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Issue Comments posted by StephenCronin

  1. On 24/11/2021 at 05:33, A J said:

    Match fitness is nothing to do with physical fitness (condition in this case) 

    A player only plays once they have physical fitness but match fitness is all about the mental side and the conditioning for playing 90mins 

    The description says he is extremely unfit so he can’t be match fit. 

    Actually I'm 99% sure @passenger58 is correct and that option is referring to Condition not Match Fitness. I believe once a player's condition drops below 95% it becomes enabled. 

    I totally get why you think it's about the Medical Centre assessment, but the Move To Reserves -> Until Match Fit option has been in the game for several years and has always been about Condition. The Medical Centre is new this year and it looks like SI Games have accidentally introduced conflicting terminology. 

    @Ewan Aiton - I'm just a humble punter, but I don't think you need a save file for this. Most likely you need to either rename the old "Until Match Fit" option to reflect that it's about Condition rather than the new concept of match fitness that was introduced with the Medical Centre this year, or maybe change the way it works so that it actually does use match fitness (though I'm guessing that's a bigger change and likely a longer term thing).

  2. So... I'm not 100% sure yet, but this is what I've found: It seems no one will offer to loan your players when they are in the Second team. Promote them to you First team and then offer them out for loan and teams will make offers for them. 

    There are two systems in the game: The Reserves system and the B Team/Second Team system. Reserves work great and have done for several years. The B Team/Second Team system is full of flaws and although SI Games fixed a bunch of issues last year, they didn't fix some of the issues and I think this one might actually have gotten worse.

    I'm almost at the point of suggesting we start a Kickstarter to pay SI Games to do a line by line code comparison of the two systems and bring the B/Team system up to parity with the Reserve Team system. 😜

  3. 14 hours ago, James Akintayo said:

    This is a known issue that the dev team are aware of and something they will continue to tweak when possible.

    I think the OP was asking for the score to not be updated until after the VAR decision has been reached. In the current implementation you know what VAR will decide in advance, based on whether the score changes or not.

    I thought it worth calling that out as "dev team will continue tweaking" sound more like tweaking the VAR decisions themselves vs a singular change in the flow of how the decision is presented. Apologies if that's what you meant though.

  4. 13 hours ago, MatiasDFS said:

    last year we were able to delete scout reports and keep what we want on the page, but this year i cant find the option, am i missing it or its just gone?

    Hey mate, You'll probably see this on Vibe anyway, but is this what you're looking for (from MikeF over there): 


    "Click on any scout. Then assignments. Then the bin."

  5. 13 hours ago, MatiasDFS said:

    last year we were able to delete scout reports and keep what we want on the page, but this year i cant find the option, am i missing it or its just gone?

    Hey mate, You'll probably see this on Vibe anyway, but is this what you're looking for (from MikeF over there): 


    "Click on any scout. Then assignments. Then the bin."

  6. @Nin Marady and @A J - That player stats sections is for the competition of the next game you're playing. So in the egs above, it's the player stats for the FA Cup. It's not the player stats for the whole season. I agree that could make that more clear. Confused me for a bit too.

    Also, I really miss the whole season stats section on the home page. I used to use that a lot and am really sad it's gone. There are quite a few little things that have changed that make my 'workflow' more inefficient in 22.

  7. 1 hour ago, specialwho said:

    Im on third season and still a same thing :(

    As @Ste23doyle said, the 5 subs rule is a temporary rule (due to Covid). So you get 5 subs in the first season, then it goes back to 3 which is the normal rule. It will stay as 3 for the rest of the save, it's only 5 in the first season. It's a pain to lost the extra subs, but that's the real life rules.

    Of course I'm speaking generally and each league has their own rules. If you know that the game doesn't match the real life rules for the league you're playing, then better provide some more details about that so SI Games can look into it.

  8. I went and found where I raised it last year and it says it was logged with the dev team. I felt it was fixed, but I'm not sure it was, so maybe I was wrong, but it was at least raised last year. 

    I raised quite lot of B Team issues last year and some of them did get fixed, which was great, but I really really wish they were the same as Reserves in all aspects apart from the few that need to be different.

  9. I can't read Italian either - the actual wording is very important, so what is the literal translation? I wouldn't expect the Italian equivalents of "perfect match" or "ideal" for this relationship, but maybe a "can help him improve" relationship can exist here. 

  10. +1 on this.

    I know Marc has said this was somewhat intentional in a forum thread, but it's very frustrating and cause me to stop and try to work out which positions are which. This is actually introducing cognitive load rather than reducing it.

  11. I haven't had time to try the open beta yet, but I found that putting the home screen into landscape mode before opening FMM fixed the problem without needing to restart the phone.

    You don't need to keep it in landscape mode, but it needs to be in landscape mode when you open FMM. And of course FMM can't already be opened, you have to close it fully before you try this.

  12. 14 minutes ago, Alari Naylor said:


    Can you try changing the screen resolution to FHD please if you have that option available and let us know if that solves it for now? We are working on a proper fix for ASAP.


    Mine was already set to FHD+. I tried HD+ (almost a blank screen) and WQHD+ (same as FHD+)  and then set it back to FHD+ and no cigar. I reloaded the skin each time but didn't restart.

  13. @Alari Naylor - Yeah, I just found the same thing. What I did above fixed it, until I closed the game (properly) and then when it restarted, it was all stretchy again.

    I can fix it by reloading the skin and restarting the phone (at least that worked a couple of times now). It seems the full screen setting has nothing to do with it and I didn't see anything in Game Booster that seemed to make a difference. Reloading the skin by itself doesn't change anything, you need to restart the phone as well. And then that only works until the next time the app closes.

    By closing the app, I mean the swipe away close, not just backing out of it (which normally leaves it open in the background, in which case the display remains fine). I was closing the app properly so that it would recognise the existence of an FMM21 tactic file - seems to work, but then of course the display is messed up.

    Summary: By default the display on an S20+ is stretchy. It seems it can be fixed by reloading skin and restarting the phone, but it only lasts until the app is properly closed.


  14. 21 minutes ago, Alari Naylor said:

    Not what we want to see - do you have Game Booster Plus installed at all (can be found in Game Plugins from the Galaxy Store). There's a number of settings there that can be tweaked in further detail that might help solve while we track it down.

    Just got out of a meeting and I managed to solve it.

    I went to the Display > Full Screen Apps in the Android settings and turned FMM22 on (I had that on for earlier versions too). That didn't change anything, so then I reloaded the skin in the FMM22 User Interface settings and restarted the phone. When it restarted I got the expected display.

    I'm not sure if the fix was actually setting it to a full screen app or whether it was just the reloading the skin and restarting part that did the trick. But anyway, my issue has been resolved and hopefully that might help others if they run into it.


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