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Issue Comments posted by StephenCronin

  1. 9 minutes ago, Marc Vaughan said:

    Makes sense and sounds accurate - I expect someone either accidentally changed that or did it because it has to loop the entire database array to find a player from a UID and they thought it was inefficient (which is it) but unfortunately its needed and done for a reason ..

    (I'm on xmas break presently, but have asked the very capable Michael Gormley to take a look)

    Sorry for disturbing you on your break! And thanks to you and Michael for taking a look. 🙂

  2. The shortlist format changed this year and is now based on the player record number (I believe SI call it ID), which is only guaranteed to be unique to that player for the particular save where the shortlist was created. 

    Basically when the save is created it takes the players from the database and puts them into the save, giving them each a record number/ID. The first player added gets record number 0, the second one gets record number 1, etc. A shortlist will say for eg "get player 169", so once the order of players being added to the save changes, then player 169 will be a different person.

    If you create a new save using the exact same nations you used for the original save AND it is using the same database version, then the shortlist should work because it should load exactly the same players in the same order (so they get the same record number).

    If you load different nations from the original, then the record numbers will be different for many players (as soon as it gets to a nation that wasn't loaded last time or is now loaded in a different order, the player order will be different). And every time the database changes, shortlists are likely to break, even if the same nations are loaded - because players will have been added or removed, thereby changing the order for everyone after the first change... Not every update comes with a database change, but we've had 5 app versions this year and 3 database versions (v2403, v2404 and v2405). 

    To demonstrate: I created a shortlist with one player (Paul Okon) in two separate saves:

    With England and Spain loaded:


    With only Scotland loaded:


    The last 4 characters are the import ones. In the first save Paul Okon's record number/ID is E6 57 00 00, which translates to record number 22502. In the second one his record number/ID is 32 4D 00 00, which translates to record number 19762. 

    If I use the second shortlist in the first save, a different player will be record number 19762. If they'd used the UID (the number you can find on sortitoutsi), then that would be the same across every save and database version and shortlists would always have the right player... For Okon, his UID in the first save is 1C F4 37 77. And his UID in the second save is 1C F4 37 77. It never changes...

    I did mention this a month ago, asking whether they could change shortlist to work from the unique id (UID) which solve the problem, rather the record number (ID) which changes. However the SI representative said that it wasn't related to the new shortlist format... But it pretty much has to be... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    I don't normally like to ping @Marc Vaughan about tickets, but I'm sure he'd understand the issue. Though perhaps I'm being unfair to the team looking into this and they already know this is the cause? Or perhaps I've misunderstood something (wouldn't be the first time! 😀)?

  3. Yeah, most likely it's thanks to Elon Musk. It used to be free to use the Twitter API in the way FMM was, but Twitter changed that a couple of months ago. There is a hobbyist level that only costs USD$100 per month, but it has a limit of 50,000 tweets per month, which may not be enough for FMM. And it has a limit of 2 apps, so that may be FM and FM Touch and leave FMM out of luck? After that, prices start at USD$42,000 per month... 

    It could be something else, but most likely due to this. 

  4. I think that'll be because the game is notoriously slow at improving the clubs reputation/board's generosity with promotions etc, until you win something big (like UCL). Making the final doesn't seem to count much. And for small clubs you may need to win a bit to level up to get your board to relax the purse strings. So because of that, while the club has got a lot of money, the board isn't giving it to you. I think the thing that really needs to be fixed here is the small clubs easing up on budgets etc once they get promoted etc,

    Anyway, the beauty of the rich benefactor unlockable is that if you go to Settings > Unlockables you can turn it off. And then turn it back on again. And then turn it off and then back on again... Each time it's turned back on, the even will happen again and there will be investment in the club and eventually enough will make it through to you that you'll have enough. Doesn't mean they shouldn't fix the problem properly, but does give you a workaround for now.

  5. That's because you are using the OME (Original Match Engine) instead of the EME (Enhanced Match Engine).

    The OME is old and doesn't work with a lot of the newer features like the EME does, including team talks. And most of the tactics you find shared online (here, Vibe, Discord, YouTube) are for the EME and won't work the same with the OME.

    The good news: I think your phone should be able to run the EME just fine (only really old phones will struggle with it) and you can change to it in the Settings on the main screen (before you load the save).

    The bad news: You can't change match engines once you have started the save. If you started a save with the OME, that save will always use the OME. You have to change the setting and start a new save if you want to swap.

  6. That looks right to me. He's played 8 games for you in total. Of those, 6 have been in the league and 2 have been in Europe.

    If you work out the average ratings it all matches up. 6 games at 7.66 = 45.96. 2 games at 8 = 16. That adds up to 61.96 for the 8 games. Which averages as 7.745 or 7.75 when rounded. Which is the average rating shown at the top. And the goals add up to 6 and the assists add up to 2. All matches up nicely.

