tick that when all i want him to do is play short safe passes?

  3. 3 minutes ago, Zoolok42 said:

    I don't think I have. You can surely add some imagination to it? The player's negotiations didn't go as well as he hoped, but he still wants to go? And why not ask for a payoff from the current club while he's at it? What has he (the footballer) got to lose? Really, have you ever switched jobs? :confused:

    My god! this is actually delusional

    What club would pay off a player they don't want to leave let alone after he tells them hes gonna move to get a higher wage


    3 hours ago, zindrinho said:

    If the game was at fault, wouldn't that mean that none of us can get the GK to do as we tell him to?
    I have no problems with my GK not following instructions, so obviously it's something you're doing wrong, not something with the game.

    Make sure your GK is set to SK(d) or the normal GK role, SK(S) and attack has a Take more risks PI hardcoded into the role.
    Choose CBs and FBs for GK distribution and none of the Roll it out, Short kick etc. if you add Play out from the back as a team instruction as well your GK should play it short every time.
    If all your GKs short passing options are blocked you should be glad he doesnt play it short.

    If your players still dont do as you tell them to, its the game way of showing you that your tactics doesnt make sense. If you want short passes, you need short passing options. If your player cant find short passing options the game will show you all these long balls that are being intercepted, as a big red sign saying your tactics arent working.


    Great now you're telling me i need a concoction of tactics just to make my keeper pass the ball out from the back.

    The options aren't blocked Its rare that all 4 defenders. but its cool keep pretending your keeper never kicks the ball long when there are defenders unmarked

    probably gonna start telling us all your stats are accurate too :rolleyes:

  4. 4 hours ago, zindrinho said:

    Just out of curiosity, who else should be blamed for you not winning matches if not you? Blaming the game and claiming there's some sort of conspiracy against human players that is proven wrong again and again doesnt make any sense to me.

    When so many other players are perfectly capable of not just winning matches, but consistently over-achieve year after year on new iterations of the game it's obvious that we're dealing with a PEBCAK situation here.

    I think when the game constantly ignores tactical instructions such as GK pass short and pass to cb of fb and there's one of these 4 payers unmarked then they kick long the ball comes back and you concede .

    I think that's very much the games fault


  5. On 15/03/2021 at 12:37, Dan Ormsby said:

    There is probably a lot of gameplay code at play here and in-game context that is shaping this outcome, so I'm not convinced there is any bug here.  Odegaard is a loan until the end of the season with no option to buy included so he will be disregarded from longer term calculations.  Similarly Ceballos is a loan and will primarily be shortlisted as an MC, not an AMC.  Willian will almost certainly be being primarily shortlisted for the squad as a wide player.  Smith-Rowe on the other hand is a natural AMC and has a high CA for his age and a very strong relative PA.  So I don't think it is unusual that after a few months of progress given the competition at the club, he wants to be considered a first team player for the AMC slot in contract negotiations, as, I would assume he'd be wanting to be guaranteed a starting berth at Arsenal given the lack of direct competition.  As I say, this also reflects real life pretty well, for what is a fairly difficult scenario to balance in-game.  While you might personally disagree with what is happening in-game due to personal preference / opinion, I really don't think there is a "bug" here that needs a universal code change for all users.  Regarding Saka being a "squad player" - this is a separate thing which isn't connected to Smith-Rowe as Saka plays a different position where there is more current competition in the Arsenal squad, so their expected squad statuses should not have a direct comparison drawn.

    I guess if there is a "bug" or rather a feature request, it is that for situations like this, there should be a player interaction available for Smith-Rowe where you can explain to him why you don't consider him an "important first team player" despite the lack of direct competition for the AMC slot.  Whether that be that your plan is to bring in a more experienced player to rotate with him for the AMC position, or that you plan on using a formation without an AMC but still want to use him on a rotational basis as a winger, or whatever the reason is why you as an individual manager don't consider him an important first team player.  Then the game code could work out whether the player wants to accept this and alter his demands as a result.

    Well I "bought" assensio and he still wants an important player conract. Its not even like he plays well :rolleyes:

  6. 9 hours ago, Jack Joyce said:

    Hey all, just to confirm since we always get some confusion:

    • The only changes to the ME were to CCC recognition and to throw in distances.
    • We did not make any other changes, it'd be far too risky for us to do so for an update of this kind.
    • Since the only real ME change was to throw ins, it's unlikely that open play would be affected in any noticeable way.


    Why weren't goal kicks looked at surely you accept the keeper ignores the team instruction repeatedly?

  7. 4 hours ago, KeegBCFC said:

    I've played 3 games of a new save since the update and the throw ins are the same. The ball being thrown to opposition players with not a single player on my team within 5 yards. They may have changed the long throw-in instruction issue, but this issue is still there.

    they seem even worse now

    Players parallel or ahead of thrower near the box, to allow for easy counter, no options available and any player no matter the stats can perform a long throw utter BeeeeeeS!






  8. On 08/03/2021 at 12:20, Dan Ormsby said:

    - Arteta has mainly been using a formation using a number 10 this season.

    - Now Ozil has left the club, Smith-Rowe is now, I would presume from what you are saying, Arsenal's best rated number 10 in-game all things considered, so the game is setting his squad status as that.

    - Smith-Rowe has been starting most games since before Christmas in real life, so to my mind, the situation you find in game accurately reflects real life.

