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Everything posted by patpul

  1. I reached the ptomotion in play-offs due been seeded (draw after extra time). But when I went to team talk after the match, the most options were as won't win the promotion (like "It was so close, but you've dissapionted). Uploaded save just before play-off final: Badalona Futur team talk.fm
  2. Uploaded save the game before this news. Name: Badalona-Futur-record-points.fm And the other issue related to points record is the timeline. It's in this save, but also displays in season summary. On timeline there is written, that I finished with new league and club points record. I know, that I beat it during the season, but finished not with 36, but much more points. And ofcourse it cannot be the league record, because I didn't won it as you see below. During the season, as I was close to beat the club record, there was also generated news, that I can beat the league record, but I wasn't ever on the first place. So I could't beat it.
  3. The sentence is duplicated. Same in Polish or English translation, so I think it can be in all languages.
  4. @myfunnygame And maybe this third option could be not 'sezon po następnym sezonie', but shorter - just 'po następnym sezonie'? (I still think, that 'sezon za dwa lata' is the best proposition, but I'm not so sure than over hour ago :P)
  5. I think that 'Bieżący sezon', 'następny sezon', 'sezon za dwa lata' (editorial rule in Polish is to write digits - 0-9 - in words ) would be better. IMO 'sezon po następnym sezonie' doesn't sound so well.
  6. @myfunnygame I think proposed changes are quite cool, I like them There is - lets say - more humanity, not so mechanically (locked/unlocked). I'm in favor of such change ("Do zdobycia", "Zdobyte").
  7. Pre match press conference. I've been asked about the new manager of UD Alzira, my next opponent. In summary article in Polish translation there is incorrect team name - should be UD Alzira (as in English translation - there is ok). I'm managing Badalona Futur.
  8. I think, it's 3rd year in the row, that I'm writtin about it. In polish there shoudn't be capital letters in this sentence (apart from first, opening word) "Rozmowa Z Zarządem". It should be: "Rozmowa z zarządem".
  9. Same here - chairmans message after signing the contract. And Team Strategy screen after signing contract.
  10. New features usually aren't translated in Beta.
  11. Hi, little OT. Can you connect your FM23 beta to FMFC acoount or it will be possible aftet full release? I i use the same e-mail and pass as via web, but can't login into FM.
  12. You have it in game world - Twitter, match shortcuts, media info. You can get info from these. So, IRL manager put into Goole or Bing - need fast poacher or strong ball playing defender? :D:D:D
  13. I didn't notice it, but maybe didn't looking this FM22 was the first in last many years, that I won promotion two tiers up. (I play HC mode, so don't use search player - just scouting, I'm sunday league player, no licence at the start etc.). I begun in Spanish 5th tier, in eight years was promoted to 3rd, relegated to 4th after one season and after another two promoted - just a few minutes after beta was released - once again to the 3rd. But it was first time in many years - much often my teams were relegated. So I can't say it's too easy. But I understand, that there is a few players, who need more challenging game. So - fight for it Greets
  14. Maybe it's something like stockholm syndrome? Moaning that the game was to too easy in the past, but preorder the newest version. For me it's not too easy, and I play for 25 years - from CM97/98. I have in this game everyting to make it harder. Even don't have to use any add-ons made by other players. I.e. if I want, I can use search player option, but don't have to. I can let to make everything to my DoF - so he will be buying any selling players to and from my team, I can be former football star and get the highest manager licence, but don't have to. There is so many opion to choose, so many ways to play this game and make it more challenging, that just depends on every single person, what will choose. IMO there is no need to introduce difficulty levels. Finally - I don't have to buy the game before it is released, especially if I was disappointed before. I can wait for opinion of other players or check demo.
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