  7. I had the same. Win the UCL on 31st May:



    Then on 4th June, I have two players wanting to leave so they can play in the UCL - this is one (and he started in the final):



    Steady on son! Look down, yes, that shiny thing round your neck is a UCL winners medal... Better lay off the celebrations a little. 😀

    Now, on the plus side, there is no negative message appearing on his personal page saying he needs to leave and he doesn't have the dreaded blue asterisk, so it may just an errant news article and he doesn't really want to leave?

    Anyway, I've uploaded the following (to OwnCloud): 

    • stephencronin-player-wants-ucl-after.zip
    • stephencronin-player-wants-ucl-before.zip



  8. @Desmond Richardson - I suspect it's not the keyboard itself with the issue, as you can see the name Adam make it to the FMM name field/dialog. However, that doesn't have an OK button like I get (see screenshot below), so I suspect the users are tapping the background (what else can they do?), which is the same as escaping/cancelling the field, meaning the name will be lost. So perhaps it's a resolution thing and the OK button is being cut off?


  9. On 20/07/2022 at 08:57, Marc Vaughan said:

    It's me btw who puts these weird strings in - they're only for race conditions which should NEVER occur and intended to get us save games/attention when there is an issue in the game which we might otherwise not become aware of.

    In the instance you describe here the person has an invalid job set - this means that the game doesn't know what data is valid for him and how it should behave, thus your indication that it should just say 'coach' would be confusing if the person in question was say a 'physio' and all the game can do at this point is guess.

    The way it works is the game repairs itself when this occurs but display the string in the hope that someone reports it so we can figure out what is happening and ensure its properly fixed (as I would prefer bugs not to be present in the game). 

    A bit slow to respond sorry, but thanks for the thorough explanation Marc.

  10. Did you use the Holiday feature at all? If so, did you make sure the "Do not offer any players new contracts" option was turned on? I believe that's not on by default, so if you holidayed at all, the game may have renewed them for you. 

     That's the only explanation I can think of apart from straight up bug (which it could be of course).

  11. 8 hours ago, Alari Naylor said:

    What we would ideally want to do is to identify and fix the error condition that would cause the failsafe string to display, rather than hide the error by changing the string. An error of this sort has the potential to cause instability further into a savegame, so an error message that would motivate someone to report the issue is the idea here. We could potentially reword it into something else that would still be reportable but less weird.

    Sorry, I was a little frustrated with my last message! I normally try not to be one of those users, but just couldn't understand it - so thanks for explaining it. 

  12. 4 minutes ago, Ewan Aiton said:

    Hello @StephenCronin. Thanks for bringing this to our attention. Unfortunately without a save game where the message is occurring we cannot investigate the issue any further at this time. If anyone does encounter this message in the future please let us know and send us a save file and we can look into it further.

    @Ewan Aiton I'm a bit lost for words to be honest. You don't need a save file to fix the string in the language file. Even if it is just a fail safe as @Alari Naylor pointed out, leaving it as children's entertainer instead of changing it to coach (which it clearly should be) seems... Well I don't have a polite term for it. Maybe "lazy" is the nicest word. Or "asking for trouble".

    Unless it's an Easter egg or an in joke for the development team? Maybe I could understand that! 

    But taking it at face value, it does make me regret taking the time to search through the obb file to find where in the installation files the term came from. I thought pointing you to the exact file and location that needed to be fixed was being helpful, but I guess it was a waste of time...

  13. You have to make a change to the tactic and it will reappear. It won't appear if it thinks there are no changes.

    Note: There is a bug where sometimes it disappears when you HAVE made changes but not saved it right away (ie it thinks there have been no changes when there have been). The workaround to this is to change something else (ie a role for one of the players), save the tactic, reverse the change and save it again.

  14. If you go to Team in the menu, then Staff, you'll see your current staff members. Then if you have a spare slot for a coach (sounds like you will), there is a button to place an advertisement for the position, or alternatively you can go Search Staff to find someone. Once you have someone you want to offer the job to, you click on them and choose Offer Job,

  15. 8 hours ago, Alari Naylor said:

    There is code to display coach-related strings here so it's going to be something other than the string being wrong, this string is present as a fail-safe in the case of a serious error condition. A save would be needed to track this down really.

    Ah, okay, thanks... As I said though, it didn't happen for me, it was someone else and I'm not even sure who. And it was 5 weeks ago, so the chances of getting a save for this are pretty much nil...

    I'd still argue that the fallback string should be coach and not children's entertainer. Or you could go the other way and change assistant manager to head babysitter! :D 

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