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27 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. What an effort, amazing! I feel your pain, I've tried on numerous occasions to build a retro skin on modern FM's and I appreciate how hard it is. The fact you did this much on a version of FM some 17 years later is amazing.. also don't be afraid to release. We're not talking about modern day panel/graphic rip offs. We're talking about an official generation at once upon a time.
  2. That's good to hear! Also good news to hear about you, definitely seems more than deserved.. top guy
  3. That worked, thank you so much It's been more than a few years since I've been on here.. so I don't recognise you (I remember Mike < Murray and Blues) but I really appreciate the help. Thanks!
  4. Thanks, that worked for the inner graphic, but that sidebar color is still the same.. Do you know which file to edit for the sidebar to get it colored like the others? Like below, Blackpool is colored inside but not on the sidebar, unlike the other teams.
  5. Only just seen this, and ok thanks
  6. Just wondering if it's just me.. can anybody else using the tato23 skin check teams such as Wolves/Blackpool and let me know if the color is blank too? Just want to see if it's my own individual problem or if it's a widespread problem.
  7. Removed the transparency from those lines, it definitely changed something. But unfortunately it didn't change the color for teams like Blackpool, they seem to be some sort of default green color now.
  8. Ah ok, and it's this skin.. tato23. I haven't changed anything, apart from the squad view (which is just customizing the current view)
  9. I can't tell if it's black or just blank like Blackpool. I don't think it's set to secondary because teams like Man Utd/City, Aston Villa have there primary color.
  10. Does anybody know why the title/sidebar club background color doesn't work for some clubs? Teams like Blackpool, Wolves, Hull etc.. it just doesn't seem to color at all. Then teams that play in White (Fulham, Derby etc) it seems to turn the color black? It works fine for teams that play in Red/Blue/Claret/Green etc.. but not the yellow-ish and white teams.
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