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Issue Comments posted by patpul

  1. Sorry, I was travelling to Saudi Arabia last few days, haven't time to answer ;)

    On 18/11/2022 at 06:02, myfunnygame said:

    something similar, but I don't know what to call it, maybe @patpul  would have an offer

    knock out play off round - eliminacyjna runda playoff?

    I think your idea is good. Maybe it wille sound better if we swap: runda eliminacyjna playoff?

  2. 21 hours ago, Zachary Whyte said:

    Could you please send us your save file from before this news item generated, thank you. 

    Uploaded save the game before this news. Name: Badalona-Futur-record-points.fm

    And the other issue related to points record is the timeline. It's in this save, but also displays in season summary. On timeline there is written, that I finished with new league and club points record. I know, that I beat it during the season, but finished not with 36, but much more points. And ofcourse it cannot be the league record, because I didn't won it as you see below. During the season, as I was close to beat the club record, there was also generated news, that I can beat the league record, but I wasn't ever on the first place. So I could't beat it.


  3. On 26/12/2021 at 17:16, Abdullah Patel said:

    Please can we get a save from just before the issue occurs? 


    As I wrote in my opening post, the oldest save I have is about 2-3 month after they accepted my contracts. I realized that something is wrong when they haven't joined my team after the transfer window was opened. So I can provide save from April  (in the game) I think.

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