    - Smith-Rowe now has competition from Odegaard both in real life and in game, though he is obviously only a loan until the end of the season.

    - Saka has more competition from other squad members for his primary position as a winger, so the game is treating him, at this stage, as a "squad player".

    - As Santy says, if you think there is a game-side bug here then feel free to raise it in the appropriate forum, but I don't think there actually is an issue here, either on the game-side, but certainly not research side.

    - Sorry if you feel otherwise or are still unclear on anything, I can try to explain further if you have any questions.

    If its not you I humbly apologise

    according to my staff he's the 4th best cam in the team after odegard, willian and cebellos

    He did break into the team around Christmas but 2 months in the team doesn't seem alot when saka is still projected as a squad player. I will raise this in the bugs section I thought the squad selections where done here.


    I apologise once again

  9. Why does smith-rowe have a contract as a first team starter for arsenal??????

    even a player like saka is considered a squad player, so make it make sense.

    I haven't even played my first game of the season and i got issues in the squad because he wants a new contract and you cant negotiate past first team player, apparently he's coded in as some amazing player. its actually draining watching arsenal updates on this game always player issues that don't make sense.

    he's on a 10k contract and was loaned to hudderfsield last season how is he a first team player?????

    Do I really need to pull up appearance stats and compare them to saka or will common sense prevail?

  10. On 25/01/2021 at 19:42, sporadicsmiles said:

    This was removed along with all the other analysis tools, for reasons of realism (you do not have access to these tools in the middle of a game in real life is the argument). You can get some limited info at half time, but full analysis at the end of a game only. It was quite a divisive thing when FM21 was released. I agree that having the bar to quickly navigate through the match is something that was very useful. 

    Hold on I thought the introduced tablets on the field to allow managers to replay events??? Or am I wrong

  11. If you have an extra sub after 90 min then yeah.

    Check competition rules if youre not sure.

    I had to complain about this scenario when the rule first came out.

    They actually had you playing the extra 30 min with ten men even though you had an extra sub.

    Tbh it hasnt happened to me in this fm but it was deffo included in the last one

  12. On 22/01/2021 at 09:22, Tony Garvey said:

    Hi @jere_d,

    Sorry you're getting this issue, I agree we need to investigate this.

    I would need your save please as per the bug logging template


    Its an online save Which im not the host but how hard can it be to recreate?????

    its literally happened again a few days later with another player!

    Promise a player a value to sell him at

    Wait for an offer from the AI, it will be less than half the agreed fee because AI waste everyones time.

    Suggest a fee above the agreed fee Like you do when you barter :rolleyes:

    The AI will pull out because the game is a joke

    And your player will come complaining about how the promise was broken.


  13. Sort it out SI

    How can you have the same issues every FM???

    Anyways  promised this guy ill sell him for 50 mil

    man city offered 40 after 2 suggestions that barely got off the the 40 mark I non negotiable offered a offer that would be 51 mil after add ons

    they withdraw

    Why the hell is this guy tell me about broken promises.

    I'm not even surprised by these things anymore how can the game only be playable by feb every year





  14. This is something Happens against me way more than against the team I play

    INJURIES after 3 subs

    First of allIn ALL cup competitions there are 5 subs sooooooo.....

    In the last 3 months I've had 3 players go off injured Just after the 75th min and only once i've made my last sub (Please note that anytime after 75 min apparently players get no experience and do not increase development or even match fitness so waiting any longer is pointless)

    Anyways its complete nonsense How often does teams play with 10 men because of injuries a season??????? It feels like this is a scripted mechanism  its rare i see this Happen to the AI even once a season during my games



  15. Absolutely livid with this game So many inequities happen to the human manager

    Trash long ball played into the box defender closer to the ball





    You then see the damm keeper come running out in a complete different direction to where the ball is Complete Bull but ok the defender is still closer to the ball so he should clear




    OOOOOHHHH! look defender has decided to stop going towards the ball and away from it instead After injuring my man after I've made my 3 subs I see the game is doing just about everything to make me lose



    Obviously he scores the goal to put me out Dunno what you can do tactically about the nonsense






    The defender literally is just needs to run in a straight line to get the ball but instead runs diagonally and lets the striker get the ball

    All this whilst the keeper leaves the goal open.

    Standing behind the ball WTF

    88 minutes


    SLB v Leicester goal keeper off line.pkm

  16. 9 hours ago, Tony Garvey said:

    Hey @jere_d

    I see what you mean. Could you please upload a save where I can see this please? (It would have to be before the transfer falls through) & we will investigate

    We have a cloud service for uploading saves:

    Its an online save and I'm not the holder

  17. 21 hours ago, FrazT said:

    I agree that having some sort of idea what is expected when you make this kind of promise would be advantageous.  As I have said before, when a player makes these kinds of demands at contract negotiation, I find that, as long as he gets close to his wage demands, he will not push for other promises and so they can be excluded.

    I dont understand do the promises not come before negotiating the wages?

  18. I just wanna address promises, I feel they are too vague or aren't interpreted right by the game

    An example is I promised my midfielder I would strengthen the first team squad in DM when he signed a new contract.

    In my eyes that means bring in more DMs to strengthen the SQUAD

    So i bring in the 2 guys below. Turns out that's not what he wanted

    I'm assuming he wanted players better than my First team DM who's believed to be 4 stars either way the promise need more information or at least a guild to let people know whats expected.






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